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Spack Jazzrabbit
Feb 13, 2008
Worms Revolution - 8/10

There are some things missing from this game, such as having multiple team profiles, and a Ninja Rope that works the way it did in Armageddon, but what it has is great, and despite its flaws I think it's a really fun game.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Bioshock Infinite-10/10

I bought this on the weekend while it was discounted 66% on Steam. The other two Bioshock games impressed me immensely for storyline and game-play and also the incredible graphic designs and cultures of the world created. I was waiting to get hold of Infinite.

Infinite has done it again and taken story-telling to whole new level.

Elizabeth's character and the interaction between her and the main man is brilliant.

I thought the original Bioshock world was the goods but this is another stunning extension of that universe. It's insanely good from both a graphical and audio point of view.

When I bought it I though: "Great. Something else to play after I get through some of the other games I've got going at the moment. I'll just play the opening mission to have a look..."

I can't stop playing it and have played it solid for the past two nights. :lol:

Yep; this game totally rocks.


if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
The internet is a silly beast. People have complained about escort missions for years, and now that Elizabeth has come along, people are complaining that she's too helpful. XD


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
The internet is a silly beast. People have complained about escort missions for years, and now that Elizabeth has come along, people are complaining that she's too helpful. XD

Screw that. I hate escort missions normally like everyone else but Bioshock actually made me miss Elizabeth when you had to go without her for a few spots. :tup:

On a side note, I've heard in a couple places that Booker really isn't a main character in Bioshock...

LOL What a load of horse****.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
The internet is a silly beast. People have complained about escort missions for years, and now that Elizabeth has come along, people are complaining that she's too helpful. XD

I wasn't one who complained. Escort mission go all the way back to Mechwarrior and beyond......... and Elizabeth rocks my virtual world.

She actually aids Booker in his quest and doesn't stand around looking stupid like a lot of NPC's.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
So many games! Here's what I can remember from the last few months.

Far Cry 3: B- (D- if you would rather a game be less pretty in exchange for it not being unaccountably racist and mysoginistic).

Looks great, written by an idiot. God, listening to that writer hurts my head. He's that pretentious douche that doesn't realize how generic his garbage is. Ugh. The less I talk about the better. While I appreciate that the game doesn't hate for people to play it (I'm talking to you, Far Cry 2), it's absurdly easy, with silly progression goals(you have to make this money wallet out of a shark, and this one out of a special tiger. Why don't I just use another shark to make it bigger? WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID) that make it feel like a videogame (in a negative sense, in the sense that they're putting up ridiculous things for no real reasons but to give you an objective) aimed at retarded children with an appetite for violence. Shooting stuff is fun enough, but the beauty of the technical team is the only thing worthwhile in this game. A side note: this game is reprehensibly racist and sexist, and no claims of irony can save it. The attempts at irony are blatant and sad, at best, but the problems that people call it out for are around every corner, unironically garnished, and horribly problematic

Brutal Legend: C- I guess

The game is funny, I'll give it that. It's also beautiful, on an artistic design level (technically it's pretty blegh), and has a completely fucking awesome soundtrack. But when it isn't funny (dialog, descriptions, art), the plot is lame and predictable. The combat is...okay? I Guess? The action rpg elements were meh, but fine, but the RTS takes over and it is less than meh. I think I played this game for 7 hours, and was on my second inevitable betrayal when I really couldn't bother caring anymore. Love Schaffer, and love Double Fine, but this game wasn't for me. I'm glad I bought it, as this is a studio that deserves the money, it just didn't work for me. I hear some people really grew to enjoy the combat, once they knew what it was.

Papo & Yo: A

This game is beautiful, on an art design level (and pretty decent technically), though it suffers from some janky animation, courtesy of its tiny budget. Where it succeeds is in the wonderful aura of whimsy that permeates. I came at this a little bit jaded, and was very pleasantly surprised. It falls into the traps of most narratives revolving around children (and this one has a 12yo boy as its protagonist), but somehow pulls itself right out and goes on to surprise you. The writing isn't great (sentence level, it's rather pedestrian, at best), but it is VERY effective, and it uses visuals, animation and dialog to great use. The alcoholism metaphor is great until they beat you over the head with it, but the ending is marvelous. If you don't play this game, you have no soul.

