Poor CliffyB

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Aug 7, 2000
I don't know why everyone hates this guy....?Can someone please tell me?.......as long as he makes UT maps he's OK IMO........



Oct 30, 2000
Chicago, IL
CliffyB rules. :D

I didn't even know people disliked him? One time I thought about switching to DM just so I might have the oppurtunity to frag CliffyB!

To me he seems like this mysterious guy who gets on public servers and just destroys everyone in under 2 minutes then leaves.


New Member
Aug 2, 2000
I think it's kind of humorous, all the flak (no pun) he gets from the community. I think at least more than 50% of it just in fun. The rest probably go after his sorta 'pretty boy' image. Makes me wonder if he would get such a rep if he were A) chubby and hairy or B) never released an actual pic of himself. I'm sure there is a certain percentage of folks who have a gripe against his policies/attitude/work/etc. but most are just cheap shots. Just my impression, I really don't KNOW anything, a fact I've long accepted.

Queen LaQuiffa

New Member
May 14, 2000

How can you respect someone who dresses like FlavorFlav and makes a game called "Jazz Jackrabbit"? The term for peeps like CliffyB is "Wigger". Will someone please inform him that he isn't a soulbrother.

I mean, what is with that huge $ pendant? Talk about tacky.

I could not imagine working at Epic and having a guy like this as my boss. The BeastieBoys don't even dress like that anymore! He would probably fire me for stepping on his Adidas.

Check out my favorite CliffyB tribute site here. HeeHaw!


This Spot For Rent
Do you really think he dresses like that every day? I'm pretty sure that's just something he does for his public appearances, just to have a little fun. From what I've read, he's a great project manager and a really cool guy. He was consulting for Wheel of Time, and I think he's project lead for Unreal 2. He's not just a map maker anymore folks.

And what, may I ask, is wrong with a game called Jazz Jackrabbit? It was actually a pretty cool sidescroller. Geezus, I mean, talk about judging a book by it's cover!

Have a little sense of humor, seriously!


habitual line stepper
Aug 6, 2000
Boston, MA
It appears that we have another reason to love Clifford,,,

osx inteview
In preparation for this article, I had some communication with Inoxx, Epic map designer and author of CTF-Face. He admitted that "the original map I did had the playerstarts inside. Cliff (Blezinsky aka "Cliffy B") changed it because he thought that would balance the map." The spawn points were moved to the outside of the towers so that "· when you grab the flag and kill someone, the guy doesn't appear right in your face." While this choice makes sense in solving one problem, the map design team created another: a spawn camper's paradise



New Member
Jul 17, 2000
New York City
From what I've seen/heard of Cliffy, he's a very cool guy and has a great sense of humor (just check out cat-scan.com). His maps totally 0wn. Codex is my favorite DM map and Guardia is my favorite assault map, truly great maps. He does overdress a bit but not much more than should be expected. I mean, you're on the cover of the top-selling PC gaming magazine for God's sake. Anyway don't mess with Cliff :D

Queen LaQuiffa

New Member
May 14, 2000
Originally posted by Blowfish
He does overdress a bit but not much more than should be expected. I mean, you're on the cover of the top-selling PC gaming magazine for God's sake.

But why stop there? He should don the parachute pants and string-up the phatlaces. How 'bout sporting a gold dentalbridge or a brown-bagged Foh'ty of Old E'and a gangsta' tattoo that says, "I can't be faded".

Why don't we send CliffyB to Harlem with fried chicken strapped to his head and see what the brothas think of our "fly-baby GameDesigner with the stuPID-DoPe-movEz and a great sense of humor!"

His apparel doesn't display a sense of humor but rather a tragic sense of fashion. Anyone who would dress in this manner deserves to be ridiculed. If you wanted respect you wouldn't dress like a chump. Undoubtedly the sycophants would rather eat a bowl of CliffyB's ManChowder™ than to acknowledge (Dare I say!?!) the TRUTH!

'nuff said. HeeHaw!


New Member
Mar 13, 2000
Yah, I believe he's brought it on himself.....backfired, so to speak.

Here's the deal: When you dress and act like you're a bad-a$$, and you do it among friends, it can be funny if everyone's aware that it doesn't represent who you really are. I never thought he was a pretty-boy...he looks a bit sleazy, if you ask me. He might be a good guy, though, and I love the game. But if the community treats you (or you treat yourself) like a demi-god, by putting your picture online everywhere with looks that suggest you take yourself way-too-seriously, then expect to be bashed for your vanity.

For example, on his cat-scan site, under "hate mail," he linked a picture of himself to the word "unnatractive," which a writer had labeled him with.....the intention, it seems, to show that the writer was wrong.

Maybe it's just me, but this mug isn't what I'd call my ultimate ideal of male beauty.


Maybe he'd get a better response if he tried to be less like Mickey Rourke and more like just another average Joe that happens to be passionate about creating entertainment for people.

[muTTs] Das

Queen LaQuiffa

New Member
May 14, 2000
Originally posted by [MUTTS] Das

Maybe he'd get a better response if he tried to be less like Mickey Rourke and more like just another average Joe that happens to be passionate about creating entertainment for people.

Well put. I couldn't have said it any better.


Interesting topic...

I've met Cliff while spending a day at Epic and he's nothing like the image he projects. He was polite, down to earth and pretty funny. (as were most of the staff @ Epic)

I find it interesting that people are willing to rip on someone they have never talked with.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I've read lots of interviews with him and he seems pretty level-headed...downright cool even. His personality certainly doesn't seem to match the image he projects. Which leads me to wonder... why? I don't care if he wants to wear hood emblems for jewelry and point at the camera with his arms crossed in virtually every picture I've seen him in.

What that all seems to say is that you can't really judge someone by sight. But image does say something. So...what the hell is he saying?


Aug 31, 2000
Yo Y5, it's the cult of celebrity thing. I'm willing to rip CliffyB because I don't think he really exists. Oh sure, there is an actual person who also happens to inhabit the life of games designer Cliff Bleszinski, but that's not CliffyB. CliffyB is an imaginary media entity who exists only on magazine covers and parody websites, like Elvis or Batman.


New Member
Mar 13, 2000

Well, again....I had mentioned he could be a "good guy," but stuff like this really works to his disadvantage:

From his review of a map from Jeremy "Faceless" Graves:

....And it works extremely well. And I'm not just saying this because he's got a fine freak of a sister who likes to hang out in Gameslink #unrealed and is all over my jock....

Now, that might be a private joke between him and Graves, but it's pretty crass and comes off as arrogant.

Sometimes you have to be aware of how you read to other people....you don't have to live your life in front of a mirror, but being a little sensitive to how you are perceived doesn't hurt....

There are other quotes like that, but I've got to run out to a Halloween party!

[muTTs] Das