Problem getting onto the servers

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Assesina Maja

New Member
Oct 23, 2008
New Jersey
Hello... yes I'm back... I just downloaded that nice big .exe for Inf and installed it. I promptly proceeded to jump onto the servers and they kept saying something about the Infwm-c7 being wrong or something. I tried to find something detailing this problem with no luck... Please help, I'm itching to shoot a man in the crotch. :D


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
The C7 mutator was updated after the CE release, so the version you have is outdated. The easiest way to resolve this is to delete the *.u file that causes the problem - you'll then auto-download it from the server you're trying to join. The second option is to download the actual version - a link to it should be somewhere in Olethros sig (so search a post from him..).

Note No.1: If you try to join a server that runs the psytex mod you'll get a message about a INF_Core version mismatch; in this case absolutely DO NOT delete the file. To use Psytex you have to download and install it.

Note No.2: You might still have a hard time finding a human male to crotch-shot, since server population is rather low; in case Skaarj and Krall do fine you might want to try Inf COOP, which uses COOPerative gameplay on Unreal1 and Custom mappacks. If interested there's a link to their forums around here somewhere. In any case Euros are on the server between 2000-0200hrs CET, don't know about rest-of-world. Oh, and you can accidentially crotch shot your teammates on COOP too, if absolutely needed - I'm getting wasted so often by Skaarj that one TK moe or less doesn't matter :D

Assesina Maja

New Member
Oct 23, 2008
New Jersey
Thank you for the file I'm dling it now :)
LOL, actually my charge likes me far more than her own mother... I teach her all sorts of things such as math, science, fishing, cooking, self defense, and how to pop a mans nuts under foot. All the lovely things that she will need.:D

Assesina Maja

New Member
Oct 23, 2008
New Jersey
Hi Steven :)

BTW, I think I know why the attendance at the servers has petered off. I think it may be do to the massive pain in the butt of trying to get everything just right. I started off with the c7 problem, then the ut compass problem, then the psytex thingie, now I'm having c7 problems again and can't find the stinking file to delete it again and once I get that straitened out who knows what's next... I thought it run perfectly 2 years ago... It's almost as if a bunch of men messed with it. Needless to say, I still haven't been able to play.


Jan 20, 2008
When you use PsyTex, you have two System folders, and C:\UT\Infiltration\System\ for ``normal Infiltration'', and C:\UT\PsyTex\System\ for ``PsyTex Infiltration''.
Note that C:\UT\System\ is used by both.

This was done to maintain compatibility with non-psytex servers, it's something of a workaround, just adding the paths doesn't work ...

I know PsyTex can be a bit of a pain to setup, but the textures are really much better and well worth the trouble IMO.
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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
I found this last time but it doesn't work. I keep getting a message like this "This Account Has Been Suspended" so I need a different link.

Odd. It appears the owner of has either not paid his fees or was hoarding illegal stuff.

BTW, I think I know why the attendance at the servers has petered off. I think it may be do to the massive pain in the butt of trying to get everything just right. I started off with the c7 problem, then the ut compass problem, then the psytex thingie, now I'm having c7 problems again and can't find the stinking file to delete it again and once I get that straitened out who knows what's next... I thought it run perfectly 2 years ago... It's almost as if a bunch of men messed with it. Needless to say, I still haven't been able to play.

The UTCompass thing is "normal" since every server seems to use a different version - just delete it and let the autodownload/cache do the rest; it appears it's possible to have multiple versions of the same file in the cache.

As for the C7 - apart from being really odd - have you conducted a windows search in the UT folder (plus other folders that may be linked to in the infiltration.ini)? If so does this appear when you join any server or just some? I wouldn't rule out the possibilities some servers still run 1.2.

Assesina Maja

New Member
Oct 23, 2008
New Jersey
Ok, this is really aggravating the hell out of me. could you guys give me step by step instructions and the locations of all the files because this is really working my nerves over.


Jul 14, 2005
lauren plz check the community folder in the infiltration folder for the c7 .int file and delete it the .u file is probably located in ut system
if you still have problems joining, there might be a file in psytex, usually a .int file with that name that is causing the problems find it in psytex system and delete it.
you than can join normally i hope.
greetz eric.
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