Download Unreal Tournament 3 Legally?

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New Member
Dec 11, 2008
Hi, is there any place where I can download Unreal Tournament 3 legally?, the reason is I purchased the boxed version, but I think the game included is faulty or something. I purchased the PC version, it installed fine and all, but I'm pretty sure that the version that was on the disc is actually the console version, or a mutation of the console version.

The UI is most certainly a console UI, you guys may not have seen it if you are PC only players, but the one I got is most certainly for the console. Without any patches applied the game seems to be very buggy, patches help a little, but everything still feels very consolish, non PC, there must be some mistake with the game I got.

Also leading me to believe I have a faulty game, is when I try to find a game online there doesn't seem to be anyone playing, I just assumed it was because I have a mutated console version or something and am trying to connect to the PC version, because other than the game being crap and a failure, I can't see any other reason why people aren't playing it.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.
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