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New Member
Mar 18, 2004
Leaving the glass in is good. I agree that removing it makes it too easy to jump out the window and run. But, I think Gecko has a good idea to make the glass obviously glass. Is there a way to tint it a little perhaps? Or, put some mesh in it (like military installation glass)? Something to help the person unfamiliar with the map know that it is glass.

I understood the purpose of the windtunnel, and I like it. I just think that it introduces something that is a bit unusual. Maybe I am being too worried about the new person getting onto it all.

The doors I am thinking about are those big divider doors inside. My first impression when I played the map the first time, as a new player was, "What is this? Is this a door? How do I open it?" I was used to seeing a hack panel on one side of the door, which tells me by its very presence and location, "This is a door. Hack it to gain entrance." But, as I recall, the hack panel is located on a stantion instead, coming up out of the floor. Correct? That is unusual. Once I figured it out, I was fine with the idea. But, it was something that was diffrerent from the norm I had gotten used to on maps like Garden, etc.

I need to go back and look that map over again with a fresh set of eyes. I am afraid I am not remembering some things correctly now.


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
...andrelax said:
spacelord, yep it's my voice! am gonna get a woman to do it for the final version though. I was considering french and german language versions if there's an interest.
Hows about just having a sexy fench lady doing the english one? ;)


Feb 24, 2004
Also, the voice over needs to be changed on how to enter vehicles and their cannons.

From the most recent changelog:

17/04 U2XMP style vehicle entering -- You now enter the vehicle or vehicle turret closest to you


Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
pistos, those doors and hack panels are stright from xmp-garden -

jago- ok, new voicees and tinted glass it is.

Eat_my_shorts- I don't KNOW any sexy french ladies!!!
...i must be spending too much time here!
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New Member
Mar 18, 2004
OK, I'm an idiot. "Sorry."

I told you I was afraid I wasn't remembering some things quite right. I think I will shut up now and sit down. :boom:
Mar 6, 2004
...andrelax said:
pistos, those doors and hack panels are stright from xmp-garden -

jago- ok, new voicees and tinted glass it is.

Eat_my_shorts- I don't KNOW any sexy french ladies!!!
...i must be spending too much time here!

What map is that?


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
andRelax: I just downloaded your beta 4 version of the map and walked through it. I had only seen the beta 2 version before. So, I take back all of the other stuff I said before and have only the following comments:

1. I like the changes you have made to the map. The door opening stuff has a better layout in this version. I don't think it is confusing at all.

2. Why is the "operation pod" (don't know the proper name) for the external cannon so far away from the cannon itself? That seems like it might be confusing. Then, to add further potential confusion, you have a teleporter closer to the external cannon which puts you on the external cannon platform. It seems that the operation pod should be relatively close to the cannon--like just on the other side of the glass.

3. I did not see an ammo station outside. Is there one? I found a health station and a shield station. It would be nice to have an ammo station out there too.

4. I am not sure what to do now about the glass. Tinting might work. Worth a try. That may not solve the initial confusion because it may just make it look overcast outside. Wire mesh in the glass might work better.


Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
pistos said:
OK, ... "Sorry."
-no problem!! thanks for commenting.
-ammo station is in the centre of the garage.... i didn't want turret spammers next to the generator.
-e.m.s., there is glass texture on the windows if you look closely, but it only really shows when looking from outside. i'll make it more obvious.
-the turretproxy is just therer to spread the map out. can change it if you all really hate it. will label teleports.

what do you think about the power? (lowlands generator outside, half a lowlands gen in each base)

killer, it's xmp-artrainer(beta4) mentioned above. ;)


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
I think the power layout you have makes sense. It is nice having the one "easy power" near the heart of the base for new players. And now that I know that the outside power is a "double", it creates strong motivation to get out there and fight for what's yours. ;)

I think for the new player, having the turretproxy near the turret makes more sense.

Labeling the teleports is a good idea.

Looks like you have thought things out pretty well overall.


Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
hmm, all you need to do is put the unzipped .ut2 file into the ut2004/utxmp/maps folder, start utxmp and use the instant action menu to run it. not sure what else could be wrong...

T-Shinzon said:
No seriously though, practically this whole thread is about that map.
yeah sorry to hijack it! it's kinda relevant (at a stretch)
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Spacelord (GER)

Apocalypse Dude
Feb 12, 2004
[DF]phalanx said:
hmm i cant find this in my UTXMP map list i have put the file in the correct place

Missing packages or 'bad static meshes*' perhaps ?

(* Dunno how to call them. Had a problem with the SM-package 'Darki Ancient' of an ut04 mappack as I used it in my map. - The map wasn't displayed in the game menu)
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Feb 2, 2004
Beta 4 of the trainer map is now available on BBF.

Sorry for the delay getting it up...wasnt aware of an update. (and Ive been too busy to look.)

BBF will host beta maps at request... Catch me on Xfire or IRC


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
Sweet! I have been wanting to give that one a go. Thanks Killinya.

btw: What happened to the BBF server? It was gone for awhile, or under a different name or something? Did it blow up?


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
Yeah I tried to play UT:XMP a couple nights ago. First I spent an hour trying to get AntiTCC NOT to boot me. Once that was fixed, it boots me for some weird thing like "SCRadar" or something like that. You realize how bad THAT looks to a WebAdmin!


Feb 2, 2004
lucky the web admin checked it out, and didnt ban u without verifying the problem (was likely a transmission error).

Also, Anti tcc does not like people who modify the default skins with a custom skin. I know its nice to see the naked girl or whatever, but there are always those less honorable that will use a local custom skin to insert a hack into the game.

BBF was having Funding problems... the server never went away...I just put my nic on it since I was paying for it all.


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
I'm not interested in seeing that kind of crap in-game. Too distracting :p.

Here's the problem: In the custom model's ".upl" file was a character entry with a name identical to an Epic one (in one of the bonus packs or whatever). You can fix this by either:

A.) Switching the name
B.) Deleting the .upl file entirely


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
andrelax: We played ARTrainer Beta 4 tonight on the BBF server. It was a fun. I like the changes. The map played really well.