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I sing the body electric...
Dec 6, 1999
Visit site
Colonial mining station
Last Chance saloon

The bar is full of smoke and laughter, a hive of activity. Here were some of the worst pieces of scum in the galaxy.

Into this hell pit stepped Lord Khaine, the atmosphere in the bar changed instantly, with most people now finding a sudden and very determined interest in their beer.

He strood to the bar, where Lady_Ruiner was serving drinks, her metal teeth shone in the light. Her bite was rumoured to be able to go through 20mm sheet steel.

"What can I get you?" see asked

"I'm here for the one they call Prophetus" reply Lord Khaine

"Business or pleasure?"

"Business, most definatly business"

"Third door on the right down the hall" said Lady_Ruiner, as she pointed towards a door.

Lord Khaine strode over to the room, and knocked.


Some one opened the door, it was definatly Prophetus. She was was 6'3" in heels, and 5'4" without....

"Aaahh Khaine, I suspected you would return" she said "Just let me finish off this customer"

She closed the door, a few minutes later a man emerged, with a very happy expression on his face, and with a much lighter wallet. Prophetus came to the door and beckoned Khaine in.

"So, what brings you here. I wouldnt have thought this would be you're kinda place?" asked Prophetus

"There has been a development with TaskMaster, I have spoken with the council, we require him, eliminated"

"Why was I not made aware of such developments, I am a member of the council too you know!" demanded Prophetus

"That brings me to the other thing" said Khaine, as he took out a strange device from his pocket, It looked like an apple corer and had strange glowing runes on it. "Dont worry this wont hurt......"



Back in the hall, Lady_Ruiner heard the faint sounds of a scream.

"Sounds like some ones having a good time" she said to herself


LOL, this is in no way revenge for what Prophetus and Lady_Ruiner said in chat the other day, ohh noo ;) And Proph, dont go getting any ideas about what that device is you little pervert :)


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
Colonial mining station
Last Chance saloon

Exhausted from pain, Prophetus intently watches as the smiling LordKhaine leaves. Stumbling, Prophetus painfully stands over a velvet table. A shiny mirror made from highly polished diamond coldly greets her battered flesh. She gazes at the full figured body reflecting it's souless copy. An evil and seditious grin crosses her face. The face begins to warp, melting as ice on a hot piece of coal. The Xerholographic image of a sensual female sparks and fades out within seconds. From behind a titanium wall, an evil metalic and human form steps into the plush surroundings that clearly suggested a place of entertainment. The mirror no longer reflects the female form...instead a renegade spectre reborn in cyborg and human flesh stands poised. Grinning with red eyes ablazed in hatred.

The man once known as Judial Stone stares at the careless mirror.

"Yes, LordKhaine, Taskmaster will be eliminated. Then you my simple pawn, you will be next."

Many years Judial waited to enact his hellish revenge. Now, the time has presented itself. A silent knock reverbs softly into the room.

"Prophetus, is there good news?"

"Yes, Lady Ruiner. Good news indeed."

Lady Ruiner, although in confederation with Prophetus, is capable of destroying several members of the weak and pathetic 707th alone. But, she is smart and intelligent. She knows the power and skill Prophetus wields and she will use it and learn from it. Maybe one day, even surpass him.

"When shall we strike?"

"Patience, comrad. Patience. Let's see how far that simpleton will take our plans, even if he doesn't know it."

Prophetus laughs loudly inside. "Get Ruiner, we have another mission to take care of."


"Yes. I think it's prudent to disrupt some faith."

"Faith," Lady Ruiner smiles, "Yes, let's see how much faith they have."



CAPTURE! Home of CTF map reviews, strategies and Forums.

[This message has been edited by Prophetus][PuF][ (edited 05-29-2000).]


2345 Posts
Mar 14, 2000
Planet Rasmor
Ulysees Galaxy
Time: Unknown


In the midst of the barren land a monstrous compound could be seen. As we examine the building closely, the sign -={F4RT}=- Genetics Factory catches ones attention. The building seems to be new with no sign of age. As we enter the building we see several hallways all leading to Lab rooms.

Upon entering we see several tubes filled with green liquid. It looks like some thing is growing in them!

