UT2kX Bikini girls for UT2004

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New Member
Oct 12, 2005
Bikini girls for UT2004 (updated to v1.3)

No long story behind this pack. Basically I just wanted to add some bikinis to the default character models (there's a lot of such skins on skincity but they are mostly outdated and poor quality), but after a few weeks of painting and modeling stuff I ended up with this and decided to share it. Anybody still playing UT2004 like I do? Anyways I hope someone will find these skins useful.


Ingame screenshots

v1.2 | 10.06.2013
1) All packages are now split by character.
2) Alice_[3], Sapphire_[3] and Satin_[2] have 4 team color support.
3) Alice_[3] has a new hair color and make up (kinda inspired by this guy) which i think fits her armor much better.
4) New rig for Satin and Sapphire (i tweaked the spine bones position a bit) and new hands for all girls. They are now actually holding the weapon grips. I used the old UT2003 weapons to align them. Unfortunately the new UT2004 ones are not aligned properly, so the shock and assault rifles are still floating around.
5) New Idle_Rest animation.
6) A few other minor changes and tweaks.

The file names have been changed, so if you have installed the previous version before, you will need to remove the following files manually:



v1.21 | 10.07.2013
Thanks to Azarael I fixed a small issue with the BikiniGirlsAlice_anim.ukx file.

v1.3 | 05.23.2014
1) Added custom mesh LODs.
2) Removed brackets and underscoring from the names for online compatibility.
3) The body textures are now DXT1 instead of DXT5.
4) Cut a few lines from Alice's bio.

I also added a 4th skin for Alice. Nothing special, basically it's just a recolored Sapphire's original armor with Alice's head. Since this skinpack is already a huge pile of everything, I thought, why not.
The good thing about this skin is that it matches the original characters perfectly:

Remember that you can always comment the unwanted characters out in the .upl files by adding a ";" in the beginning of their lines. The .upls can be opened with a notepad.


If you don't like the tattoos and Alice3's new appearance you can still download the textures without all that alternative stuff. This package doesn't replace the main texture and animations packages though, so you will still need the original files.
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Apr 8, 2008
Malaga, Spain
hEY aberiu long time see you again here! I recall all your skinworks all them is fineart, thanks for this new skinpack!
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