Keep it Clean

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3-time World Champion Bowler
Oct 22, 2004
Portland, OR
I'm so bitter toward the Bush Administration. I really fukn hate their double standards. Why doesn't his two sexy little sluts join the Marines. I would love to f1nger-bang the skinny one's pooper. I saw her in a red dress on some site and she was doing it for me. Actually, I touched myself while thinking about her a couple of times. I bet the big one's feet stink. Ya know what I mean? Big girls tend to have stinky feet. The same goes for red heads. I used to bang this redhead, Ann, her feet always stank. She wasn't a dirty chick either. Just something about redheads, hot or not, the have BO.


Tent Pitcher
Sep 14, 2004
[UMC]Boron said:
There is always CS:S for you idiots. (Ping, Pipe Dream)

...and there is always suicide for worthless lumps of sh!t like yourself :D
...not to mention the fact that you are from Minnesota, that is enough for anyone to commit suicide. :lol:

I value your opinion/comments as much as I value the sh!t that comes out of my ass, just a FYI. ;)
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Lookin' down the iron-sights...
Aug 9, 2004
Brisbane, Australia
Guess what, unlike you, I never claimed to be skilled at INF or any other game for the simple fact that I play for fun and to interact with others who are just there to have fun. I admit that I am fairly low skilled at INF and always will be because I don't have time nor motivation to become skilled at this game or any other for that matter.

You are the greatest You should come and wreak havoc in game more often, you are an enormous asset

Regardless if it was a joke, that's still gonna be looked on badly by other members of the community.
Oh, yeah and did i forget to mention your hypocracy?

Ping/-\ said:
I I'm sure most disagree with me...

Then shut up, and let it be.

and pipe - #22 - WTF?

My 2 cents.

It'll work, just not the right way.
Sep 18, 2005
Um. I'd just like to mention, I never bitched about anything until your attitude towards me eventually struck retaliation. I got sick of your comments on how supposedly worthless I was. I was just trying to have a friendly game with Steve and Cabbage (who ended up dropping early). I was even using a bloody Mk23, where I usually am behind a Giat. Dude, you keep pushing people, they'll eventually start to push back. Deal with it. That whole thing was ridiculous. I never talk about how "godly skilled" (or whatever the hell you accused me of) I supposedly am. You want godly skill, you watch Eternity on his good days. I love the guy, but he's painfully good sometimes. I KNOW I'm not the best. I'm far from it. I talk about skill I'd like to demonstrate. Sorry you fail to see that.

But this whole thread applies to everyone. I'd like to see a lot less personal trashtalk. I don't give a damn if you say "Eat it!" or whatever if you totally popped some guy with a cooked nade, but when it deteriorates the gameplay, it's too much.
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Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Ping, there is a reason Pipe_Dream is banned on most servers. If your attitude in-game is anything like the attitude you have shown here, then I wouldn't be surprised if you joined him. If you aren't capable of having meaningful discussions and have to resort to unbased personal insults, then neither these forums nor the Inf servers are the place for you.
[UMC]Boron said:
There is always CS:S


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
Ah, someone crashed into the magical focus. The same thing happened a few years back. Back then, before it happened the focus pointet at Inf:OT, then at some deserted website and now it points at Inf:General. That's all realy.


Tent Pitcher
Sep 14, 2004
Burger said:
Regardless if it was a joke, that's still gonna be looked on badly by other members of the community.
Oh, yeah and did i forget to mention your hypocracy?

Then shut up, and let it be.

and pipe - #22 - WTF?

My 2 cents.

I don't know what, if anything, pipe has done for I don't read all the bs that goes on between you all, so however you take my comment is your own doing.

As far as "shut up let it be goes", this isn't a communist run forum last time I checked, so I can express myself freely. If you don't like what I say, tough sh!t, deal with it and make a worthwhile reply instead of something so worthless as that.


Tent Pitcher
Sep 14, 2004
1 said:
Um. I'd just like to mention, I never bitched about anything until your attitude towards me eventually struck retaliation. I got sick of your comments on how supposedly worthless I was.

Funny because I have yipyip as a witness that I just came in game as I always did and played without saying anything offensive untill you started bitching and moaning about how I play and what weapons I use. Alas, you always leave out the whole situation and try to make yourself look innocent. I never say anything to you untill you start bitching like you always do in game.


Tent Pitcher
Sep 14, 2004
Crowze said:
Ping, there is a reason Pipe_Dream is banned on most servers. If your attitude in-game is anything like the attitude you have shown here, then I wouldn't be surprised if you joined him. If you aren't capable of having meaningful discussions and have to resort to unbased personal insults, then neither these forums nor the Inf servers are the place for you.

Obviously you do not play online with me often, because those who have played with me often know that I rarely if ever say anything besides "gg", regular commands, and the occasional binded taunt. You wouldn't be surprised if I joined pipe in what? Please make sense here or be more specific. If you have to discredit my posts or anyone elses for that matter on any topic just because you don't like what's being said, when they are based on fact, then I don't think the forums, INF servers, or the real world for that matter are the place for you. Have a nice day ;)


Feb 16, 2001
Visit site
Oviously he means if you had this attitude on a pub, you could join pipe in a ban from a server.

I think you've made your point here. Kitty also made her point. For what it's worth, where two are argueing, two have blame. So i don't think kitty is totally clean here neither. I've played games with ping online and never had a problem with him iirc.

But ping you could have held back some of the 'loudness' in your posts. Not that you have no right to speak however you wish, but it can acomplish more that way.

And kitty, you don't have to come and post about general mentality in-game the moment you've had one bad experience.

my final 2 eurocents.
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Jan 11, 2001
Thank god i only play dtas, this way my vision of the Inf community is still pure and untouched. :D

It'll work, just not the right way.
Sep 18, 2005
This isn't just about one night. This is about several incidents, with different people, and different targets.

Ironically, Ping/-\ forgets to mention that his attacks on particularly me have been going on for quite some time, and doesn't seem to realize that he's provoked every single harsh word for me. Your TKing incidents haven't helped, either, Mr. Innocent.

But like Crowze mentioned earlier, this whole thing wasn't pointing a single finger. I didn't want to bring it down to that. We've had enough of it with Duke and Pipe, etc. But looks like some people would rather just play the victim. The fact this has gone beyond just a "keep it clean" public service announcement makes me think the issue is actually HARD for some people. I know this whole thing about "having a life" has come up a couple times. Does your life really suck that much that you have to make something so simple THAT difficult? I make these posts because I want to see INF keep going and if it means everyone being told they need to watch their attitudes, or WHATEVER, someone needs to do it.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
Visit site said:
Um. I'd just like to mention, I never bitched about anything until your attitude towards me eventually struck retaliation.

Haha... so you aren't the one who was constantly complaining here and in game about all those "whore" gun users in the past, about people (who happen to run servers) who have the complete wrong attitude or gameplay for INF? Guess that must have been or :rolleyes: said:
I never talk about how "godly skilled" (or whatever the hell you accused me of) I supposedly am.

And you aren't the one who's constantly posting "GOOD JOB TEAM" when it's hard to interprete any different than congratulating yourself?


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Man this thread kicks ass. I finally got my comp up and running, and alls I need to do is straighten out my net connection. You are all ****ed. You think HE cheated and talks ****? Wait till you meet me in game sweetheart. Then you will know assholiness/noobness to the max. Thou art warned. Mwuhahahah NTKB returneth soon!

Edit: Damnit! UT99 CD is bad. Need to order a new one from Ebay. Ye are spared 1 more week.
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