"Hahahahaha!! Welcome my friend!" GunnerX exclaimed. "I have come to this place to avoid all the commotion elsewhere."

"I have toiled for a long time and have found the ultimate killing machine!! Gorri-CHYRStX!! All my hard work has finally paid off!"

It seems that in these lab rooms there are thousands upon thousands of tubes generating clones of Gorri-CHRYStX!! GunnerX motions towards the Elevators. As we enter the elevator, GunnerX places his eye for a retina scan. The Mind Reader machine read GunnerX's thoughts and the Elevator proceeded to move. After 10 minutes, the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

This area is totally different from the previous area. From first looks, it seems that this is where the Gorri-CHRYStX is trained! However, to enter, we had to pass through several heavily enforced gates. Once in, we were greeted by over 100 Gorri-CHRYStX clones wearing full body armor and heavily armed with Rocket Launchers. Upon careful inspection, there are over 50 more Gorri-CHRYStX clones perched up above, some very well hidden. The seem to track my every move with their sniper rifles.

In front of us is a Humoungous gate. GunnerX proceeded to open it and I was not prepared for what was coming up.

Once the gate opened, a humoungous 20 storey Hallway lay upon us. On each floor, you can see Hundreds of thousands of Gorri-CHRYStX clones! It seems that GunnerX has been working for a while.

As we proceeded down the hall. This was a good 30 minute walk, we see another huge gate. As GunnerX opened the gate, we see a multitude of Ships! Each one could easily hold 100,000 Gorri-CHRYStX clones and each is Armed to the teeth!

GunnerX looked at me and said "It is time." And his face lit up and a huge grin appeared.

Suddenly, loud sirens could be heard and soldiers began pouring out from nowhere. They were separated evenly and each battallion went to their respective ships.

GunnerX laughed and exclaimed "I shall conquer them all!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!"

"No one shall escape me, even the mighty Taskmaster will be unable to hide from my mighty mighty army of Gorri-CHRYStX!!!

Once all the soldiers entered the ships, each one began to disappear. It seems that each ship has cloaking ability and can generate it's own mini worm hole to bring it to it's desired location! Once all the ships disappeared, I was stunned by what lay in front of me.

A HUGE Battleship that stretches from one end to the other. GunnerX tells me to follow him to the battleship.

And the journey begins...


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
"Aaarrrggghhhh....I will not die!" screamed Darth Maul as he lay on the ground clinging barely to life. The smell of burning air filled his nostrils coming from Obi-Wan's light saber as it hovered inches from his face.

"Yes, you will die," stated Obi-Wan matter-of-factly, "and you will do it now!" The light saber sliced Darth's head cleanly from his body cauterizing the wound.

"Hahaha! " laughed Taskmaster as he moved his Obi-Wan Lego(tm) man around the Lego(tm) Star War's Episode I Swamp playset. "Evil is once again defeated by good!"

He moved the Obi-Wan character over to the dying Qui-Gon Jinn. Jar-Jar Binks was already there holding his blaster rifle and muttering "Thisa nossa be good!"

"Uggh.. Obi..." sputtered Qui.

"Don't talk," order Obi.

"Y-you must con... continue with," wheezed Qui, blood dripping from his mouth with every word, "y-y-your training."

"I will!" declared Obi-Wan. "I will avenge your death!"

"I'm not d-d-dead yet!" managed Qui.

"Yea, I know, but there isn't much hope for you, since Darth cut you clean through at the mid-section."

"M-master... the J-j-jedi mind-trick!" commanded Qui as his eyes fluttered shut.

"You bet I will!" promised Obi-Wan as he let Qui-Gon's hand slip out of his. "That'll work great on the chicks at the space bar!"

Having defeat evil once again, Taskmaster returned the Lego(tm) blocks to the book shelf above his desk. It was time to continue his reading on Introduction to Genetics.

"Only 30 more pages to read." he thought wearily as he turned the page.

"I can't wait until they get the entire human genome mapped so there will be that much less studying I have to do!"

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Taskmaster, more than glad for any interruption of his studying, opened the door expecting the pizza delivery guy.

"Oh my God!" he exclaimed, eyes wide in shock, as he stood looking out the door. It wasn't the pizza guy!

"I-I-I don't understand!" he finally said after what seemed like an eternity. "How can you be..."

