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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
It always bothered me how the Star Wars prequels have newer tech than the original trilogy. For something that takes place what 30ish years in the past, the infrastructure and space ships sure do look a lot newer. At least have some consistency Lucas.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
It always bothered me how the Star Wars prequels have newer tech than the original trilogy. For something that takes place what 30ish years in the past, the infrastructure and space ships sure do look a lot newer. At least have some consistency Lucas.

Yeah; that always bugged me too. I can never see these films as a six episode set for that reason.

No matter how much George has cleaned up the first three they just can't rate on tech next to the prequel trilogy.

Mind you the prequels didn't ruin as many acting careers. ;)


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace-6.5/10

I always liked this as a title.

There's no doubt that the prequel trilogy would be a stunning audio/visual feat that stretched the limits of modern cinema technology. That being said they were never going to be three films that matched the magic of the original trilogy.

It is interesting, with all three of these flicks totally done to death now, to see how some of the dialogue in this flick really hints at the films to come in Eps. 2 and 3.

However Lucas could never write good dialogue and in this film it just makes the kid a really annoying brat. (Something that carried over into the adult Anakin Skywalker). Writing dialogue for the kid that makes him sound adult is just lame. I never liked the choice of the kid actor in this film. If Lucas had picked someone else I would have probably given this a 7.5/10.

Definitely the weakest of the prequel films despite the stunning eye candy. My opinion.

Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones-7.5/10

After the annoying kid we now get an annoying adult Anakin. However this is really where the series gets rolling properly in my opinion.

Incredible art direction. Incredible visuals. This is sci-fi on an immense scale that was promised in the first film.

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith-8/10

I wouldn't ever take young kids to see this movie. It's dark, it's violent and it's definitely the most "adult" of the Star Wars films (both series). Someone getting burned alive is a bit too much for the kiddies.

The opening battle scene above Coruscant is a staggering display of attention to detail and digital composting that has rarely been matched (sorry about the pun).

I think Portman steals the performance in this film. She really kicked her acting up a gear for this.

The special features/deleted scenes on the DVD's for the prequel trilogy point to the fact that Lucas has considered reinstating some of this material in (yet another) director's cut. In fact there was one small scene added to the DVD release of Clones that wasn't in the theatrical release.

It's over George. There's nothing more to see here George...... move along now.

And you still can't write dialogue Mr Lucasfilm.............

I have been watching these too (about one a week, when I can squeeze in some time), though I would lower the ratings a bit to 6, 7, 7. Phantom Menace is garbage, but pretty, Clone Wars is ridiculous, but pretty and Sith is both a better story (and yeah, Portman decided, what the hell, even if no one else was gonna do it, she would actually ACT in the movie) and more poorly paced--and pretty. All of them, however, are far too long. Their lengths should be 90, 100 and 120 minutes, respectively, and that's only to cram in all of the plot points.

That being said: even though they aren't good movies and the use of CGI is most of the time PAINFUL in how poorly integrated it is with the live action (it blows me away how much better a movie like War of the Worlds, which came out at the same time, integrates its live action and CGI aspects) and the composition can become too muddled too often, it is still a pretty awesome technical display and for the most part flat out bit of awesomeness.

Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
It always bothered me how the Star Wars prequels have newer tech than the original trilogy. For something that takes place what 30ish years in the past, the infrastructure and space ships sure do look a lot newer. At least have some consistency Lucas.

Although that is very obvious, the way you could reconcile it in your own mind (read: give Lucan an out although he doesn't deserve it) is that things like the Clone Wars depleted the existing fleets of resources and the Empire went to a quantity vs. quality model and/or a functionality over form for their fleet, much like the Soviet military. Best/biggest hardware but not alwasy the prettiest.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Although that is very obvious, the way you could reconcile it in your own mind (read: give Lucan an out although he doesn't deserve it) is that things like the Clone Wars depleted the existing fleets of resources and the Empire went to a quantity vs. quality model and/or a functionality over form for their fleet, much like the Soviet military. Best/biggest hardware but not alwasy the prettiest.
Great comment.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Hanna 8.5/10
Honestly didn't know what to expect of this film, but it ended up being pretty great. Love the style, the quirkyness, and the soundtrack was fantastic.

Surrogates 3/10
Want to see a bad movie version of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution storyline with Bruce Willis in it? Watch this. Incredibly dull, predictable, and not clever approach to the possibilities the subjects broached in the film gave it. I want 84 minutes of my life back.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

Surrogates 3/10
Want to see a bad movie version of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution storyline with Bruce Willis in it? Watch this. Incredibly dull, predictable, and not clever approach to the possibilities the subjects broached in the film gave it. I want 84 minutes of my life back.

Yeah; that film was pretty damn average.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Fast and Furious 5-6/10

This flick is really Ocean's 11 set in Brazil with some sweet machines to look at. The extra point is for the spectacular car chase sequence as, other than that, it's pretty average.

Dwayne "the Rock" really does the best acting job in this bunch (can you smell what the Rock has got cooking?).

Nice Porsche 911 GT3............



Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Sniper 3- 5/10

Sort of a Vietnam road trip with guns. ;)

It was o.k because it was at least filmed on location although I thought I recognised the railway station used in one shot as being in Chiang Mai, Thailand (having been there myself) and not in the 'Nam/Ho Chi Minh City.

I'm sure Tom Berenger lost weight over the course of the film; so continuity sucked.

Lruce Bee

Transcending to another level
May 3, 2001
Sherwood Forest
Captain America - The First Avenger - 4/10

Just when you thought Holywood couldn't squeeze another film out of the Marvel comic franchise - out pops Captain America to try it's luck.
You've seen it all before - wimpy kid signs up for dubious scientific experiment for the US army and within 20 seconds after bundling him into an oversized spin dryer, turns from 12 ounce puny kid into a 7 ft tall mountain of muscle - ergo, we have our hero.
Of course, the movie has to have the the stock evil villain and that comes in the laughable form of Hugo Weaving (you know, the evil agent from the Matrix) who hams it up as Red Skull - the evil nazi renagade officer - blah blah.
Even Samuel L Jackson manages to make an appearance for about 3 seconds.
Absolute garbage.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Season of the Witch-6.5/10

This fun little romp through the plague-ridden Dark Ages had enough story to keep me interested and it wasn't too predictable.

Nic Cage and Ron Perlman (who has been pretty awesome recently in the tv show Sons of Anarchy) put on a good show.