Several things I hope Epic adds in the next UT

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UT oldtimer
Mar 29, 2005
This is sort of a UT > UTX series post, so bare with me on this one.

Well I myself play both UT2k4 and UT daily and I can say UT definitely has an atmosphere to it that it seems UT2k3/4 were lacking. Just to make sure my UT favoritism didn’t take over when writing this post, I loading up UT and played with the weapons and walked around on the levels, then loaded up UT2k4 and did the same thing. The difference is pretty clear; Ut2k4 really has no mood set with its maps no atmosphere or any good sounds. Let me try to explain what I mean below:

Let me cover weapon sounds first,

Ok well in UT, you fire a flak burst, your shells hit the wall, you hear a "thud", then as each metal flak shrapnel bounces about, you can hear them bouncing off objects (you hear metallic noises). Then you pick up your enforcer and shoot some rounds, as you are hearing the bullets make contact with the wall/floor you also hear your bullet cartridge hit the floor and bounce. Now you load up UT2k4, sure the guns make noises and some make sounds when they impact, but that is about it, the flak shells don't have that metallic noise when they bounce (I hope they are made of metal in ut2k4). You hear no bullets bouncing about, and just the impacts of the explosions don't sound powerful.

The maps

Each map in UT has its own feel, The music fits right in and a lot of maps have great abundant sounds. You could hear wind howl through corridors and tunnels, you could hear the fire on the torches, hear crickets and frogs near water on some maps, hear birds etc. Ut2k4 does have some of these things, however most maps are quiet and don't really have their own unique feel to them. Also the music on some maps is questionable.

The lava/slime/water all have great sounds as well in UT. You walk near water you can hear it rushing; you walk near lava it sounds like it is scourging hot. You walk near slime, you can hear it bubbling. In Ut2k4, I think maybe only a small handful of maps have any kind of sound like these and mostly it is for water. Most maps, slime, lava have no noise at all.

Human sounds

The sounds in UT for humans dying/getting gibbed I feel are a lot better in UT then the UTX series. In UT when someone died they screamed, I think mostly only the females do it in UTX. When someone got gibbed you would hear the sound of them getting ripped open in UT1. Also gibs, I think even the die hard fans of UT2k3/4 will agree with me on this, the gibs in UT sound a whole lot better then UTX. When the gibs hit something or fell from a high altitude, the sounds they made on impact sounded like chunks of meat hitting the ground, where as in the UTX series well I am not sure what it sounds like actually:hmm: Also the gibs seemed to interact better with the maps in UT, such as bouncing about.

Death scenarios

Let me pull away from sounds now and cover something that just has been bugging me.

In the original UT, it seemed like every hazard on a map had its own way of killing you. If you went out into space, your body exploded and your camera would spin about making it look like you were adrift in space. Where as in the new series, your character simply falls on the skybox and lays there. Also when your character completely gibbed your camera acted like your head and would bounce around, it just looked better when being gibbed. Also in UT1 if you fell in slime your body would dissolve making it feel like you fell in acid, in Ut2k4 no animation really does it justice, it just feels like you died in green water. If you went into lava in UT your body incinerated, now Ut2k4 you turn into a skeleton however it doesn’t always do that. In UT1 if you got decompressed such as in Dm-pressure or Hyperblast1 your camera view would go read, and your FOV would radically change giving the impression you were imploding. Also the gibs interacted with the hazards as well in UT. If they fell in water they would float, if they fell in slime they would dissolve, if they fell in lava they would vaporize (and you could hear it).

Basically the point of this post is to show that in UT all the sounds and everything else mentioned above set the mood to where you were fighting, if you were fighting in space, it felt like space etc. If you died by lava/water/slime it felt like it. UT2k3/4 are lacking that feeling. I really think what I wrote really doesn't do what I am trying to cover justice, to fully see what I mean you will need to load up both games and be your own judge. Am I saying the next UT should just be like the original? Not at all, I just want some of the things that I felt were +'s in adding to the game experience added to the next Unreal Tournament.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Rec, you fanboy! :p

A more immergent experience would be nice, but there will always be people who turn all that stuff off. :D

BTW, plot stuffs and thematic ideas in HL2 were stolen from the movie Equilibrium.


Boycott Grendelkeep!!!
Feb 6, 2005
After reading some of the previews for the next UT, they are getting rid of the LG and Bio [though the bio is incorporated with mines and grenades...this thing better appeal to me!!!]

I wish they would keep the LG and remove that dinky sniper rifle...


Mr High Ping
Dec 20, 2004
Agreed on the Lightning/Sniper.

Oh Noes - Someone might have to write a bio rifle mutator for kevin :p

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
UT2003/2004 guns have the worst sounds ever in a video game, even when cranked to 100% volume they sound weak as hell... You would think they would fix that with a patch but no....


Mr High Ping
Dec 20, 2004
I think it would be quite good to combine the mine layer and the grenade launcher, but the bio rifle too... How are we supposed to efficiently use what class of ammo we want, when we want it. There better not be some gay "Change Ammo Class Key" Or 6 different keybinds....


