Somebody please tell me how to....

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I've got an interesting question. I got this map called DM-WickedMansionClassic, and within it I see custom music. There are two songs in it, and both of them only load when the map is loaded in UnrealEd, and they are both intigrated into the map, so there is no extra umx files attatched. How the heck did the guy do this? Any help or tips would be appreciated.


yeah but if he used them as ambient sound, it would still require extra files along with the zip. When I look at the music browser, I see two songs loaded, but they only load with the map. If i load another map, they are gone, so that means they are part of the mylevel package.


New Member
I suppose he embedded the .umx file into MyLevel by using a console command along the following lines...

obj load file=..\Music\MyMusic.umx package=MyLevel
...and then just referenced MyLevel.MyMusic in the level properties. You can almost embed anything in MyLevel that way.


Aug 12, 2001
that's wierd. I remember playing wickermansion on Unreal. The music rocked. Why it was changed for the new ver I dont know, it worked fine in the original.