Is there any way in Deus Ex...

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I hear only yes.
Aug 6, 2001
Provo... somewhere in Utah.
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To not get "killed" (captured) when coming to Paul at the 'Ton hotel AND have Paul survive? I've tried getting out alive, but when you eventually get captured, the guy says that "only one of them lived" or something.


New Member
Nov 26, 1999
Hannover, Germany
Paul will die when you leave through the window. Stay in the room when the bad guys attack and either fight your way through with Paul or hide in the hidden closet and let Paul do the work, then leave through the hotel, NOT the window, and Paul will survive.


Aug 12, 2001
agh! now I've gotta play it again.
The first time I played it I stayed and fought my way through the hotel; he lived, but was dead later in the story.
The second time I just left.

Techno JF

He Who Has Powerful Words
Yeah, there's no way to keep from getting captured. I never go through the window, because I'd rather not lose Paul. However, I've been as far through the mission as is possible. Let's just say that you've gone as far as you can once you talk to Gunther Hermann.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
In an interview Warren Spector said, that he was disappointed the most in Deus Ex at the fact, that you need to kill 3 people to finish the game.

You need to kill Gunther Hermann, and Walt Simmons. But who is the third? I guess it's Maggie Chao. Is there a way to let her live?
You can get around Lebedev and Navarra.

What really freaked me out, was the death of Jock the first time I played it. I saw that dead mechanic is Paris, but didn't think that much of it.
Next time I corrected that mistake


...smells like groin.
Nov 4, 2001
Right behind you...
Are you serious?

Neither Jock nor Paul died each time I played it... I guess I did all the right things :p

How can you make sure Navarra and Lebedev live?


(Formerly known as Mxtrmntr)
Nov 3, 2001
The Island of the Day Before
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Originally posted by 8-4-7-2
In an interview Warren Spector said, that he was disappointed the most in Deus Ex at the fact, that you need to kill 3 people to finish the game.

You need to kill Gunther Hermann, and Walt Simmons. But who is the third? I guess it's Maggie Chao. Is there a way to let her live?
You can get around Lebedev and Navarra.

What really freaked me out, was the death of Jock the first time I played it. I saw that dead mechanic is Paris, but didn't think that much of it.
Next time I corrected that mistake

Maggie Chao can be let alive, I only used Tranquilizer darts on her. Didn't know tho that you can let Anna Navarre live. Jock never died when I played, Paul died both times I played through it, didn't know at that time that he can survive :(

Maybe Spector was also talking about Bob Page when he mentioned the three people you have to kill. The second time I played through DX, the only humans I killed were Hermann, Navarre, Simons and Page (dunno if these commando bots of which I killed one can be called human; they've got blood, but apart of that, they just seem to be robots, dunno) I tried to play through the game with as few kills as possible, I even managed to evacuate the warehouse where you have to destroy the generator so that no guards would get killed :)


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
I know this comes late:

Just say you won't kill him. But Simons will be pretty pissed off at the debriefing and you won't get your bonus

You can simply surrender to her in the sub station
She will then come to visit you in the UNATCO cell, shortly before Deadalus frees you

When you reach the helipad in Paris after you met the Illuminati leader there, you see a dead mechanic. If you go back to the leader (forgot his name), and tell him, it turns out that the other mechanic was a Majestic12/UNATCO spy.
If you take off without taking care of him, he plants a bomb in the helicopter, and it will explode when Jock takes off from Area 51

You can let him live, if you unite with Helios for example
No, you can't let Navarre live. If you surrender to her at the subway, you'll still have to kill her when you break out of MJ12 and into UNATCO -- otherwise Alex will be too afraid to give you the key to get out.

Why you can't just break through that flimsy little glass door, however, stretches credulity.

Realistic mode! I'm breaking out of the 'Ton on realistic now...stealth and tactics are the only way to survive.


if (think(leet)) kill(scriptkiddey.head)
Jul 25, 2000
Lost in your eyes
The only person you have to 'kill' is Navarra.

Levedev you leave.
Howard Strong you tranq.
Jock kill mechanic.
Anna can be bypassed by throwing a gas grenade at her and having her let you out of HQ. Still is believed to be killed.
Gunther you can run from\hurt.
Simons you can run from.
Page, merge with Helios.