UE3 - UDK Referencing animation nodes within Unrealscript help

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New Member
Dec 13, 2011
There is animtree

I have been trying to Referenced animation nodes within Unrealscript by this UDN tutorial


head (Referencing animation nodes within Unrealscript)

There is my out of action script :
 * A custom blend list node that saves the index of the last active child before setting it.
 * This allows us to easily blend back to the last index when changing actions.
 * @author Matt Stafford

class ATAnimNodeBlendList extends AnimNodeBlendList;

var Name ATAnimNodeBlendList;
var AnimNodeBlendList f;
var array<AnimNodeBlendList> AllAnimNodeBlendLists;

 * Called after initializing the AnimTree for the given SkeletalMeshComponent that has this Actor as its Owner
 * this is a good place to cache references to skeletal controllers, etc that the Actor modifies
event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp)
  local AnimNodeBlendList IdleNode01, DirectionalNode02;

  if (SkelComp == None)

  if (ATAnimNodeBlendList != '' && ATAnimNodeBlendList != 'None')
    // Search for the animation node blend list by name.
    f = AnimNodeBlendList(SkelComp.FindAnimNode(ATAnimNodeBlendList));
    if (f == None)
      `Warn("AnimNodeBlendList is none.");
    // Search for all animation node blend lists by class.
    ForEach SkelComp.AllAnimNodes(class'f', IdleNode01, DirectionalNode02)
      AllAnimNodeBlendLists.AddItem(IdleNode01, DirectionalNode02);

Warning - ~\UDK-2011-09\Development\Src\EternalCrisis\Classes\ATAnimNodeBlendList.uc<39> : Warning, Unresolved reference to Class `f`

Failure - ~\UDK-2011-09\Development\Src\EternalCrisis\Classes\ATAnimNodeBlendList.uc<39> : Error, Call to `AllAnimNodes`, parameter 2: Type mismatch in Out variable

I just only copied script from UDN tutorial and tryed to fill.
I am a begginer, so its my first attempt and I have used Wraith´s tutorial assets.

I would like to ask what is wrong, maybe I figure out......
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