Aiming Reticule

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Ultralight pilot
Oct 2, 1999
Ohio, USA
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I personally will not be looking forward to the Rainbow Six style aiming reticule. I think you should make an option to remove this from the game. That way, people who don't like it don't have to use it, and the people who do can use it.


I love college... UA ROCKS
Nov 27, 1999
Tuscaloosa, AL
keep it warren.

don't make it seclectible force it. maby aloww diffrent color recitcles and diffrent thicknesses. but no crosshairs. personally i'm getting tired of always having 90% of the standard and mod weapons in any fps to always hit their mark.
i mean even I miss and i'm the man...


True story, I have swung around a corner and had a tango point blank, and I swear to you my shots went all around him (because I was turning) and of course I died, becuase Tangos never miss. I dont mind it at longer ranges, but at point blank it is ridiculous and utterly unrealistic (especialy since youre supposede to be an elite CT force). As long as the reticule doesnt function like that, Ill be happy.

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True story, I have swung around a corner and had a tango point blank, and I swear to you my shots went all around him (because I was turning) and of course I died, becuase Tangos never miss. I dont mind it at longer ranges, but at point blank it is ridiculous and utterly unrealistic (especialy since youre supposede to be an elite CT force). As long as the reticule doesnt function like that, Ill be happy.

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Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
To be honest, I haven't played RB6 in SO long, I hardly remember what the reticle was like- there's no perfect way to do this unfortunately, but we'll tweak it the best way we can. I want it to be simple enough that anyone can 'get it' but functional enough that it serves some form of realism. The way I see it, you gotta make it so people can learn to use it and get better at it. ShakKen and I have been going back and forth on this issue recently, and it's tuff to latch onto anything solid when there's no code for it yet. I think if we simulate the conditions of running while aiming, ie your weapon bobs a lot more and your reticle becomes large or harder to see, it will be harder for you as the player to fire accurately, without having to force the accuracy to unusable.. but then doing that may still make it too easy to adapt..

so all that blabbering to say, we'll try out different solutions to see which one will work best. =)

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Infiltration Sound Engineer
Nov 30, 1999
Heidelberg, Germany
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The only thing that was bad was when you turn around. You shouldn't have that high loss in accuracy (I know it from a paintball match /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif )


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
San Jose, CA
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I have never had the need to go running around with guns shooting people, but paintball is something I play quite abit of. Not with semiauto and 8 million rounds ewither. Pump pistols, 10 shots, and 2 4man teams kicking the crap out of each other.

To tell you the truth I did not see much diff. in my aiming while running, still a crack shot. But when I had to dodge shit; trees paintballs, etc.; and when I was jumping or dropping from rocks and such, your aiming turns to total crap, I mean, I would be aiming at someone and he would have to run to the left 10 yards and jump 15 feet to get hit.

What would be really cool would be that the aiming while running would be less accurate, but not by much; BUT, while jumping it would become wildly erratic, giving you a better chance of pulling a muscle, then of actually hitting your target.


New Member
Jan 25, 2000
Sylvania, OH
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The Rainbow/Rogue Spear Recticule was really good... for Rainbow and Rogue Spear. But you people want max real, and knowing how good your aim is ain't. You should not be able to see how well your aim is. Just keep the default reticules from UT.