Nightmare Asylum

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Sympathy for Mr. Vengance
Apr 12, 2004
This is going to be my first simgle player map ever. It started life as a Deathmatch level but I didn't really have that much mapping experience or skill so it didn't really go very well and I ended up giving up. I recently got the Monster Hunt mod and had an idea of Nightmare Asylum as and MH map where youre team statrt off in the depths of the Asylum and have to escape. I then thought why not make it single player! since there wasn't any improtant work for me to do I decided I would start it and as a result I have built a few rooms as a sort of 'test' level to try out a few things and hopefully get to grips with triggers, special events and all the other scripting things. As of yet I haven't actualy done much in the way of scripted events or added any enemies I have just built a few rooms.

The story

You wake up in a bright white room and that is all you can see except a polished operating table a pool of blood and a door. You don't know who you are, where you are or what has happened (Clichéd I know). You walk through the doors infront of into a gloomy corridor with a redish ambient glow. All of a sudden you hear a voice in your head it says, "welocme to hell..." Things are not looking good. You walk further down the corridor and come to another set of doors... you go through. Agian the same voice contacts you, "You should not have awoken...". Panicking you run and end up in some sort of observation room there is a one way mirror. You look through into the room beond only to be confronted with the most horrific scene of your life (not that you can remember much of it). Mauled corpses are spread out every where, pools of blood spilt onto the floor. Some one has been pinned to the ceiling by two knives while another to a wall. It truly is a vision of hell. In a state of shock all you can think about is getting the hell out of what ever this place is but it might be easier siad than done. Especialy when the thing that did this to those people might still be around...

The map istself

I am not sure whether the map will be split into two sections or be one continuous map yet. You first start in the depths of the Asylum which in parts is gloomy and ramshakeld but in other parts clean and clinical and full of "research' equipement. You then go up a lift to the Asylum building. Think Hitman Contracts the first level, its the main inspiration for the map.

Regarding enemies I think I will include a lot of Unreal monsters especialy early on but I really want soem humans to fight especialy mental patients that have escaped and got hold of knives and guns as well as Orderlys and a Swat team called in to "clean up" the place. The Sat team will probaby be easy enough but the mental patients are another story (any suggestions would be helpful).

I hope thats a enough information so here are some of the early (very early) screenshots of the test level. I haven't really done any complicated architecture as so far it meant to be simple. The lighting is more develped for me at this early stage as I usualy just place lots of the default lights and thats it and then delete and redo it all later. I probably still will or at least taeak it (lots). when the test level is donre I will expand it into the proper level.







Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Good game Uncle. B........

I like the odd bit of SP so this is looking cool from the get go....

Personally, from what I've read of your concept, I am more sold on the idea of human patients (or zombie types; although that's getting pretty Resident Evil/Enders etc) rather than UT aliens just to get away from the MH feel (I must get into MH again sometime). It would send your concept off in a bit of a different direction to other UTSP stuff that's been happening recently. (It's all good).

Looking forward to updates Bob. :tup:
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Sympathy for Mr. Vengance
Apr 12, 2004
Manticore said:
I like the odd bit of SP so this is looking cool from the get go....

Personally, from what I've read of your concept, I am more sold on the idea of human patients (or zombie types; although that's getting pretty Resident Evil/Enders etc) rather than UT aliens just to get away from the MH feel (I must get into MH again sometime). It would send your concept off in a bit of a different direction to other UTSP stuff that's been happening recently. (It's all good).

Looking forward to updates Bob. :tup:

I am planning to include some unreal monsters but only a few as part of the story revolves round it. Mostly though I'm planning mental patients orderlys and Swat type clean up guys. I'm actualy palnning a nice scripted sequence with swats infiltrating the asylum by blowing up a wall or something, then getting massacared by patients. Do you know of any mental patient skins as if I can't find any i'll have to make my own... and thats another story. :)


Sympathy for Mr. Vengance
Apr 12, 2004







some more shots mainly showing a new cell area. One thing I realise is that there isn't much detail yet or decorations so I'll have to go throught and spruce it up.


!!! God Of Random !1?
Oct 24, 2003
... :D ... and... a limited group of people that has grown indeed. 7Bullets is the latest coming from that place, but there's an almost obscene quantity of SP stuff in the making, both single maps AND big SP packs...