The Cave: B-

I'm sorry, guys, but Ron Gilbert is fucking done. Did you play Deathspank? Did you think that it was written by a highschool kid? Me too. The Cave is likewise. It's got some hilarious moments in it, but they aren't as plentiful as they needed to be here, and the plotline as a whole wasn't even skin deep. There are no surprises here. The puzzles were decent, if sometimes quite tedious (why do game developers think that I like jogging? I don't do it in real life because it's boring, even though it's good for me, so wtf makes them think I'll enjoy running about in a game, when it's actively bad for me to sit for longer?), but the art was absolutely stunning. This will hold up for a while on the well executed art and animation alone.

Gunpoint: A+

It's a stealth game plus a hacking game, smartly written (it has no real point, but it's smartly done, nonetheless) and it is just oodles of fun to play. This was made in gamemaker, so it won't win any beauty awards, but the art and sounddesign makes up for the technical shortcomings in a long way. It controls like a dream, makes you think and doesn't wear out its welcome. God I loved this.

Medal of Honor: D-

Why? This game is so goddamned dumb. Wow. You know how after COD4: Modern Warfare, you played the MW2 campaign and thought: wow, where did this piece of shit come from? MOH has a story that came from the thrown away scraps from that POS. It's too easy, looks bad, has the artistic direction of a drunk blind kid handed a paintbrush, and it is just. Ugh. Don't play this. I got it during that EA humblebundle (which I got for Darksiders(still haven't played) and Mirrors edge, because I didn't have a steam copy of that) and even though it was essentially free, I feel like the 2.5 hours I put into it were a ripoff. Fun note, I think I donated like $200 to taht thing because I was behind on charitable donations, so that was weird.

Gone Home: A+ (on a Myst scale)

Imagine if instead of being about some incomprehensible father son world portal thing, Myst were instead about a teenage girl realizing her sexuality in the mid 90s. Except the puzzles are organic and easy to find (not as in EASY, but as in, logical) instead of obscure shit that would make you curse humanity for three weeks before you broke down and bought the cheat guide book (Because it was the 90s) and realized that you had missed some stupid tiny clue twelve years before. Yeah, I'm still bitter about Myst. Deal with it. Anyways, Gone Home is VERY smartly designed (it's the dude who did Minerva's Den, yo), VERY smartly written (I was surprised too), very well acted, and paced absurdly well. This is an "important" videogame in a great number of ways, but it's also a damned fun one.

The Wolf Among Us pt. 1: B+

Absolutely beautiful (even if the engine Telltale uses is made of cardboard tubes strapped to a washing machine), well acted and pretty decently written, this learns most of the lessons that The Walking Dead should have taught them, ignores a few, and crafts a solid, fun Noir adventure about the Big Bad Wolf's tenure as a sheriff presiding over a bunch of fairey tales. The writing stumbles too often into cliche, and doesn't tell us the things about character that ACTUALLY good writing would have, but it's decent and it's fun, and I'm definitely waiting for the next episode.


Bigger, beautifuler, less sensical, and with slightly better aiming (but still, somehow, WAY shittier than Max Payne 3: WTF rockstar? YOU MADE BOTH GAMES), GTA is back and it is the same stuff you've been doing forever. You'll see mediocre satire that you've seen since 2001, hear some excellently curated radio stations, see the level of detail that $250 Million buys you (they seriously animated flipflops differently than regular shoes for that one time Michael wears them in a cutscene that lasts 5 seconds), enjoy the panorama in your hijacked F15, all of it. It's beautiful and vast, fun and tedious. It's more of the same. The characters are dumb cutouts (though without the ludonarrative dissonance of Niko, they also lack any real soul) with some ATROCIOUS writing (swearing a lot in completely inane conversations is "realistic" but it is bad writing), great to mediocre voice acting helping a bit, and the level of boring transportation that is needed (I don't like having to move my ass around in games. It's not fun) is far too much, too often, but I certainly as hell enjoyed it.

