Hmm, I don't really like it with the translocator. I guess it's two different ways of playing DOM.
Without translocator you'll actually have to defend your points and you can prevent people from tagging them.
If you're just spawning, trying to tag a point and being killed, honestly you're doing something wrong. That has nothing to do with DOM as a gametype.
You're either playing with too many players on too small a map, or you're trying to attack a point that the entire enemy team is defending by yourself, while completely ignoring the other points that are undefended.
With translocator it's just about tag->run/xloc into next one->tag->run/xloc into next one->tag, etc... not very interesting for me. There's only the attack part, not the defense.
Btw, how is 'some pickups cannot be reached' an argument for DOM+xloc? That's a matter of map design, not inherent to the gametype...
It's like saying CTF should always be played with instagib on, because without it you can't boost a teammate off the towers on CTF-Face. In short, BS.
In short, you don't know what you're talking about.
telling some one they dont know what they are talking about is both not helpfull and stupid. it is that persons opinion that they do not like the xlocator as much, its not a "Fact" cut and dry 2+2=4 type of situation. Its an opinion, and there are many many people with the same opinion that they simply dont like the xlocator, and they would rather not play with it...JUST LIKE there are many many people who ENJOY the xlocator and want to play with it on. playing with or without it is not "stupid" its a personal opinion. Just like some people like flak more than rox as their "spam weapon of choice" while its not stupid to like rox or flak over one another, but its all opinion. and just like some people liked "dodge jump" more than "dodge" and vise versa, its all opinion, everyone has and is entitled to their own and none are necessarily "wrong"
also i love how people keep saying "xlocator is NEEDED like omfg look at cidom, how in the hell would you get to that control point" ITS FRIGGIN MAP DESIGN PEOPLE! if you flat out dont put control points 45 feet in the air, and put power ups in god knows places then you wouldnt have a problem reaching them lol. it has nothing to do with DOM its self, it has to do entirely with the design of the please stop using that as a "must need xlocator argument"...maybe they will start putting rocket launcher and shock rifle pick ups 60 feet off the ground in DM, then we will have the "omfg, we NEED xlocators in DM!" no, you simply need maps to fit the style of play in which you enjoy, and if thats what you enjoy then more power to you.
so in the end it comes down to, is it more enjoyable personally for you to have half your team have the ablity to fly around very fast and try to "steal" control points with your xlocator while the rest of your team tries to defend the one(s) you have. Or is it more enjoyable for you to have it more of a "in the trenches" battle system where you have to physically kill and over power who ever currently owns and resides at their control point to be able to take it without the ablity to "fly around real fast". PERSONALLY for me the 2nd one is more fun, but that does not mean option number one is not fun or that anyone that enjoys that way is "stupid". its all a mater of personall preference so lets keep it "nice" lol
I said that it was intended to be played (and indeed WAS played) with the translocator enabled.
uh-oh...this isn't looking too good.
/me runs
I have played every unreal game, and have been playing epic's games since 1998, you dont need to "talk down" like your this all knowing being "o the game WAS IN FACT PLAYED THIS WAY" i know very well how the game was and was not thank you very much. I also know that there was both types of DOM servers during 99's hay days, there was servers with and without the Xlocator, i have played them BOTH.
so get off you high horse for a min because in fact YOU my friend are missing the entire point. the point was not "how the game type was made" EVERYONE and there mother knows what the "stock" version of the game is and how its played...nor was the point who is right or wrong, or that i am right and your not. the point is the is a LARGE amount of people out their who enjoy DOM, enjoy the game type MORE if there is no translocator...its that simple that cut and dry. it had nothing to do with who is right who is wrong, if YOU would had read my post and understood it maybe you would have realized fact I even emphasized it had nothing to do with "being right and wrong" it is what is fun to you personally.
yes because you know how ALL of Epics maps are designed SOOOO good that they are ALL played SOO MUCH....and they are all played equally![/sarcasm] when in fact a good 60% of epics maps never see the light of day EVER in any online public server...why is that? because its not fun for most individuals so it never gets voted...look at that goes right back to my point of "fun level, and what people enjoy" NOT right and wrong, or the way it comes out of the package...
just like a map can not be "made wrong" (of course excluding errors etc lol) but so long as the map is complete and playable, there is no such thing as a "wrong map" sure it may suck, and totally not be fun in any way, but its not "wrong"...its the map authors opinion on what he would like to see as a map.
it all stems back to WHAT IS FUN TO AN INDIVIDUAL!!! there is no right and wrong, no black and white. why is it so hard for you to grasp what i am saying, i am not arguing the fact of how a game type was stock out of the post had absolutely nothing to do with that and never did i ONCE say how the game type was and yet you argue that... and after you argue it, you tell me im makes no sence lol, your arguing something i never said lol. its as simple and cut and dry to what is fun to a person, and in this very thread numerous people have stated they like it better with OUT the xlocator, its all personal preference, and its something YOU CAN NOT ARGUE!