WMDs in 45 Minutes or Your Money Back - Blair Lied & I Want My Money Back

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Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
DarkBls said:
I though bestiality was forbidden in your country ? o_O

OH SNAP! :lol:

This thread was worth it just for that. Way to go, Balls :D

EDIT: The irony is that if this was said 12 months ago, you'd have to ban yourself.

EDIT 2: I should make a valid contribution.

It seems typical that when an American bushite is presented with something that might hint at their war being invalidated in terms of evidence, they automatically revert to "Blame the French" mode. I hate France. I hate 99.9999999% of all the French people I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to. That doesn't mean them thinking that Bush is stupid and wrong is bad. I respect anybody, even the French, for having the balls to stand up and say no.

You can't trump "The 45 minute claim wasn't true" with "France got bribed lol cowards." Sorry, try again. May I suggest trying to invalidate the article on the merits of what it presents, instead of trying to divert the course of the subject to an easy target like the Frogs. Then again, I wonder if you can.
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Jan 10, 2002
I do belive that the French are corrupted, but I wouldn't think that they are any more corrupted than US or UK politicians. The difference is that in UK and US bribe is payed by big corporations, while French take it from small theifs. In this case we know that Halliburtion has close connections with Dick Cheney so that was who bribed him and Bush into going into Iraq and privatizing (read stealing) the Iraqi oil.


Apr 10, 2001
Edmonton, Canada
SaraP said:
Probably so. As a general rule, all politicians are corrupt, greedy and above all power-hungry; you just vote for the ones whose sinister hidden agendas are the closest to your own.

For someone who touts the second ammendment, an ammendment originally designed to help keep the power of government in check, you sure do seem complacent for corrupt leaders in power.

I don't know about you, but supporting a man whose entire success on the political spectrum throughout his presidency is based on the death of 3500 people, a man who has used that event as a method of carrying out a neo-conservative agenda while trampling individual rights to carry out his goal (He wanted to invade Iraq from the beginning, and the Patriot Act is what most people who aren't stupid like to call a TRAVESTY), a man who has basically neutered the reputation of the EPA, a man whose tax breaks have done nothing to help the economy, a man whose spending broke records on deficits, and a man who has alienated every major ally the USA has had over the past 50 years, you support his greed and corruption? I just wanted to be sure.

Oh, as for the original post, what about Hutton's report? Did anyone else think that is the biggest load of crock ever? Do any of the Brits here actually believe it? Frankly, my opinion of the BBC is as high as ever. Did Blair actually think the way he went about things WOULDN'T put Kelly's name in the limelight? He is as responsible for the man's death as anyone, and the fact that the entire dossier was sexed up and yet Hutton totally denies that it was? What the is that all about eh? Do the brits on the board actually buy that the BBC was responsible? I just hope that because they are a public broadcaster that the government doesn't attempt to reign them in. The CBC has aired reports critical of the government before (although the CBC is a fairly liberal network... probably the most liberal in North America, and the current ruling party is liberal...) and have gotten **** over it but they always ran the course.


Jan 10, 2002
Hutton's report is a pure bs. There is a document that confirms that the goverment (Blair) pressured MI6 when MI6 doubted the intelligence, same as in USA. Now both Bush and Blair are blaming CIA and MI6 even thogh THEY pressured them into making such reports. Still BBC caved in for the pressure and appologized. I lost all respect for BBC. FoxNews is enjoying it, whatta surprise...


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
masamax said:
For someone who touts the second ammendment, an ammendment originally designed to help keep the power of government in check, you sure do seem complacent for corrupt leaders in power.

I don't like it one bit, but the facts are that we see an honest politician once in a blue moon. The rest of the time, we have to settle for putting the least bad slimo into office.


First Poster of new INF forums
Jan 14, 2000
Taiwan, now in UC Berkeley


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
That's a fantastic post, Dracil.

Never before has such a magnificent argument been put forward. You should run for government.

P.S Fuck off.


First Poster of new INF forums
Jan 14, 2000
Taiwan, now in UC Berkeley
jaunty said:
That's a fantastic post, Dracil.

Never before has such a magnificent argument been put forward. You should run for government.

P.S Fuck off.
My my, such hostility. :lol: This thread really IS entertaining. :D
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