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New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
We only got to play the mission once, and had 2 issues that prevented me from seeing if the concept truly works:

1. Opfor went up to the front building lines and tried fighting the tank while it was still out in the open, instead of hunting it in the narrow alleys (which it has to go through as that's where the objectives are).
2. ACE2 made M1A1/2s way too powerful.

Therefore I made 2 new versions - 1 with 2 M2A3s instead of an M2A3+M1A2 (+7-man team), and another with an A-10 with a script that gives it TV-guided GBUs for support (+12-man team), and replaced most RPGs with strelas (which have 1KM max range so that the A-10 can still do long-range/high-altitude bombing safely but will have to risk it if it wants to use its cannon/rockets). Overall it's a 13vs13 mission. Hopefully we'll see how they work, sooner or later.

Even if they do work nicely (which they probably will if I will get enough testing to properly balance them), I just don't see public servers (or even other clans/groups) adapting them. Public servers seem to run only publicly-known missions that don't really require anything from the player (*cough* domination *cough*) and communities/groups/clans/squads seem to only run missions that were made by that same group, which is somewhat understandable considering that the grand majority of missions that are released to the public are total sh*t. Even Xeno who is well known for his domination mission doesn't seem to be getting his other missions played, even though the actual principle isn't very different on some of them (aka fight-die-respawn-repeat).


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Unfortunately some people in the Zeus community have too sh*tty computers to run this (or would not be willing to lower their graphic settings to run this), and thus it's probably not going to get any testing (and as a result not get any balancing) - at least not anytime soon.

I really wish public servers would be more willing to try anything other than domination... But then again 99% of the servers don't have enough players to run any mission other than domination or tiny deathmatch-style missions.


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Well, so far, my opinion of Arma 2 is the same opinion I had of Arma I. It sucks. Too many bugs to count and INF it is not. The models are good and some of the weapons are technically realistic, but overall the game? sim? is a flop. The AI is stupid, your character feels like a drunk sailor, the lag is terrible, and it overall just DOES NOT feel like your there.

Dam, where's CrackWhore when you need him? As much as I hated him at times, I would love to see his 3 page review trashing the **** out of this game. :D
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New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
You can trash Arma 2 all you want (and believe me, I can too), but in the end it is the best thing that was ever made and it doesn't seem like anything better is coming out anytime soon. GRAW2, OFP2, AA3 and others all have distinct disadvantages over Arma 2 which make Arma 2 much preferable if you're into realism, even with all its bugs and issues. I still have my hopes up for BFS, but that won't happen anytime soon.


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Well, so far, I think the best bet for good CQB is Crysis Wars. It needs some movement animation tweaks ( at times I feel like i'm just gliding ), but overall its the best out of all the engines so far. And then of course we need to bring real weapons, vehicles, and aircraft into the game.

Hopefull, Crysis 2 will be out this summer, and maybe the teams like Obsidian Edge and CryRecon will take back up where they left off with Crysis.


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
And then of course we need to bring real weapons, vehicles, and aircraft into the game.
Exactly. So it's not really any better than Arma ;0

In any case, that's not why I made this reply. The real reason is this:

This is exactly what you think it is - DTAS-inspired game mode for Arma 2, taking advantage of Zargabad which is the only BIS-made island that can truly work for it (though the new proving grounds island *might* be sort of suitable and I'm also looking into community islands as possible port targets). I already played the mission 3v3 with friends and 6v6 in the Zeus community, all was quite fun even for the arma-pvp-sucks-die-hard-coop-lovers.

Coding this was actually not as simple as you'd think. The "find safe position" functions made by BIS don't exactly work as expected, and implementing round-based play was also quite annoying, but after a few days of work I got it done and working hopefully bug-free with ACE spectator script for those who die so that they don't get bored while they wait.

Now the real problem is to get this out to actual servers that have people on them, not to mention the ACE requirement probably scares a lot of folks off. Honestly, though, the mission will not be nearly the same without ACE, and would require too much extra work to be made vanilla-compatible, and besides, I don't really bother playing Arma 2 without ACE anymore.

Objective is 2 large ammo crates with somewhat reduced hitpoints so they can be destroyed by either a single AT round or satchel or claymore, a couple of GL grenades, a box of MG or some magazines emptied on it, and are always placed close by but far enough away so that they don't blow eachother up. The mission is round-based and does not need to be restarted until the match is over, which saves a lot of time loading it over and over, and saves a lot of "mission is over, bye!" kind of guys. Lots of parameters are available for the server admin to tweak things, but of course the default settings should work great. A lot more details in the link above.

If anyone actually has any connections that can help getting this mission running on actual servers with players on them, that would be absolutely awesome. After all, the fact new PvP missions don't even get tried out on servers is probably the #1 reason nobody bothers to make any. And with PR getting delayed over and over and providing a respawn-based with possibly some kind of medic-magic BS, it's probably not a good idea to hold your horses for it - Though we'll see when it's released, and in any case, in the meanwhile we can play this!