Assassin's Creed III: C+

Okay, I'm not entirely done with this game, but I want to be. It looks pretty good (though it runs kinda janky for how modest it looks) on my PC, it's animated like a team of 30 worked on it for 18 months and it's got assassinating, but it was written by the retarded brother who couldn't get a job on the MOH script and voice acted by people who didn't realize that voice acting was a profession until ten minutes before they had a mic in their face. It's pretty bad--especially the awkward as fuck Iroquois. Mostly I'm annoyed by how much chafe they shove in my face. The first 5 hours of the game were constant tutorial for the ridiculous odd-jobs, and inane BS you have to do, and you never stop "learning" how to do some boring task or another that has almost nothing to do with the main plot. I don't fucking care about shipping and I don't need every major historical figure around the Revolutionary war jammed into my face. Oh, you're going to do it anyways? Screw you, Ubisoft. Let me murder people and run around in crowds, don't make me regulate commerce. I'm sure I'll finish this, but I won't be happy about it. Edit: played another hour, was bored to death, watched the ending on youtube, it was similarly boring. Kudos to the writers, as they've somehow made saving the world with the help of greek gods, who are actually an ancient alien race, by traveling back in time through DNA sequences to relieve the revolutionary war BORING. You wouldn't have thought it possible, but I assure you that it is. I'm glad I only paid $10 for this POS.

The Stanley Parable: A

Sure, you can get this for free, but you should buy it. Buy it now. Okay, go play the demo (which has nothing to do with the full game, but in the best possible way, in which it doesn't spoil anything, or make you repeat anything, but it gets the main ideas to you and is fucking awesome on its own). But seriously, buy it because it deserves money, if only so that more people feel encouraged to make more things like it. In the end, it's rather dumb, with its metaphysical meanderings that say about as much as a couple of college juniors, drunk on cheap bourbon and raving about Faulkner and philosophy 320, but it is funny, well written, amazingly acted and superbly designed (even if a bit ugly in parts). It's a really great time and you'll be glad you did it, so do it. Do it.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
so I picked up Anno 2070 + Deep Ocean because they were essentially in the bargain bin @ Best Buy and I've always been curious about this futuristic Sim-City-meets-Economy-Tycoon-meets-RTS simulation builder. I know the Anno games comprise an entire franchise but I've never played any of them before this week. and trying 2070 was pretty much a spur of the moment decision.

thankfully I have zero regrets.
Anno 2070 might just be the best city builder/economy game that I've ever played. hands down. and I've played virtually all Sim Cities as well as Cities XL, Age of Empires, Stronghold, Tropico, and Caesar. keep in mind I cannot speak to vanilla 2070 but combined with the Deep Ocean expansion, Anno easily surpasses the competition in terms of quality and quantity of its features.

the graphics and sound effects are superb for starters.
but there's just so much to do in Anno it's absurd. despite the vast depth of the economy and the sheer number of available resources and products/goods/services to produce/collect/maintain, it really doesn't take more than about 30 minutes to pick the game up. all of the complexity and everything you have to manage in order to find success really builds on itself in a way that makes sense. progression through the technology and building trees comes very naturally. it's still your basic Residential, Commercial, and Industrial balancing act but with the addition of individual resource, energy, and environmental management plus a host of other small but unique features.

while Anno actually comes with a variety of objective-driven missions and campaigns, the meat and potatoes of the gameplay itself lies in the endless 'Continuous Game' mode. you're dispatched to an anonymous part of the globe and given a handful of variable islands that may or may not be inhabited by other factions that you just start building on. the sole intent is whatever you make it, but it's basically to develop the largest/most productive population you can possibly sustain. some of the "islands" are also underwater plateaus which open up another huge variety of building sets that are exclusively for the collection and development of submerged resources and living conditions.

you start with 1 primary town that grows into a metropolis which will eventually require the excavation and transportation of minerals, raw materials, and goods from other communities you'll have to establish on other islands. all of these communities will grow as fast as you allow them to provide for themselves. you can also prevent some communities from "evolving" so that they remain simple laborers/farmers to support your larger cities. and eventually everyone will be trading with everyone else to support each other in one big cluster fuck of globalization on a micro scale.

you have to factor in the environmental impact of your communities as well.
certain industries benefit the eco-balance of your environment and others harm it. a dirty environment will suppress the productivity of certain communities while a clean environment will benefit the productivity of others. bad environments are responsible for more disasters (flood, tornado, fire, disease, crime, depression, etc). good environments provide bonuses to the population (healthy, fertile, happy, law abiding, etc). and so each of your communities must be monitored in order to find the best balance of productivity and happiness for the type of citizens that live/work there.

