UE2 - UT2kX Bulldog Replacer Mutator/Vehicle.

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Caffienated Haemoglobin
Apr 6, 2002
Daaamn. That looks like one badass cannon. Wouldnt want to be staring at the wrong end of that barrel


In the meantime - while I'm working on rigging/animating/skinning the new one, here's Beta 0_10:

[download now]http://www.c8h10n4o2.co.uk/ut/Bulldog_beta_0_10.ziphttp://www.c8h10n4o2.co.uk/ut/Bulldog_beta_0_10.zip

Fixed up sounds, weapon rotation, passenger position, and more uvw mapping /tweaks.

Not added the new weapon mesh yet, I'm still deliberating on what kind of weapon to actually make , but the existing one now works ( is simply the hellbender side-gun atm). :)

Here's a shot of the weapon placed on the vehicle - just to get an idea of scale.

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Old fart on top the mountain.....
If you know about the "Arkon 2004 Weapons Mod", do you think you could incorperate aspects from the missile launcher, like a fast dumb-fire missile primary fire, and a guidence laser for alt-fire?

Well the code for that could be replicated by partly looking at the redeemer code for the standard firing ratio and then of course the alt-fire where you actually get to guide where the puppy lands and who it lands on. Hehehe

Hmmm, the turrent still looks bigger than it should be if we're going for a missle launching tube type turrent. Looks nice, just still a bit out of scale. But that's just my opinion.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Damn that looks AWESOME! Nice job man!

BTW if you do use the missile-launcher idea, i think the cannon is a pretty good size; that Arkon missile is BIG too...otherwise there's always DrawScale! :)

Can't wait for the final release! Keep up the good work.


1. Whats with the cubes in the cabin and between the turret barrels?
2. Cut speed to about 85% for balance.
3. Give teh big gunz (main turret) to driver for big things, and support/suppressive small side turret for passenger to cover the driver against small stuff while he fights big stuff, perhaps?
4. Increase health to [650]...
5. Fix front headlights (can't see coronas).
6. Add an exhaust pipe, perhaps? (Even if it doesn't emit anything... at least some sembalance of a pipe)
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Currently trying to mend my mind, etc.
Jul 8, 2005
Hey that's a nice update. It fixed a number of things that I was about to mention. Thanks for adding a passenger seat to the vehicle. I think there would be useful to make this one a multi-person vehicle. Thanks for including my sounds. I could make some for the weapons, the horn and bullet impacts if you want. Also noticed you've added some of your own. Good job.

The sounds do seem rather quiet. I've got an idea that's based on my work in making voice packs, and that is adjusting the TransientSoundVolume variable. Open the Default Properties of your package and open up the Sound property. Change the value of TransientSoundVolume from 0.3 to 1.0 or perhaps slightly less if that makes it too loud. If necessry, I could go and boost the volume of the sound files again for you.

EDIT: That turret looks good, too. Does it have exhaust ports for the launchers? If so, then might I consider adding some kind of backblast effect for when the turret fires its missiles. Thanks also for modeling the interior of the vehicle.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Link fixed by above post

Huge discovery made!!!!

1. Turn SuperHighDetailActors to =True in the [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] part of your UT2004.ini to get corona/projector headlights!

2. Bulldogs made by the Bulldog mutator DO NOT HAVE the corona/projector headlights, while ones already in the map do... odd! Try this out J6; Use the Mutator in ur map,and compare the normal ones, and the one where the H.Bender spawns!

3. When a Bulldog respawns, it loses the awesome headlights...

J6, Could you look into some kind of way to, like, force SuperHighDetailActors on the Bulldog?

Edit (good god i do this too much =) )- Could anyone with UT2k3 send me the original vehicledemo.ut2 file (map) plz? I know the BDog in it won't work, i want it to test the J6 Edition BullDog.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2009

Firstly, plz don't slam me for doubleposting- this deserves its own thingy.