"You?" the man outside the door finished the sentence.

Taskmaster leaned heavily against the door as dizziness struck him. He tried to come to terms with what was happening, but couldn't believe his own eyes.

The man outside the door, grabbed him by the arms and assisted Taskmaster into a chair.

"Simple," replied the man, who was the spitting image of Taskmaster, "becuase I am you!"


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)


New Member
May 29, 2000
Visit site
Hey! Will y'all do me a fav'r? I'm wantin yez 't go on over 't 'da nali city map ideas forum. Pl'ese post on the "test, ignore" thread. I'm single handedly trying to revive it, and make some Nali City people mad in the process. I will post thank you's in the other stuff folder in the thread about Some. Please do this.


Bastards! you are not gonna leave this thread like this! :) POST DAMMIT!


The new, improved Soundoff will return...

<[Ci]Skumboy|PuF> And the moral of the story is..... pffffffft, what moral? i just banned Blender!

<DSV_Selerox[PuF]> Yes I'm LordKhaine's brother (unfortunatly)
<RaptoR[PuF]> but you're not retarded, how can u be related?


Godlike - I like God
Nov 29, 1999
Now for a some scenes from last week's episode...

"Yes, you will die," stated Obi-Wan matter-of-factly, "and you will do it now!"

"You bet I will!" promised Obi-Wan as he let Qui-Gon's hand slip out of his. "That'll work great on the chicks at the space bar!"

"Simple," replied the man, who was the spitting image of Taskmaster, "becuase I am you!"

(Refer to my 5-30-2000 post for more details.)

Taskmaster sat up in the chair, staring at himself as if in a mirror, but the other Taskmaster was not his reflection. At that moment every cell in his brain was firing a mile a minute and the sheer concept of such a thing nearly short-circuited his thinking.

"I- I just can't fathom..." he started. "It's just too overwhelming!"

"I know this is difficult to comprehend," admitted the second Taskmaster, "but we don't have time to waste while you try to reconcile it all logically!"

"What'da you mean by that?" asked Taskmaster dreading the answer. Already Taskmaster 2 had walked to the room's full length window and opened it.

"Come here." ordered Taskmaster 2 as he looked out the window. His stare was a million miles away, litterally.

Taskmaster stood still shaking from his unepected encounter with himself, or more accurately a clone of himself. He walked to the open window, letting the crisp evening air snap his sense into focus.

"Look there..." said Taskmaster 2 as he pointed up into the star-studded night sky. "To the left of the moon."

"Yea, there are a bunch of stars. So what?"

"Not stars, my friend! Fleets of starships!" informed Taskmaster 2.

"Starships?" scoffed Taskmaster as he glanced over at his Star Wars lego sets. "Like in Imperial Battle Cruisers!"

"I am your father Luke!" laughed Taskmaster in his best, deep voiced Darth Vader impression.

"Enough!" yelled the Taskmaster clone startling the almost calmed Taskmaster. "This is serious...very serious! Time is short... we have to go!"

"Go?" echoed Taskmaster, "Go where? So there are some UFOs flying around the moon! Let NASA send out the welcome wagon for all I care."

"Don't you get it?" asked his double. "This isn't some 70's 'B' sci-fi movie! This is real!"

"And again I say so what!" exclaimed Taskmaster, "It doesn't concern me."

"Don't you remember anything about what has happened in the last few months?" asked Taskmaster 2, obviously annoyed at his name-sakes lack of concern.

"I've been here for the last few months working on my Bachelor's degree, buddy!" he barked. "I'm starting to think you should leave!"

"Oh, I'll leave...but you're going to come with me!" promised Taskmaster 2.

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Taskmaster 2 turned from the window and faced the defiant Taskmaster, looking at him directly with his cold stare.

"Those ships up there are here to find only one thing..." hissed Taskmaster 2, having lost his patience given the urgency of the moment, "...and that thing is YOU!"


I declare myself to be the self-annointed voice of reason for PuF! Opinions expressed by Taskmaster are not necessarily those of Planet Unreal! :)

[This message has been edited by Taskmaster (edited 06-22-2000).]


The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
I've been working on my next passage since I last posted. (One of my first posts is on this thread. My introductory "blue angel".)

