The story of the space Station "Deep Space Proxima Alpha"

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Mar 29, 2001
I get the cease fire order from the captain, and quickly seal the door with a large amount of the sticky goop made from our Disturbed-Cocktails. But then I am contacted in private by him:

"Thrakhath, we need to get those things out of here NOW. We can't have them ripping up the station, they've gone NUTS! Don't you have some way of . . . of . . ."

"I understand captain, remove pokemon, post-haste. I'm on it."

I head down to engineering to set up some thing, I don't know how long it could take. I begin to look for some kind of sub-space burst, something that would affect them and not the rest of us.

Why do I have this creapy sensation? . . . my spine is tingling.

I begin by analizing the weird energy patterns that they seem to be feeding off of. It sudenly occers to me that I could rig the singularity generator (the fixed one in the time-lock) to send out a massive energy pulse of the same nature. I'm not sure what it would do. Bt it might have the same effect on the pokemon as pinching your skin when a mosquito is drawing "energy" from you.


The Chosen One.
Aboard the wreck..

The force wave from the dark mouth has subsided. What does it mean? And how did your creations Goddess, become so twisted. Perhapse I misjudged these humans, for truly these are not the same gifts that you created with the Lumen sphere so long ago. I can sense more poke lifeforces being wasted. Although they are not what you created them to be, I know you want me to spare them. Yes I must go to the human stronghold,their station and stop this waste. But i dare not leave my sacred post aboard this ship where you first crafted me and gave me life. You, my mercyful Goddess Galaxia appointed me as gardian of your treasure these many centuries. How can I now leave it unguarded even for this cause? What can I...wait, my balls... they.....I know that you never do anything without a purpose but I never understood what they were for. (I nervously grip my silver pouch...reaching in, I pull out the six crystaline balls the Goddess gave me.) They're as beautiful as the first time I viewed them, but now they almost seem to sing as i hold them in my hand. (As I look upon the blobs of energy that were pokemon...words come to mind. Suddenly I know just what to do.)
Kadabra...return! Houndoom return! Golem return! Togatic return! Yes, I can feel your powers....your lifeforces enhancing me. Now we are in sync but you must stay contained within these "poke balls" in order to harmonize your tormented life energy. Now to seal the "dark heart" fragment away while I'm gone. Kadabra force!...empower! Light screen! Yes that should protect this most sacred of treasure while I'm gone. Now to save some pokemon. Teleport!


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
well, seems my little fight with them scared them away, hope i don't come across any more of those ships, they were some mean bast0rds. I think Myrmidion is in a coma, i can't do much here, since i'm not an expert on these things. God i miss my bar, wonder how the EMH is holding up. Anyway, i think i might have a plan to get us outta here, if i can re-rout the shuttle's impulse drives to the secondary communications buffers i might be able to contact the station and get me some help.
I'll start routing right away, it'll take some time.


May 3, 2001
Wezep, The Netherlands
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I finally got my hands on a nice bottle of booze. That's good since my body started to turn green. It's too bad that I can't get drunk, cause I could use that right now...

I heard that the Pokemon killer mix is named after me: The Disturbed Cocktail. I like it!

Okay I'll try to get some sleep now.


Mar 29, 2001
I complete the modify cations to the anti-pokemon bomb, and am about ready to test.

No wait, no time for testing, I have to get rid of these things now, I flip the starting switch. The machine whirs to life, and begins the count down.

URRGG! too close . . . feeling qwezy . . . But I have to make sure this time works. Besides, it's not going to kill me right.

"How dare you try to destroy my presious pets!" Hisses a voice behind me.

I jump, startled, and turn to see a rather evil looking creature. "Wh . . . Who are you?"

"Who and what I am is not important, you are violating my energy, the pokemon belong to me. I will not let you destroy them."

The creature jumps on me with a startlingly fast movment.

ARRRGH! I feel myself being . . . Absorbed? I'm not sure, but I think that's what it is . . . However, the creatures attack is ill-timed.

The machine finishes it's warm-up period, it stored up enough energy and now releases it all in one massive sub-space shock wave. All the pokemon aboard the station and ship are instantly turned to jello.

