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Warren I apologize for my prior post! It's just i run into idiots like "RaekwoN" and I lose my
temper!!! I mean I don't know the guy, never even had an encounter of any kind over the net and here's
this guy insulting me and telling me what I can and can't say "come on!"
that's really bull!!

However I understand your concern and will respect your forum by refraining from any future
incident of this nature.

Thank you for your understanding

Oh and Please get this guy bill dog also.
of my back
In turn I will look up furum rules and comply
I came here to be a part of the Inf. community
not to be pushed around. That's never been my style! If I am Not welcome then all you have to do Is
say so.

Once again thanks.



Hey, my apologies. It's just that I happen to live with a Mac freak and he is always pushing the use of macs on me, can't handle it, don't understand it. All I was saying to you was that no-one really cares for Mac advocates, it wasn't that you can't keep saying what you do, it is just that well not many people agree with you. Me being one of them.

Also refrain from calling me an idiot. The word childish comes to mind.

RaekwoN out.


good deal, let's spit, shake hands, and leave our mothers out of this.. Mac or no mac, all I care is whether or not you enjoy Infiltration.. and if you don't then a good reason why not is always a plus. Anyway, thank you for being 'the man' and not a 'combat seal'... don't ask- don't tell



Sounds good to me warren. As for you RaekwoN I apologize for calling you an Idiot I can see know
you are not one!. But do you see the present post you left me It has something very Important In It and
that's Respect! you show me respect I will show you nothing less than the same, you have my word!
And last but not least billdog to you I apologize also but please get off my back ever since I began
posting A couple days ago you started messing with me. I know your probably saying how ? right well
It's like this Im not stupid actually far from It! so when you Leave me a message with little hidden
sarcastic remarks It Insults me to think that you thought I wouldn't catch them or If you did assume I
would then well that speaks for It self anyhow
you'll get no more bullshit from me! just please don't taunt me /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Thank You guys for your cooperation In resolving this matter In a civilized manner I appreciate It

Your Friend
So long as you want him



Oh ya last thing Warren to say I enjoy Inf.
would be an Injustice, I love playing Infantry. Ill put It to you this way I no longer even play regular
unreal. In my opinion Inf. Is the best mod out there It not only gives unreal Ironically a realistic touch
but It lets a person some what get a feel for combat without the hideous element of actual war.

You guys did I great job with this mod I commend You! I only which I could contribute to It more than
just playing. which Is why I left that Disgusted Post!

Well this Is my last post 4 a couple days don't wanna spam!

