Damage Scaling

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New Member
Jan 17, 2000
Visit site
If there was one new feature I would implement in Infiltration 2.8/3.0, it'd be damage scaling. Something where the user can define can multiply/divide the amount of damage Infiltration weapons deal. I find how bots pla Infiltration frustrating, too aggressive, so I'd have the guns deal less damage. While this may not be truly "realistic," I think it'd make for better gameplay. Just something to think about...

Darth Greg
Dark Lord of the Sith
ICQ#: 40641320
AIM: DarthGreg
"Evil always beats good, because good is stupid."


New Member
Jul 7, 2000
Wonder why I never noticed that before? The damage mutator I mean.

Anyways both of us, me and DarthGreg were talking about that. Yes, we know it doesn't meet the standard real life deal but server ops can be given control of the damage slider, from say realist to 75% realistc (or 50% but that's pushing it).

Would certainly cover a broader range of people. You still support the realistic people by defaulting to realistic damage (and not letting it go higher) and cover the people who don't like dying so quickly.

Anyways, just a thought.


full-auto SIG abuser
Feb 7, 2000
Well in 3.0 you will die even faster, because everytime you get shot blood (and health) will drip out of your wound, so you'll loose every second a little bit of health. Damage amplification will be useless. You'll just bleed to death.