Bioshock Infinite

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Sep 17, 2004
I'm playing on hard, at first it was alright. Then it gets awfully repetitive and well, I'm actually wondering if I'll find the patience to finish the game now. :/ I think I just lost the initial sparkle with it.


Obey Leash Laws
Jul 19, 1999
Nowhere to be found.
I'm playing it now. The game is GORGEOUS, and I love the music in Columbia. That quartet in the begging.. Wow. I stopped and listened to every bit of music in the game, and loved it.. And when the combat started, I definitely had a "holy shit" moment.

Loving it. I haven't really enjoyed many FPSes as of late, but this one is capturing me pretty well.


Altiloquent bloviator.
Mar 23, 2013
Yep...they do a nice job of hiding the repetitive game play and linearity with a solid story and good voice/action work. Visuals are way bloomy for my taste.

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Kind of agree with Kantham. I'm getting a little fed up with the combat. I just want more story but they keep throwing hordes of enemies at me. The same enemies that I defeated a million times before.

Visuals aren't as good as I had hoped either. Probably because I've been spoiled by Tomb Raider. Bioshock on ultra still has blurry textures. :(

Also decided that I hate item collecting. All you do is go up to every cabinet/container you see and press the use key. More annoying is that you have to press it twice. It's incredibly tedious and distracts me from enjoying the environments because I'm too busy being OCD and making sure I didn't miss any cabinets.


Still a really cool game, just waaayyy overrated IMO.


Sep 17, 2004
Also decided that I hate item collecting. All you do is go up to every cabinet/container you see and press the use key. More annoying is that you have to press it twice.

Out of all the things it's one they decided not to remotely improve and it's mostly one of the main concerns I had with the game as well. Generally speaking I don't mind the spawn rate of enemies, it's the combat that gets bland on Hard difficulty. IE get hit for ~1 second, get cover, pop out on standing still AI... all the mechanics are clunky. Shooting dudes in Tomb Raider never gets old, shooting dudes in this game gets old as fuck. :/

Post combat wise, I suspect the lack of ammunition doesn't really help, since you have to scavenge everywhere which is very repetitive. I had the same problem with FO3 and all those scavenge props games.

The story and atmosphere is the only reason to get worked up about this game. There's definitively 2 kinds of games and players in this world:

-Dust collector in the shelves story edition
-Pick it up everyday good replay value

So much in development cost for a video game tale, I don't know why it's a thing people/devs insist so much on. It first appeared in the 90's and it still hasn't died off - story through video games is a virus, and deviates from what games should really be about.

Go see a movie if you want a story. You don't need to play it with clunky gameplay, you just watch it.

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Just beat it. Ending was absolutely spectacular. Like, wow. I'm going to have to do some research to piece this all together.

I suspect this game is getting such good reviews primarily because of the story. Take away the story and is this really a 10/10 game? No, not even close.

But damn that ending was good! :tup:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
That being said, how many 10/10 games are there that don't have a decent story? Not many, if any. It's a workable formula.

Look, I won't say I love the combat in this game, even though it is quite a bit better than the vast majority of what is out there. But it's not like it's senseless. It makes sense within the game world and it is really only overdone in a couple of scenes. The skyline riding and stuff adds depth that you generally don't get in shooting-first games. And the game even discourages you from shooting by putting down your gun frequently. In fact, most of the time your gun is down unless someone is shooting at you first.

It seems like to me part of the problem is you guys played on Hard. I also played through on Hard and I found it tenuously enjoyable. There were several places where I thought the game was being overly unfair towards me because of layout, lack of ammo, and poor weapon choices. I went back and played some parts on Normal and Easy and they were definitely more entertaining because, if nothing else, Elizabeth helps you out more.

Still, the combat play is definitely the weakest part of the game though I could easily give it more than an 8/10. Compared to so many other games, it is just that much better.


Sep 17, 2004
The ending (now that I finished the game) is obviously where this game is all focused on, the combat was a bland experience. Once you finish the game, it becomes clear that the way they tell you the story through gameplay makes more sense as if they would through a movie.

They could even start a school to fully understand the story and bring back the pieces together, as far as I can tell.

It's a welcome addition to gaming in that aspect (simply because it was done right), but it has no replay value for me (as expected). So in the end, even if the game is above the 90 mark, it doesn't really mean a single thing on the game calendar. It generally means you once had a good time with a video game.
Last edited:


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I'll probably revisit the game at least once as there are so many hints and stuff throughout the story that you miss the first time. I can remember a handful of them but it would be even better to go through again. I might even try to go through on 1999 mode. I've seen a few strategies where you don't need anything more than a couple of Vigors to beat the game.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I don't mind the gameplay that much. But to find everything I will probably play on Easy so the combat is more like an annoying gnat than actually frustrating.


Jun 17, 2001
Cape Suzette
I finally got around to playing it this weekend, on Normal. The story was great but the combat was very meh. I think the most disappointing part about it for me was...
the final battle. Fight Comstock? No. Fight Songbird? No. Fight... Evilisabeth? No. Oh, more Vox. Ok.
Bucking Bronco was my go to vigor, with Possession to temporarily distract the big guys.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
I finished Bioshock 2 a couple of weeks ago in preparation for getting this game. I can see myself playing Bioshock and 2 again.

I was intending to pick this up Infinite up when steam has a 50% weekend sometime in the future. I can wait considering the comments above.

I think I'll be getting Borderlands 2 first..........