Monsterhunt UPSX secret laboratory map

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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Download links:

It is merged the first two released PSX maps together. The gameplay is little unfair on higher dificulties so be warned.

EDIT: Note that ther are two spawn places and bots can telefrag you at first original place (until new playerstarts are enabled), so better lower the number of bots while playing online plus they keep dying at that place, dumbasses.

I could have pathed it more for bots and add monsterwaypoints, but I didn't bother with that due to the map being difficult to path.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
You should read readme first, there is download link for the file. There are two versions of it, in fact three counting the original, which doesn't work on normal version of Unreal.
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