BREAKING NEWS: I may have uncovered the secret to the inertia cam on the original BullDog; a snippet of code from KVehicle! :D:D:D

// Special calc-view for vehicles
simulated function bool SpecialCalcView(out actor ViewActor, out vector CameraLocation, out rotator CameraRotation )
	local vector CamLookAt, HitLocation, HitNormal;
	local PlayerController pc;
	local int i, averageOver;

	pc = PlayerController(Controller);

	// Only do this mode we have a playercontroller viewing this vehicle
	if(pc == None || pc.ViewTarget != self)
		return false;

	ViewActor = self;
	CamLookAt = Location + (vect(-100, 0, 100) >> Rotation);

	// Smooth lookat position over a few frames.
	CameraHistory[NextHistorySlot] = CamLookAt;

		averageOver = NextHistorySlot;
		averageOver = FilterFrames;

	CamLookAt = vect(0, 0, 0);
	for(i=0; i<averageOver; i++)
		CamLookAt += CameraHistory[i];

	CamLookAt /= float(averageOver);

	if(NextHistorySlot == FilterFrames)
		NextHistorySlot = 0;

	CameraLocation = CamLookAt + (vect(-600, 0, 0) >> CameraRotation);

	if( Trace( HitLocation, HitNormal, CameraLocation, CamLookAt, false, vect(10, 10, 10) ) != None )
		CameraLocation = HitLocation;

	return true;


Caffienated Haemoglobin
Apr 6, 2002
I Wouldn't mind a copy of the vehicle demo map either if anyone has it. It'd be great to ship it with the final package as a homage to UT2003. :D

LoPar - I'll try adding the property - right now I'm not sure if all the sounds are produced from the actor itself or emitted/attached - the stop/start sounds work great, but the ambient 'idle' sound when driving is significantly quieted, even though I've compressed/normalised it to be pretty much -0.1 >> 0dB - as loud or slightly louder than what I can see from the exported default idle sounds.

One thing also to bear in mind is that UT2004 appears to only accept/play mono format sound - so stereo sounds, while they import, do not play. Took me a while to clock that one.

The turret does have exhaust ports at the pack, so it could definitely shoot out some smoke when the rockets fire. :D

I've been playing with animation in max - I reckon I could animate the fins of the exhaust port to move/swing open when fired.

Something I've also been thinking about is using the recoil code from the SPMA to give a little throwback when the rockets fire.

Quantum - I'd been thinking about the inertia cam - If I can get it working I will - Like the idea of it, especially the camera drifting a bit when you crash. :D

The corona issue is something with the engine in general and not specifically related to the bulldog, as it appears to happen on other vehicles too. The only remedy would be to make the corona a mesh instead, but this wouldn't scale - so would look odd compared to other vehicles.

Here's an example in a match where one possessed bulldog and has corona (player possessed ) and the other doesn't (bot possessed).


Also you can see the hellbender brake/reverse light corona glitch where they don't attach properly to the vehicle and stay at the spawn point, permanently on.


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
On vehicledemo.ut2- Thanks... I wouldn't be suprised if you'll be the ONLY source of vehicledemo for UT2004 :)

On the turret 'vents'- Good idea!

On the turret kickback- I think that would be a little overdoing it; the Bulldog looks HEAVY, and it's not like its chucking 500-pound shells, just little [insert final projectile here].

On the sounds- Yeah, bump em up a bit, probably to, say, 0.45; i think all the way to 1 would be blasting engine noise in ur face and drowning all other sound :lulz:

On the corona glitch- Did not know that... but I'm wondering if there is a way for you to force the coronas/projectors only on the Bulldog so I don't kill my poor computer trying to run at SuperHighDetailActors=True. :D

On the bot controlled BDogs- Rofl!

EDIT- Your shock ammo pack looks awesomez!
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New Member
Feb 20, 2009
can you possibly include the install data in the zip for those sent here by the Wiki? i know its on the forums some where, but i would never find it myself


sam k
Oct 31, 2008
this is comeing on very well congrats

try making it so before it blows up one of the wheel blowes up. so whenever you see that bulldog mesh it will remind people of your work
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Caffienated Haemoglobin
Apr 6, 2002
Tightened up steering and returned control of the rockets to the driver.

Download Beta 11 (21mb)

Right now the rockets seem to fire from within the vehicle - this will be fixed, and they'll home again, it's a bit hotch-potch on the weapon front -mostly I've been tweaking the physics on this update- let me know how it feels driving around the default maps. :)


New Member
Feb 20, 2009
cool, now i need to figure out how to make it work in game seeing as i am new to modding UT

ill edit when i have figured it out