UE3 - UT3 Static Mesh colision settings

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New Member
Jan 25, 2008
hi evryone.
I got a question concerning static mesh colision.

I've got a tree imported to UE.
But I want its trunk and major branches to block projectiles, but I don't want leaves to do that. I have done a custom colision that is imported along with my static mesh, so that leaves (which r actually planes with alpha texture) dont have a colision polys on them.

However, no matter how I tweak static mesh colision optios in generic browser (useSimpleLine or useSimpleBox or blockZeroExtent or any other) it keeps always using my custom colision for player blocking and per-poly colision for all the projectiles :(

Eventually I just disabled colision in material properties, but I am wondering why actual static mesh colision setting did not have any effect.

Thanks for any info about that!


I make things happen!
Jan 25, 2008
The Moon
You can make custom collision in 3ds max just make sure that you use the pre-fix, UCX, on the object that you want to use as the collision object. Then import as normal and you should now have custom collision on the object that you wanted.


New Member
Jan 25, 2008
osirisrt, I tried even to disable collision for the whole tree (as if I would do for its parts), but it just didn't have any effect :(

billyclint, thanks, I did not know about UCX prefics. However, in my case my custom colision was done and worked even with an old ut200x prefics, I just could not turn it on/off for projectiles.

The problem that I have is that colision settings that I change in static mesh window (in generic browser) do not have any effect whatsoever:(