However, I start to experence something very weird. I'm no longer being absorbed, but am absorbing it. And me! I am no longer one of the two, but both, and I am corperating them together.

But wait, there is another here . . . No . . . many more. Thousands of beings who have been incorperated into this creature. But where is the creature?

Ah . . . There he his. I can . . . no, we can feel his thoughts. Wait, am I an I or a we? I am an engineer . . . we are . . . what am I? We?

(at this point, the individuals know as Thrakhath and SaintBeam are drowned out by the millions of voices contained in this beast. What emerges is a new mind, Unicron, with a personality split between Thrakhah and SaintBeam)

"What have we done?"

"We shall be called Unicron, and we shall incorperate all life into ourselfs. Then the galaxy will be one, and true unity and peace shall exist."

(Thrakhath's personality breifly emerges:)
"What the heck am I saying, what am I doing. Who is unicron?"

(SaintBeam speaks:)
"Unicron is the fusion of our beings."

"How did that happen?"

"You're the engineer, YOU tell ME!"

We need to find a way to split us apart

Duh. The godess will not be happy.

Unicron then goes and absorbs the pokemon know as Kadabra, and uses it's teleport ability to returun to the derilict ship to get some more fire power.


Old School RPG
Feb 12, 2000
Location: leaving the black hole. Time: Now.

Computer what is my present time and location?
Computer?......Sonofa GLITCH! The memory core's been wiped clean! Well, apart from having a woodstock5 size hang over I seem to be fine. I can't believe I actually did it. Can't wait to get home and tell Wendy the good news. Of course I'll have to tell her the whole story first....all of a sudden that black hole doesn't look so bad. Hmm...the com system is still working.
Control...control do you read me? This is HaloSupreme, your number one flyboy slash guinepig. I'm back. Control? Is there anybody out there?! Sure wish I knew my exact.....location?.....What the flanders is that?


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
I really tried to end this fighting. But some factions among the pokemon didn't like that idea. Same with some of my crew. The renegade pokemon even impersonated the Goshen monks. If all comes to the worst we might need to apologize to the real minks for killing some. Even my patient comes to an end sometimes. So I asked Trakkath to build a subspace verteron collider. It is totally harmless for humanoid but destroys pokemon and a submolecular level. The pacifist faction of the pokemon was told to hide in the duratanium acess tubes where they are shielded. Then I got the signal:
"Captain. It's ready...initiating power surge"
A trembling rocked the station for top to keel. Blinding light engulfed every corridorm, every room, and bulhead. Small explosions and screams are heard, undoubtly from the disintergrating pokemon. They are gone. Once and for all.
The remaining ones were escorted by secruity to their new communication, and sealed behind a level 10 forcefield.

Suddenly the scanners pick up strange readings...a power source off the scale appears at the location of the verteron collider. Then it even increased in power and Trakkath signal was lost. Moments later the energy disappeared only to be detected on the alien ship. I must contact Kilham about that findings....


Mar 29, 2001
(voice of unicron)
"We have returned to our ship. It is in terrible shape, why we allowed it become such a derilict is unknown. We will now . . ."

"Urrrrg, what is this thing doing I . . . Hey, I'm in control. That's good now I'll just . . ."

"All life matter must be converted to energy for our usage. There is still some parts of this ship which WILL aid us in our mission."

The creature continues onward toward the center of the still living part of the ship. My guess is that it is going to absorb some more energy, then make it's attack on the station. Wait, what was that . . .

"Ahh, energy. Come to us, we are Unicron. You shall be united to . . . ."


" . . . You will b . . ."

"GO! NOW! I can't hold on much lon . . ."


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
Our search was partially succesful. We found this strange crystal on a planet, which i dunno what it is. Its like the symbols on the walls of old Argon Temples. Probaly needs to be sent back to the station. we found a hull fragment from my old destroyer, the Nautilus. We are very close, findin the Nautilus would make Admirals happy and speed up our search.
1 day later.

We found half of the Nautilus.. the main half we need on down on some planet destroyed. We've marked the location and proceeding to tractor the command half to Earth for analysis, one of us will stay and help research it.


