Unreal Texture UT site and S3TC releases

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Jan 20, 2008
Are you using Unreal Tournament or Unreal? I'm talking about the core games themselves.
If you want the S3TC textures in UT just download the UT Hi-Res ones and overwrite the old.
If you want the S3TC textures in Unreal 1 just download the Unreal 1 Hi-Res ones and overwrite the old.

That's it. If you play a map which is using them, you're lucky and you can enjoy the show.


Mar 21, 2008
Arlington, Virginia
Diehard & UBerserker,

I installed the Hi-End S3TC textures in Unreal and in UT about a year ago. I've since updated those early ones to the S3TC textures dated March 7, 2010.

My prior questions are apparently too complicated to convey easily. So, let's just forget it.

I just finished installing the UT S3TC textures into Unreal. If Unreal already had a S3TC texture file of the same name and size as that of the UT S3TC texture, I didn't install it.

So, I only installed those UT S3TC textures into Unreal that didn't already exist in Unreal. If an Unreal texture file existed, but was smaller than the UT texture file, I installed the UT file. There! I'm done! If I have extra texture files in Unreal that I don't need or use, so be it.

I have no idea what levels, or what custom maps, will make use of those UT S3TC textures. It's too hard to figure out. I'll take whatever I get, whether I know what it is or not.

Nobody said that communications is easy, not to mention reading comprehension. In fact, both are very hard.

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New Member

This is getting more complicated than I intended . OK, I've already downloaded and installed all S3TC Hi-End textures for both Unreal and UT, dated March 7, 2010. Both games and configured correctly and running properly. Also, I'm a single player.

Now, I want to install the UT S3TC Hi-End textures into Unreal, as you suggested. I already have those textures on-hand archived on CDs.

Now, can you answer my prior posted questions, as follows:

Should I install only those S3TC UT textures with names different than those S3TC textures already installed in Unreal?

For example, if Unreal already has the S3TC texture named Mine.utx, then I wouldn't install the S3TC UT texture with the same name, right?

Also, if an UT S3TC texture has a name that doesn't exist in Unreal, then would I install it in Unreal anyway? I suppose such conditions exist, but I don't know for sure. Just asking.

OK, your last post answered the last question: I may have a few extra textures, but that fact doesn't matter (if I have the space).

Do these issues make sense?


The only thing that is happening, you wont need to download all textures for both games. So if you are a single player, you can simply download all files for UT and use those for both games. And yes, if it askes to overwrite Mine, than comply to it and overwrite it.

And the extra files for UT, leave em there if you have the HD space. They simply will not be used by Unreal and wont affect anything, except taking HD space.

And again, this ONLY aplies to people that play Single Player and never go online !

So you dont have to think, simply download the UT files and use them for both games, if it wants to overwrite an excisting file(regardless Unreal or UT), choose yes.

Are you using Unreal Tournament or Unreal? I'm talking about the core games themselves.
If you want the S3TC textures in UT just download the UT Hi-Res ones and overwrite the old.
If you want the S3TC textures in Unreal 1 just download the Unreal 1 Hi-Res ones and overwrite the old.

That's it. If you play a map which is using them, you're lucky and you can enjoy the show.

In this case he was referring to Single Player only, and for single player you can mix the files between games.

What a pity .... :(

It only means it will have too wait a few days. As said ill do the Low End first, than the High End, than the Extreme. So it only takes a few days for that package, but it wil be there :) So with a bit of luck all files(low, High, Extreme) are updated this sunday.


New Member
Important notification

I am done processing all files in an attempt to get rid of the skating player glitch, and there are some issues i want to pay attention to.

Theoretically the glitch should be gone permanently, but it still means:

Server Admins:

- Admins should never ever install the 2nd UT CD textures.
- Admins should never ever install the so called (reduced)NetTextures.
- Admins should never ever install any S3TC textures on the server.
- Admins should only use the 1st CD textures or have them download the safe for use textures from this page: S3TC Server Packages


- Clients should either use the 1st CD textures or the UTRP textures.
- Clients should not use the 2nd CD S3TC textures.

So please keep pointing admins and players to above rules, and if needed refer to the mainpage from www.UnrealTexture.com where there is a direct link for serveradmins on the frontpage to get the correct server files.

Rest me to say that in about 90 minutes all uploads are done and completed and i will post the links for the downloads


New Member
Crucial Updates


Because of the speed to process everything, 1 new package is included being noxxpack.utx The package does contain beta textures, and though most of them look cool, there still are some beta textures that still lack certain detail.

The same pretty much applies to city.utx That package too may contain beta textures, so be warned. But it does provide a high resolution flyby through the city :)

For both goes, if its really bad, than ill work on those next week and release some better candidates.

Technical updates:

As far as the technical updates concernes. At least theoretically the skating player glitch should be solved forgood. The non tiling clouds should be fixed as well.

The disapearing waterfall is NOT fixed. The waterfall is sitting in the HubbEffects package and the error is caused by the new mergertool. The package needs this tool to be functional, and cannot be produced by the old mergertool. So either stick with the normal package or use the S3TC version while you are at risk that on certain occasions the waterfall is mising. Needs to be said, the error is extreeeeeemelly rare, so from that point of view, you can safelly use the S3TC package. Fixing the error can only be done when a new and better version of the mergertool is available.

Use of downloads:

As for the downloads, if you use the Extreme End packages, still download all High End packages and overwrite those with the available Extreme End packages.

For all S3TC users goes, i strongly advise to re-download all the files you have and replace them with the new ones.


I did set the dates for all packages at 05-20-2010(US) or 20-05-2010(Europe and remaining world).

Big thanks:

Further i want to say big thanks to Paperk and Usaar33 for the work on this, and again Protos for providing a testserver. And i sincerelly hope errors didnt slip in on my end. I tried to make sure everything was processed properly, but errors may have slipped in, i am after all human too :)

KDS for providing the bandwidth :)

The Downloads :)

Low End


High End:


Extreme End:


Well, happy downloading lol

Last notes, ill wait for bugreports on these forums before i go post on my own site, OldUnreal and other forums.

Downloads from OldUnreal and UT_Files have not been synchronised yet. Those will be synchronised when bugreports are done. So either download from the links provided here, or go to www.uttexture.com and use only the primary downloads from that site.
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