I'm going to go back through it and see how many different signatures I've had.



Because hey, if it weren't for Llamas? I wouldn't seem like such a great guy.

]LoL[ - A big clan of Spam.


Surfing the edge of underconfidence.
Feb 21, 2000
York/Norwich England
The space beyond worlds is impossible to encompass within the human mind. Impossibly complex fractal structures plunge and twine within one another in frenetic convolutions, colours throbbing and swirling across their tortured surfaces. Within this inhuman domain live beings beyond all mortal comprehension. Once they meddled in the affairs of a thousand realities, shaping the development of millions upon billions of cultures. Now, they are in senescence. They have lived in immortality for too long, and the ennui is almost at fatal levels. Amongst the writhing cow-trees they can be seen, the twisted forms of a million gods, lost in the observation of a myriad worlds, dying of boredom.
Our mind's eye is caught in the apprehension of the scene by a subtle twitch from a single form. Its shape is Dragon-like, a seamless fusion of gene-tweeked alien flesh, unthinkably advanced technologies and obscure and occult magics, the combination threatening to drive the observer's mind to insane terror. Gazing into its observing globe, we see that it has been watching the events surround Taskmaster. There are numerous notes scratched in eldritch script by its body. Obviously, this being has found something of interest for the first time in ten thousand years.

With a sudden movement, the creature unfurls its black-silver wings and rises into the air. It's motions slowly grow more purposeful as it moves faster and faster, approaching one of the ancient slipgates. A mental command activates the fiendish device as the Dragon passes through. In the instant of activation, we glimpse a view of a human city, before everything fades to black....

[This message has been edited by The_Dudester (edited 06-24-2000).]

Wolf Blackstar

That other Wing Commander guy
Dec 13, 1999
Tau Ceti V
Dragon's Bane
Outer Martian Orbit

"........Damn!!! I get this close, and that stupid bastard blows up half of his fleet just to screw me up!!!"

Wolf paces back and forth, then stops to slam his fist into the bulkhead. The Captain and Corporal Stump both flinch in fear. "Status Report!"

"Sir, we've lost our portside engines. Damage is mostly superficial, but will require many crews to repair."

Wolf stares out at Mars and its orbital mining stations.

"Captain! you're back in command until I return. Stump, you're in charge of the repair crews. Get this ship back to fighting condition ASAP. Right now, I'm due for business with a couple of old alliances of mine...."

"Yes, my lord!" Both men acknowledge and salute.

Wolf makes his way to the central hangar, to his personal fighter. A completely different design, the Firehawk class heavy fighter combined the seldomly seen Dragon design with heavier firepower and more powerful engines.

Six tachyon cannons formed the ship's core firepower, which was also augmented by the modular design of the missile pods which formed its wings. The Firehawk's 16 missile capacity had struck fear into Coalition and Kilrathi forces alike. Even the repellent Nephilim had been forced into "early tactical withdrawal" at the hands of a skilled Firehawk pilot.

Wolf punches his codes into the fighter, straps into the cŏckpit and powers up the intruments.

A quick launch-sequence later, Wolf's fighter drops into space. Wolf sets a course for Mars and punches the afterburners.

Colonial Mining Station
Aerospace Forward Control

"Attention unidentified starfighter, you are ordered to power down your weapons and shields. Do not attempt resistance or you will be destroyed."

"Aerospace control, lower your shields and let me land my ship, or I'll torpedo your power generator and blast that rock your sitting on out of the sky."

"You have been warned. Defense Turrets online. Opening fire."

A barrage of laser fire and missiles lights the dark atmosphere over the mining station as the turrets spray Wolf's fighter with concentrated fire.

Wolf skillfully maneuvers his craft through the defenses, taking out the turrets one by one. He then blasts out the shield generators.

On landing, Wolf is attacked by all manner of mutant creatures. Wolf produces a Shock Rifle and blasts them into stinky green giblets.

After being assaulted by every sort of scumbag/hench-mutant imaginable, Wolf finally reaches his destination, the Last Chance Saloon.

Upon entrance, the stench of stale cigarette butts assails his nostrils. The denizens of the bar take one look at Wolf and quickly crawl off into the shadows, the smartest among them making their way to the door as swiftly as possible.