Self Proclaimed Forum Lord
May 25, 2000
Visit site
Aboard "the Black Doom" war ship

Sir, the sensers have picked up some unusual readings in sector 527. what way?
It appears to read as...transmetal
What?! Impossible?! I control all the known sources of transmetal.
Initiate shadow slide drive!
Drive initiated.
Lock on coordinates!
Coordinates locked on.

Take me to this transmetal reading, NOW!!


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
The wreck is under analysis at earth. Admiral hykoto has given me charge of a type 3 Strike battleship named the Gaurdian, this baby's got new torpedo tech, the engines are based on my old spindrive improvement theories so the enigines can actaully cloak us from non starfleet sensors. As i was there ive been made aware of a Promotion of Commander for me, i don't think i deserve it tho, the guys back the station do a good job.. and im 5 minutes late, the capt's gonna kill me. The Crystal is some kind of infinite energy storage... a old legend says that there were 8 Orbs the Ancients used to make the galaxy. I don't know what to think of it.

"5 Minutes from Proxima station sir" says the helm officer
'ok, space normal speed. hail the station.'
"aye sir, merging to normal space"
'Gaurdian to Proxima station, requesting docking permission and pizza's. Also delivering us some defence, quite impressive i think sir.'
"automated systems have granted docking procedures, some interference on ship to ship coms. Engineering teams to Communications assemblies. level 2 diagnosic please."
'all personnel, we are now docked at Proxima station, you are under the command of Captain 8472, we will help repair the station as well. thank you, also consider the station shore leave.'


Old School RPG
Feb 12, 2000
Aboard the transmetal shuttle pod.

It looks like, a ball of energy hovering in between the photo atomic conversion array. What is this thing and how did it get here?
<It is part of the key to balancing our reality.>

Wha...Computer? But the memory was....

<I am not your computer. I am merely using it's A.I. interface to speak to you.>

<There's no time for explinations! You must use the power if this Lumen orb and go to the space station Proxima Alpha. Once there,use this orb to restore the balance of the guardian who is in peril. >
Clearly I'm trippin' out like a mofo right now and I don't know what the frag your talking about. So,I'm going to try an set a course for my launch......

<NO! You will go to the place I've told you about and you will forfill your destiny. It was I that guided you through space and time for my purpose and the good of this galaxy. You will find that your vessel is now fully charged and capable of traversing the distance necessary.> there anything else I can get for ya while I'm gone? A pack of smokes maybe...or a soda?

<This is no time for levity. The fate of reality itself is at stake. I..grow weak from this exercise....You must g..go now. A great evil whom threatens galactic doom approachs you as I speak....y..yyou...mustttt....>

(What now?! Quaking?)
Sensers are working full blast now but this don't look good. It's as if space itself is being...ripped open?
It's reading as a class 8 phenomenon?! Blast, the coordinates are locked...I can't.....Somethings materializing. Crap,crap,crap...Ok, I might not be able to go home but I'z got's ta get the freak out of here.
transwarp burst in 5...4...3...2...1....Yeeeehaw!!


Lost in RL
Oct 11, 2000
I watched helplessly as the alien energy source moved towards Engineering - and stopped. As if watching, learning about something new. Then it moved away, heading for what I assumed to be the bridge.
With no radio, weapon or idea where I was going I thought it was time to head back to the shuttle. Retracing my path through what seemed like endless identical corridors was not too easy, as i'd relied on the scanner when chasing that energy reading, but I found the spot where I had fallen without any trouble. There was the shock rifle, but it was complete as if new.
Nothing seemed impossible anymore here. I picked it up, knowing at the same time that it would be useless against any enemy found here.


I've been wandering lost for what seems an eternaty now... no wait thats not how you scanner says it's been three days - no food or drink. No sheep... wait I mean sleep. Oh what i'd do for a Tellurian Guinness...
Wait - that energy reading is back. Something seems different about it, or is it just me tired. It's stronger and - changing. Constantly. It's heading towards me now. Faster than i've ever seen it move before. I want to run, scream at my tired body to. But can't move.

I could feel it's prescence before the scanner had time to display it right in the centre. In my weakened state, it had no truoble finding it's way into my mind. So many answers - all the insoluble problems and paradoxes became clear in a moment. So much it could show me....
The reality hit me suddenly, that it was not here to help me, but itself. Almost as if the same mind that was trying to absorb me had screamed at me to escape while I still could. It's influence weakened, the thing started to reterat. Now I ran. Blindly, with no real hope of escape.


