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In before "Rasmussen sucks" even though you use it to support your own agenda when it's in your favor.


Obey Leash Laws
Jul 19, 1999
Nowhere to be found.
IF Ron Paul could actually get on the Republican ticket, then I'd say he would have a strong chance at pulling some serious votes in and actually elected.. However, I'd wonder how effective he would be following the current administration. Replacing another GOP president would be one thing, but he'd spend most of his administration reversing, or attempting to reverse, what a Democrat president did. I'd still love to see less foreign involvement and less gov't spending, not to mention the Patriot act getting burned to the ground, though.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Ron Paul and his Internet Crusaders should just give up already.

The vast majority of delegates in each state will not vote for Ron Paul.


"Building Better Worlds"
Nov 1, 2005
ron paul?? In my native language that name would sound like a new rum brand...
However, all people who like drinking would vote for that...

Go, ron paul!!!


Aug 12, 2001
Like it or not, RP wont get an R endorsement as a creationist. Likewise with Dems. In fact anyone morally compelled by their religious beliefs to overturn major legal verdicts isn't likely to riding on either ticket.
It's good to have faith in someone but blind football team faith is a bit absurd.
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Face down in a pool of his own vomit.
Apr 8, 2008
...not to mention the Patriot act getting burned to the ground, though.


And from what I see in this thread, are you trying to tell me there's actually a guy out there who runs for office as a republican, yet doesn't pander to the religious right for votes? I always said the one republican I would vote for would be McCain, and then I saw him pandering to the religious right for votes... Tsk Tsk.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
In before "Rasmussen sucks" even though you use it to support your own agenda when it's in your favor.

I actually like Rasmussen, but the way this poll is being used is flat out misleading. Based on my understanding of the poll, the question was pitting Ron Paul and Obama directly against each other. That would mean your choices would be Ron Paul, Obama, or someone else.

If anything this poll shows the serious public opinion problems that Obama continues to face. However, this poll does not in any way show that Ron Paul stands even a smidgen of a chance of winning the Republican nomination. If the poll included more names I'm sure you would see extremely different results.
Poll is pretty basic. They did the same thing with a bunch of other republican candidates and they scored poorly. It essentially says that Ron Paul would be the ideal (R) nomination to face Obama in a hypothetical election today. The main thing this proves is that Ron Paul has the electability that no one ever gave him a shot in ever having.
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Aug 12, 2001
Ron Paul is the last guy in washington to force his religious beliefs onto anyone else. That's pretty much what he stands for.

H.R. 1094

It's really easy to get roped in by media and before you know it you're riding the bandwagon reciting the same rhetoric. The face of politics isn't so much about facts as it is a personality contest. RP seems like a swell guy but it's impossible to claim without doubt that this bill wasn't influenced by religious beliefs and it would clearly force not beliefs but the moral practice of such on to the American people.
I don't see how that's forcing anything onto anyone. He's pro-life. He submitted a pro-life bill. He didn't really do anything to promote it and it failed because america didn't want it. The end. You have to take a stance on the issue, he took his and others took theirs.

Quite honestly I disagree with his stance but no one is perfect. I'm all for scrambling babies' brains with a coathanger because I dont really care.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
You know who the delegates will be already? That's some privy information.
Do you really need to? The delegates are always people who are swept up in politics, not average Joe Schmoe on the street as the people in this (and the others) poll. They sway way more with big tickets of what they perceive to be heavy hitters. Having been to severl delegation meetings, I can assure you that someone like Ron Paul will never be selected by a majority of delegates in enough states to be on the ticket for the two parties in America.
H.R. 1094

It's really easy to get roped in by media and before you know it you're riding the bandwagon reciting the same rhetoric. The face of politics isn't so much about facts as it is a personality contest. RP seems like a swell guy but it's impossible to claim without doubt that this bill wasn't influenced by religious beliefs and it would clearly force not beliefs but the moral practice of such on to the American people.
You could say that, or you could say that it is possible people see life as a moral issue and not a religious one? Surely there are non religious people who are pro-life.