Wolf slowly walks to the bar. His boots make a slight crunching sound as he treads on the filthy floor.

"Where's Proph at?" Wolf asks as he sets the still-smoking Shock Rifle down on the bar.

"Prophetus does not wish to be disturbed right now." Lafy Ruiner's dark beauty contrasts sharply with the squalid atmosphere as she emerges from the shadows.

Suddenly one of the men who had previously been slouched out over his beer siezes this moment to lunge for Wolf's back with a cyanide-switchblade.

A split second before the deadly acid blade pierces Wolf's back, he spins around and greets the assailant with a boot to the guts and the butt of the Shock Rifle in the teeth.

The thug collapses in a bloody mess.

"You know, this place wouldn't be so bad if every time I came back, every moth-eaten scumbag wasn't trying to rub me out." Wolf says disgustingly as he sits back down at the bar.

A new voice speaks up from a darkened corner.

"What else did you expect? Lord Khaine has been here, and it was the best he could come up with. Pathetic, really."

Wolf instantly recognizes the voice; he turns and faces Prophetus.

"It's been a while, Proph. Lord Khaine has once again proved himself to be quite the thorn in our sides."

"What has the great Tight-*** been up to now.?"

"Well, he sacrificed half his entire fleet just to damage my ship. I lost most of my escort destroyers as well, and now I'm running low on resources. In addition to that, it just really pisses me off."

Prophetus laughs. "It's actually pretty amazing what that little fart is capable of once you've got him up against the wall."

"I'll be frank and open about it. I need reinforcements, and both of you are just the kind of warriors I need on my side. Larger things are at stake here, and LK is simply a fly in the ointment that needs to be squashed."

The 3 of them sit down at a table and discuss tactics. Wolf is suddenly interrupted by an urgent message on his comlink.

"What is it?"

"SIR! This is Corporal Stump!! We're under attack!!!"

"WHAT? LK again? that bastard! I didn't think he had the ships or resources to pull off another attack!!"

"No sir, it's an unidentified ship - like nothing I've ever seen before.

"I'm on my way right now. Have all fighters launched and tell the Captain not to hesitate on using our secret weapons."

Wolf snaps the comlink off and scoops up his Shock Rifle. "You guys might want to catch some of this - seems a new player has cut in on the action."



-]LoL[ Counter-Sniper and Shock-Ho


New Member
Dec 28, 1999
Tacoma, Wa, USA
"Why hasn't CHRYSt given the attack order? What's he waiting for?" mutters Tykeal to himself. "It's not like they're just going to tear themselves apart for us!"

[comm chirps]

"Yes? What, oh so great news do you have for me this time?"

"Sir, we've recieved a comunique from CHRYSt. It appears that he's ordering a withdrawal."

"What!?" thunder's Tykeal. "We finally bow to High Commands wishes and support the bastard and what does he do!? Order a withdrawal!? I won't stand for this anymore! Retrieve Taskmaster, he's the true prize."

"That's going to be difficult, Sir. It appears one of the Taskmaster clones has gotten to him and is interfering."

"I don't care what it takes, retrieve Taskmaster. If you have to take the clone as well do it!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Tykeal turns toward his display of the current battle and notices something new. "What's this? Where did that ship come from... I don't recognize the design. Perhaps that's why CHRYSt ordered the withdrawal...."


I belch in your general direction.


Surfing the edge of underconfidence.
Feb 21, 2000
York/Norwich England
The Dragon turns lazily in space, surveying the massed fleets nearby. For the first time in millennia, it feels the faint whispering calls of mortal thoughts.
Abrupty, it casts back its head and laughs - these puny beings think that it is a space-vessel of some kind! No matter, they are not important. The real goals lie on the surface of the planet below - in a place known to its inhabitants as "Las Vegas".

The Dragon turns its back on the massed fleets above, and twists space momentarily. Instantly, it is above the city of Las Vegas, close enough to feel the two power sources - actually one power source and the resonance from its human target. Twisting its head, the Dragon tastes space-time for the directions of these objects, impatient to correct a mistake made millennia before.

[This message has been edited by The_Dudester (edited 06-27-2000).]

[This message has been edited by The_Dudester (edited 06-27-2000).]
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