Mar 29, 2001
The beast in control of "my" body was crazy! Whatever it is, it's completely bent on destroying EVERYTHING in the universe. I . . . we had to find a way to stop it.

"Hey, SaintBeam, are you still here?"
"Yeah, it's not like I have anywhere else to go."
"Look, there's three of us in this body right?"
"Right . . ."
"And we all have equal control right"
"Maybe . . . I don't know, I've never had to share with anyone else."
"Look, if we BOTH concentrate, maybe we can keep Unicron from control!”

“ . . . Um, OK, what do I do?”
“ . . . . . . I don’t know. . . . . Just try to do something that you would do if you WERE in control, like move your arms and legs and things.”
“ . . . . . . . Oooook, here’s goes nothing”

We must have looked a very strange site. A huge monster (like an eight foot tiger/human hybrid), doing the hokey-pokey as we struggled to usurp the consciousness that was Unicron.

At last we succeeded, with Saintbeam “holding” down Unicron and me in temporary control. And I start flexing the muscles of my new body. It seems to be very strong, and fast. As well as being part energy (I think) and part matter. I also find that (now that I’m in control), I can sense the energy of living things. Weird, now where did Kilham go? I have to find him and get us out of here. Ah, over thata way.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
The fighting with the pokemon has finally come an end the the remaining pokemon are staying where they are meant. So I took some rare free time for a walk over the promenade. The shops with merchants and restaurants are slowly opening again. The Doc is still multitasking between the bar and Infirmary. We really need Stryker and Myrmidion back here. There is a lot of Starfleet personell here too. Probably the crew of the USS Guardian, brought here by - now Commander - DeaJea, and fixed at docking bay 15.
Suddenly a woman catches my attention. With her red dress, she stands at the reiling of the upper walkway, peering over the promenade. With her brown hair and dark eyes, she is one of the most beautiful women I ever saw. I just have to meet her. Probably the old trick "random encounter" works best. Making some detours over the promenade deck, I slowly approach her, and stop to rest, leaning on the reiling near her.
"This is a nice overview, isn't it?", she suddenly says
"Yes, but I know some remote places on the station, that are even more magnificient. On some days you can see the blackhole from the lower docking pylons"
"I'd like to see that"
"What about a dinner this evening, and a tour of the station?"
"Date. 7 o'clock, in my quarters. I'm sure you will find me Captain", and walks off.
She called me Captain. Of course the she saw the rank pins on the collar, but I don't lose the feeling she meant "captain of this station". Where does she know that from?
On the way back to my office in ops, I have another meeting with one of the Goshen monks:
"Captain, be warned. You can't have a relation with here. The fate of the universes is at stake. We can't allow this. Do it and you will face the consequences"
More puzzled than I already was, I arrive in ops, to enjoy a cup of coffee. I go to the replicator, take the cup and sit down, wanting to see through some reports. Suddenly a shreeking noise shocks me, when I sit down. My hand shakes and I pour cofffee all over my legs. Ouch this is hot! No what is that? A furry creature is sitting on the chair. No this can't's....a tribble....


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
after some weeks time...

yes, i finally got the controls circuit fixed now, and rerouting power as we speak, lets hope this baby can still hold enough power to send the msg via sub-space to the station, since i know its excact location. Lets hope some1 gets the msg, if this fails, i don't have enough power to hold the life support system for a week, i had to shut down the gravity system, to use less power,
*bonk*, ow my head, thats the third time already, stupid gravity

Stryker8 signing out, praying, praying


taking a month's break
May 7, 2001
While on a little test flight away from the station.
"Sir we are recieving a very faint SOS subspace signal. appears to be a starfleet shuttle, in enemy terrority sir.. transmitting coordinates to helm." Says the young lady on comm's
'Helm, engage course. Engineering prepare all systems for spindrive.'
"Spindrive engaging in 10 seconds.... All decks ready.. Now leaving normal space"
'Engineering.. hows the drive looking?'
"stable sir, throwing out some reserve power as well. Ill monitor it carefully sir, engineering out"
"ETA to distress area 5 minutes"
'Now something bad happens, yellow alert...'
"15 enemy ships on intercept... how did you know sir?"
'Battle stations, give them a greeting. say it with torpedoes...'
"Aye sir, combined drop torpedo strike engaged."
'Hmmm they thought of that one and added it to the book.. Damn, intiate a barrel roll to 324.5 mark 32 heading upon firing.'
"Thats not in the book sir.. I think you want high energy turning."
'I thought it was standard on this class of ship?"

