MÆST's Concusion Jumping Guide

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Im a ranter, ignore me!
Jun 27, 2000
The Dark Tower
You could always just use a gunner mine and blast youself into the sky, just hope there is a place to land.... works great in freefall, mine or tripmine, plant one on node then grab a arti and hit it with a decent jump and youll fly a good half of the map but lose too much health to do it again.


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Major-Lee-High said:
You could always just use a gunner mine and blast youself into the sky, just hope there is a place to land.... works great in freefall, mine or tripmine, plant one on node then grab a arti and hit it with a decent jump and youll fly a good half of the map but lose too much health to do it again.
Yeah, the Laser Trip Mine (LTM) is another very powerful jumping tool. This was mention in another thread but I'll post it in here too. This specific jump was originally found by [v3]VooDoo though the method is a little different then his.

On Alcazar, a simple CJ can get you on top of the center tower on the cloud platform.

Image 1

From there, set up a Laser Trip-Mine (LTM) as seen in the below picture. The lower to the ground the better.

Image 2

Finally, you will sprint towards the mine using the wall as a guide to launch you straight ahead. After it explodes, hit your jump jet. With a little practice, you'll end up here:

Image 3

Though this is fun, it really has no use in game so I recommend you only do this offline. Type 'open XMP-Alcazar' in the console. There are many other uses for LTM jumping however that actually are useful that I'll leave you to discover for yourself. This one is just the most amazing the first time you pull it off.
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I'm on Defense!
Jan 17, 2004
Scott, was the LTM method what you were referring to as the other method? Or is there another way to use the concussion grenades?



Dec 30, 2003
I think he meant cg jumps

There are ways of doing that you aren't blinded, and go farther.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
Because self passing doesn't promote teamwork and conc jumping makes you vunerable to attack. Besides, self passing is more of a lame "tactic" than an exploit, and CJ'ing isn't an exploit because the programmers know it's there.


I'm on Defense!
Jan 17, 2004
Saito said:
I think he meant cg jumps

There are ways of doing that you aren't blinded, and go farther.

Unfortunately I agree with you, Saito. That does seem to be what he said.

This is what I've found. If you shoot the cg straight down (delayed), it will go off right after it hits the second time. You can time your jump and if you are looking ahead, you don't (usually) get the blinding effect. Alternatively, you can shoot it at a wall and get over on top of it (or slightly in front of it, facing the other way) for a similar effect (no blinding). However, if you are in a hurry, these would not be good strategies.

Also, no matter how high you jump, you can survive the landing by firing a rocket at the ground under you just before you land. It will hurt, but I have survived it many times.

Still working on it.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Famous said:
Scott, was the LTM method what you were referring to as the other method? Or is there another way to use the concussion grenades?

yeah, I added the timed grenade method to the guide. I think that's the method Scott was refering to one day on IRC, but for all I know there might be another.

And that firing the rocket at the ground before you land tactic sounds promising. In UT EO you could do that and survive a fall from any height though it took absolute perfect timing. I'll test it out, and if it works, add it to the guide.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
UPDATE #2 (added to original post)

Thanks to Famous, there is a way to survive a CJ to max height where you miss the ledge you were aiming to. Basically, what you do is after you realize, that do to a straight up CJ you are going to die when you hit the ground, switch to the gunners rocket launcher. Now, it will take some offline practice to get the timing right but what you need to do is shoot the rocket at a height so when it hits the ground just before you do. It's explosion, though damaging, will slow you down enough to survive the fall. I don't recommend this method except for falls that will kill you. It does do significant damage and should only be used as a final life-saving measure. The best option, would not to do primary CJ's that leave you falling from a great height. Another concusion grenade timed so that it hits the ground and explodes right before you reach it will have a similar fall damage dampening effect. It results in a fun little bounce too at times (though a perfect timing doesnt' bounce you and takes less health ) Both weapons end up doing similar damage. It's really just a matter of which one you can time better. This method can also be used to save your life during falls not as a result of CJ. For example, falling from the cloud platform in XMP-Alcazar, this method, in conjunction with a boost jump can greatly increase your odds of survival.


New Member
Jan 22, 2004
CiD said:
1 question: how is CJing not considered a "cheesy exploit" if self passing in 2k3 br is?

hmmm, CJing is apart of XMP. It's even described in the readme.txt file that's in the help directory. Sow, CJing is no exploit and should stay in the game. In UT rox launch is a small error in the game, but it added a new and funny future for the game.


Jan 2, 2004
I've been practicing distance jumping. You need to be positioned so you are at the front edge of the explosion when it detonates. Try firing a timed gren on a flat surface in front of you, running/sprinting up to it, then jump jetting right before it explodes. Instead of launching straight up into the air, your arc will be different and you'll go sailing forward. If done properly, you won't be blinded and you'll lose very little health, maybe 5 points. Good to practice alone or on one of the new huge beta maps.
I've yet to work out a method to do it on demand however.

EDIT: "When the gren is about to detonate, it kind of settles into the ground." It must have been the map or something. I haven't been able to replicate this, so just ignore it.

However, there are 8 swoosh sounds the gren makes no matter where/how you fire it. After the 8th swoosh it detonates, so this might help with the timing.
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New Member
Nov 19, 2003
Another tip, for extra distance, turn and face the opposite direction and shoot the conc @ a very steep angle. Because you can aim "behind" you this way, it propells you further.
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