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
The ability to program cameras after a demo has been recorded (á la Defrag in Quake3)

Oh and a better demo engine in general :D


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
I think epic is getting it right

Incorporating clans into the game itself - so that all the online time and efffot becomes a part of the game itself.

That you can "play against players with the same ranking" - Very good idea. I would then pehaps be able to learn Deathmatch - playing a round dominated by 1-2 players is no fun.

"pre game lobbies" -again making the whole game a lot more immesive - the inter-game aspect is what needs work to attract new players.

dynamic terain, long term wars, resources.

Epic can fiddle with fine weapon balancing as much as it wants- it won't attract new players, and give us loads of real opponents to maul.

What it neeed to do is preciscely what it's doing - looking at the bigger picture.

(But I agree- the demo engine needs total overhaul)


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
as far as I can tell, most retail maps have plenty of ambeint sound. I think the ambient sound in UTx is just quieter than other environmental sounds (players grunting, weapons, etc).

I hear plenty of death sounds and bouncing gibs, so I don't know what's meant by that bit. And all the things you're talking about with death styles, you will note are first-person perspectives. In UTx they switch to 3rd person because when the player dies, the model switches to Karma and does it's falling thingy. I don't think the two modes are compatible, and on top of that, I think the 3rd-person view was meant to show off the bouncing body parts.

I agree with your overall premise, though, that the environment contributes a lot to the feel of the game.


!!! God Of Random !1?
Oct 24, 2003
... also, UT and UT2003/2004 suck as cool games. It was said before, sound is important. EPIC always failed with sound wand will continue to do so. The weapon models and player models will benefit with the new engine detail, but i wish they streamlined things in aspect. The pictures shown prove that once again EPIC is going the flashy-oh-so-funky-looking stuff... that is really boring and feels heavy to the game while playing. I have no hopes for this new UT, as EPIC is incopetent in nailing just right what a game should play, look, and feel. Each time some detail points in the right direction, there's 10 new details that show just how dumb EPIC is...

... no hope at all...


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Nahand said:
... also, UT and UT2003/2004 suck as cool games. It was said before, sound is important. EPIC always failed with sound wand will continue to do so. The weapon models and player models will benefit with the new engine detail, but i wish they streamlined things in aspect. The pictures shown prove that once again EPIC is going the flashy-oh-so-funky-looking stuff... that is really boring and feels heavy to the game while playing. I have no hopes for this new UT, as EPIC is incopetent in nailing just right what a game should play, look, and feel. Each time some detail points in the right direction, there's 10 new details that show just how dumb EPIC is...

... no hope at all...
One of the first companies to actually support Environmental Sound with EAX and you say "EPIC has always failed with sound"? There's an easy way to make your opinion count for naught.

Second, why would you post something like this on an UNREAL FANSITE. Easy way to get yourself flamed too...


!!! God Of Random !1?
Oct 24, 2003
... i get flamed if we're talking about kids, not mature people. Kids are the fanboys... also, supporting EAX doesn't necessarily mean (by any chance at all) that they did good use of it. Unreal games NEVER had that "punch" in the sound department. EPIC doesn't learn. The absolutety crappy menu music from UT was brought back in a re-mix for the UT2004 menu, ditching the UT2003 menu soundtrack - one of the few things they made right, cool, and combat-impulsive - just like they did for mappage. "We're trying really hard, folks!"... not. Listening to fanboys, they just went on recreating bad maps from the original UT into UT2004 - unthinkable.

... facts speak for themselves - EPIC remains dumb and fanboy-driven - not 5 games were enought to learn a few things. Each time they're almost there, they ruin it...


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
The UT2003 theme did not feel "cool" to me, it felt like an intro to Fox Sports coverage of the NFL (which of course was intended per the intended theme that time around). Frankly, I think the remixed versions of the older tunes were excellent, and combined with the new music in 2k4, turned me around on Kevin Riepl's skills as a composer.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Nahand said:
... facts speak for themselves - EPIC remains dumb and fanboy-driven - not 5 games were enought to learn a few things. Each time they're almost there, they ruin it...
I don't know where you think you are. Why would anyone BUT "fanboys" go to a FAN SITE regularly?

Your post is so subjective it makes me constipated even thinking about it. I could say similar things about any game company, FFS, Doom 2 doesn't have as much "punch" as Doom 3 |o| OH NOES!!!!! id ALWAYS MAKE CRAPPY MUZEEK FOR DA GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uh-oh, Unreal weapon sounds are quiet on your crappy SB AWE 64! |O| OH NOES!!!!!!!!! EPIC MAKE DA CRAPZ MUZEEK FOR DA GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go crawl back under your rock.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
The UT2003 menu music sucked ass, and the music in UT2004 was definitely a step up. Maybe Nahand should just go play WoW with Dird if he wants his crap tunes.

The only thing I'm really hoping for is they fix the Shock Rifle Tournament 2004 feel. That weapon is too powerful compared to the others as it can be used effectively at any range. I'm all for hitscan, but there needs to be a proper way to defend against it, and a shield is not the answer.


New Member
Mar 28, 2005
I thougt maybe the ripper would make a come back, but no.

Nothing like bouncing it off the floor and taking someones head off.