my primary Continuous Game right now already has almost 36 hours of playtime dumped into it and I STILL don't feel like I'm 2/3 through developing all of the potential technologies and buildings and monuments that are available. when this game will ever 'finish' is anyone's guess. it's just incredible how much shit is going on - how much shit there is to do - and yet how easy and enjoyable it can still be to manage. it would seem completely overwhelming if you were to consider it all from the outset; knowing nothing about how to play. but the way the game leads you into it is perfect, a very shallow learning curve for a very deep experience.

did I mention diplomacy?
certain factions can/will attack you at certain points. so there's not just city-building going on. you can construct warships, submarines, aircraft carriers, and jet fighters in addition to trade vehicles. there's also the ability to defend your communities from attack with turrets and shields and strategically built walls. one of the factions also allows you to build a nuclear missile silo...

I know I'm late to the party with Anno in general and 2070 was released in 2011, but this game is amazing so far. mastering the complexity and watching it start to work without your continued intervention is very rewarding. it just never ends :crysmile:


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends-7/10

I bought this on Steam because it was cheap and I'm a Ferrari fan. It's got lots of different models and classes of Ferraris that have come from the Scuderia through the years.

What I found equally attractive was the load of different tracks including the classic Euro circuits in their different historical configurations (including Nurburgring). There are also some decent fantasy circuits.

As for driving it was pretty messy until I got some controller configuration settings of the internet that make it work o.k.

A decent enough racing game. It's probably as close as I will ever get to owning a red car.... :lol:

Forza Ferrari!


lolwhythe****areyoureadin gthis
Jun 7, 2013
Crash of the Titans. I give this baby a 9 out of 10. This game is marvelous. One of my favorites next to the Unreal series. I don't know why people hate this and Mind Over Mutant so much. They are both great games. I mean, so what if it's not like the old games? It reminds me of Killer Instinct. People were bitching about there not being a third game, and when it finally came out, they started flaming it because it wasn't like the first two games and shit. C'mon, don't judge a book by its cover. Give it a chance. Give Crash of the Titans a chance.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
7.8 out of 10 - Risen.

Freaking jeeb, I've been playing this game for 5 days and I'm realizing it's is doing things to me that shouldn't be done, like, hooking me for 7-8 hours a day.
I'm a bit over that now but, man, wtf.
Some glitches and oversights on the part of the developer keep it from breaking 8.0 status but it's a kick ass old school RPG.

I've got the sequel but I'll probably move on to other things after this, as it's a big game and I don't want to burn out.

FYI, when this game came out i heard bad things about it, but it turns out I was reading the Xbox reviews (was modding some console site at the time).
the PC version is really good!
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Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP

F1 2013 - Fun racing game if you are into F1. (I am) I paid extra to get the classic tracks and cars and that is some of the best stuff in this game. It's really fun to drive a classic car against new cars in the Scenarios section and try and beat them. Also, Time Trials is great too, and you can do that with classic cars as well.

The real meat of the game though is the career mode and racing through a season. Starting out on Force India, then to Lotus, and then Ferrari, and being able to tell the Red Bull team to go fuck themselves destroying Vettel every race and them offering me a contract felt good. The tracks are really well done and you feel like you are there really racing.

NASCAR fans beware. This isn't a game for you. You will often have to turn right. I bet you never knew a car could do that. Also, when the cars touch in this kind of racing it usually goes pretty wrong.
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
.......if you are into F1. (I am)
Same here.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution-Director's Cut-7/10

For some reason I never got around to playing through the original version. (Probably because I got caught up in something else like Skyrim at the time).

Director's cut? The reviews said that they have fixed a few game mechanic problems and added all the DLC into the main game. So it's sort of an amped up version of a GOTYE. I've started playing from the beginning and I can see myself putting hours into it.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Deus Ex: Human Revolution-Director's Cut-7/10

The only thing that bug's me about this game, and it's not really a criticism as it is a great and fun game, is the movement of the female NPC's during dialogue scenes. They all move as if they are suffering from Parkinson's Disease..... it's very disturbing. :D

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger-6/10

Bought it on Steam during last weekend's discount round. A boot and shoot set in Ye Olde Wild West that is very linear in terms of gameplay, to say the least. You can't stray off the olde story trail at all.

The face-off/draw mechanic is quite interesting once you get a handle on it and plays well on keyboard/mouse.

