UE3 - UDK Moving Locked crosshair to a different default location

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New Member
Jan 8, 2013
Im pretty new to UDK and unreal script in general.

Ive gotten my camera where I want it but its location causes my shots to land just low and to the left of the crosshair. What I am trying to figure out is whether the crosshair is locked in position on one of the .ini files or if its in some Scaleform package I cant alter? Will I have to build a new UI with a new crosshair or is there a file I can alter to change its default location?

Also I have created a few new classes to get the camera to behave the way I want it to, could I just add a few varibles to re-position the crosshair or is it not something that can be controlled by the script?
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New Member
Jan 8, 2013
So with the scanning through the classes Ive done it appears that the locked coordinate are in this line of code,

simulated function DrawLockedOn( HUD H )
    local vector2d CrosshairSize;
    local float x, y, ScreenX, ScreenY, LockedOnTime, TargetDist;

    TargetDist = GetTargetDistance();

    if ( !bWasLocked )
        LockedStartTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
        CurrentLockedScale = StartLockedScale;
        bWasLocked = true;
        LockedOnTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LockedStartTime;
        CurrentLockedScale = (LockedOnTime > LockedScaleTime) ? FinalLockedScale : (StartLockedScale * (LockedScaleTime - LockedOnTime) + FinalLockedScale * LockedOnTime)/LockedScaleTime;
    CrosshairSize.Y = UTHUDBase(H).ConfiguredCrosshairScaling * CurrentLockedScale * CrosshairScaling * LockedCrossHairCoordinates.VL * H.Canvas.ClipY/720;
    CrosshairSize.X = CrosshairSize.Y * ( LockedCrossHairCoordinates.UL / LockedCrossHairCoordinates.VL );

    X = H.Canvas.ClipX * 0.5;
    Y = H.Canvas.ClipY * 0.5;
    ScreenX = X - (CrosshairSize.X * 0.5);
    ScreenY = Y - (CrosshairSize.Y * 0.5);
    if ( CrosshairImage != none )
        // crosshair drop shadow
        H.Canvas.DrawColor = class'UTHUD'.default.BlackColor;
        H.Canvas.SetPos( ScreenX+1, ScreenY+1, TargetDist );
        H.Canvas.DrawTile(CrosshairImage,CrosshairSize.X, CrosshairSize.Y, LockedCrossHairCoordinates.U, LockedCrossHairCoordinates.V, LockedCrossHairCoordinates.UL,LockedCrossHairCoordinates.VL);

        H.Canvas.DrawColor = CrosshairColor;
        H.Canvas.SetPos(ScreenX, ScreenY, TargetDist);
        H.Canvas.DrawTile(CrosshairImage,CrosshairSize.X, CrosshairSize.Y, LockedCrossHairCoordinates.U, LockedCrossHairCoordinates.V, LockedCrossHairCoordinates.UL,LockedCrossHairCoordinates.VL);

But most importantly it seems to be in this bit of code,

X = H.Canvas.ClipX * 0.5;
Y = H.Canvas.ClipY * 0.5;
ScreenX = X - (CrosshairSize.X * 0.5);
ScreenY = Y - (CrosshairSize.Y * 0.5);

It looks as if it is centering x and y by dividing the screen into two halves while then subtracting 0.5 more from each to center a image.

Currently Im trying to figure a way to to alter this without altering the original UTWeapon class. I was wondering if I could create a new class that extends UTWeapon since UTWeapon is an extension of UDKWeapon?