The Guardian drops out of trans space and fires torpedoes in the group of ships. Then turns sharply and quickly around the group.

'Tactical.. Laser weapons ready?'
"yes sir.All charged and ready."
'good, target at your discretion'

the battle goes on for 30 minutes, enemy ships exchanging fire at the Guardian, very few actaully hit. 5 ships are left, and they now retreat, heavily damaged. The Guardian is almost stratched, and continues towards strykers shuttle.


Mar 29, 2001
Once Kilham and I return to the ship, Kilham heads off to the bar & grill, moaning ". . . food . . . food . . . beer . . . food . . ." while I head to sickbay as quickly and quitly as I can.

On the way, I observe several things about my new body that are quite cool. It's faster, stronger, silent, and is semi-paychic. Very nice. I sense that captain is, rather romantically inclined right now. I can also sense many other things. But there is one thing that troubles me. Another power, a different one. It's very strong, but doesn't seem to be at any one place, othewise I might check it out.

Right now, Saint Beam starts to go crazy, yelling something, but I can't spare the time right now to listen.

"Keep qiuet, and hold on to that guy. Who nows what'll happen if he gets loose."

Although I love this new body, I can't handle three people being in it at the same time, so I head to sickbay.

. . . . 12 hours later . . . .

Success, the EMH and I finally rigged up the singularity generator (man those things are handy!) to set up a multi-phasic kyro field. The results were kind of like when you shake a box of three different weights of sand. They "settle" and just kind of float apart. While in the field, I felt the same out of body thing that I felt when it happened the first time. But this time I was returned to my rightful body and SaintBeam to his. Unicron, since he didn't have a body, just kind of diapeared.

There were security there, to take SaintBeam to the brig, since we didn't know if we could trust him yet. That would be the captain's call. But before he left, we had a lengthy conversation about our experence. It seems there were more than a few side affects. One was that SB and I are now permanatly (we think) bonded at the psychic level. Athough he is far more powerful in that area than I will ever be (I couldn't be psychic to save my life right now), I will always have a link to him in thought. The second is that we will always be able to re-fuse again if the need were to arise. Who knows, that body we had might come in handy some day. However, there will always be the risk of Unicron coming back.

Enough of that, I'm off to bed.


The Chosen One.
In the brig....

This is by far the strangest experience that I've ever had. But I have to believe it was all the plan of the Goddess. Hehe...I still have my pokeballs so I can break out of here at any time but something tells me I should stay put...for now. I need to figure this thing out before I make a move. I'm thinking clearer than I have for centuries thanks to merging with Thrak. I need to understand....wait a minute. If I could be created from the Lumin Orb's living energy.....Unicron must have been formed from the background energy of the Dark Heart crystal onboard the ship. I must have been absorbing that negative energy for centuries. When Thrak and I were unexpectedly combined, that energy must have been given form and awareness. I wonder if.....wait, what is that.....I can could it be? Yes, the Goddess I can sense her life force....b..but it's somehow different. It's like somethings missing....aghhh! To tired to tell now, I must rest. Wha..? Rest? Tired? what's happened to me? I never needed rest before...Must be another side effect of the merger. So...(yawn)....sleepy...I...Godd..ess...ZzZzZzZz.


Old School RPG
Feb 12, 2000
On route to the station

What ever that object was I've left it in the dust. So now I'm on my way to some unknown station, thanks to this glowing ball of delights that insists that I cooperate.
Maybe this is some alien race's way of initiating first contact. I still don't know what part of our universe I made it to. If this orb is any indication of the knid of races that live here...I'm a long way from home.
Leaving transwarp space in
Whoa! That station is huge......I'm definatily not in Kansas anymore. I'd better sent the standard greeting before they try to blow me to kingdom come.
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