It may be a simple boot and shoot but the graphics and sounds are top notch. The Chrome 5 engine (whatever that is) really renders nicely in high settings. Gun sounds and atmospheres are excellent.

I played a bit of the story mode to check it out and then some of the arcade mode. It's a fun game and worth the $8. A sandbox game of this type with an open old west world would rock.

Now I'm going back to playing Deus Ex for a while longer........


Wait, if you're here then that means...
May 11, 2008
Under the bridge downtown.
Batman Arkham Origins - 6.5/10

I'm a big fan of the previous games in the series (Arkham Asylum and Arkham City). Origins is extremely similar in almost every aspect. There are some bugs present but I only ran into some minor ones so I'm not gonna reduce the overall score for this.

There are new additions to the game but they are extremely minor. I feel like the glue grenade is kinda stupid. I like the Shock gloves, they are a bit overpowered as they allow the player to ignore stuff like tactical shield, armor etc. but it takes some effort before you'll be able to charge the gloves up so it's OK.

The story takes place before Arkham City and Arkham Asylum, probably cause
they killed off the Joker in Arkham City
. The story overall is pretty similar to Arkham Asylum but it's definitely one of the highlights of the game.

Now, onto the bad stuff. Like Arkham City, the game is flooded by Riddler challenges and crap, Asylum had just the right amount for it to not get too boring but here it's way too much.

The Firefly level is overlong, hard to navigate and the boss battle is terrible.

The final level should have been the Hotel level instead it's way too short and the final boss fight is boring.

The playable area is too big, the very long bridge makes for a long and boring gliding trip but thankfully you can utilize the batwing drops to skip this travel time. There are lots of places where navigation is a huge issue where I had to look up a video on youtube for directions :mad:, like one example, you just saved a bunch of cops out in the open, looked around for 15 minutes before I found a manhole which led me further.

So yeah overall it's not a very good game but the story just barely makes it worth playing through. Joker and Batman is no longer voiced by Hamill/Conroy but I did not notice any big difference. Some parts of the game are very well made and some are just boring. Graphics and stuff have not changed at all, it looks exactly the same as Arkham City.

Oh and one final thing, there was not enough boss fights for my taste, the villains are there but some of them you don't get a chance to fight.


Dec 14, 2010
Brütal Legend - 7/10

- The setting:
It's a love-letter to the metal genre.
- The soundtrack: It's just amazing. It would have been perfect if they got some Metallica, Iron Maiden and AC/DC tracks, but I gladly didn't miss these all that much.
- The voice cast: It's incredible that they got Ozzy Osbourne, Lita Ford, Rob Halford and Lemmy Kilmister to do voice acting for this. It's even more incredible that they kicked ass. Jack Black and Tim Curry were also cast and delivered. Ozzy was a show stealer IMO.

- Formulaic story:
It was filled with some good jokes, but also bad jokes and some questionable decisions from the player character that made me go WTF.
- Empty map: There's really not much else apart from the mission providers, monuments and patrols.
- Unpolished combat in the stage fights: The stage fights were very enjoyable, but the way they gave you the control of your minions was really bad.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Kingpin 8/10

Decided to play the entire game again. It's been a while, probably since last decade or so. I did visit some levels, but those times were very few and I ended up forgetting it.
Untill recently. I figured, well why not give it a whirl again. And I enjoyed it. The dialogue is hilarious(ly bad at times, but son entertaining), the weapons are decent (untill you gain access to the heavy machinegun and it's all you practically tend to use) The environments were actually pretty nice back in the day. And nostalgia made me like them again. Kingpin's levels are dark, but never like the doom 3 environments. There are plenty of colours, ambient sounds (think of the shipyard tier). Some bossfights are decent, others are forgetable. The swearing never bothered me. It's what you hear on a daily base all around you anyway. And you're guilty of it as well. So big deal. Some of the taunts are just great btw.
I hate those rats. Those little bastards weren't in the demo, luckily. But they antagonise you at times. I know, just 1s and 0s. But still, they are convincingly annoying :)
I also liked how the muscle you hire most of the times seem to be able to catch up with you. You'd have to go pretty far and cross a level to lose them. Otherwise they stick to you. But hardly get in your way (remember those dearly beloved helpers in half life 2...)
All in all, good oldie. I played this on medium difficulty and should probably switch to hard or real. From what I've seen on youtub, it could be quite the challenge...