Xan or Xaero?

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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
A) I launched one of those xan vs xaero a while ago, in april if i'm not mistaking :D

B) xan. xaero is slow compared to xan. Xan jumps, moves, has a way better aim. Xaero is lame compared to xan. :) ANd i do have the q3 experience so I know what i'm talking about thank you.
Q3 is history now, btw. UT rules. Makes sense.

C) loque's sister is way more dangerous than xan or xaero!
Yep, she's one mad cat. PF .. if you want to create a whole army of loque bots in ut, no problem; i've made a specialised bot list, the masterful botlist (using xbots). I've copied loque to list 4, the masterful list, and he ain't the king anymore. :)
That'll teach him a lesson that stuck up..

Beating loque 20-0.. yah right, skill set to minimum and on novice :D
Seriously, ut bots with perfect aim, on instagib, are dangerous.. very dangerous.. i've seen several bots make 15 frags under 10 seconds.. and this didn't happen once.. :(!

Btw the most dangerous q3 bot ain't xaero .. :) .. it's major.
Good nite. or day. Whatever makes you happy :D


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
xaero? isn't that a chocolate bar?

oh.. wait, that's Aero. doh!

now i want an aero! and it's 20 past midnight!
where am i gonna get an aero at this time?


frog steering expert
May 6, 2001
Visit site

xan was easy, so long as he didn't have invis, and shield.

i remember getting hit from all the way across the map with rockets from xaero.


i have improved greatly since i last played Q3. and i only recently attempted to best xan.


who knows?


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Ok enough is enough, you can use every tactique in the "book" to beat loque, cause in the end, he's only a bot :)
NOW, can you beat loque on instagib, amongst other bots, let's say a game of 8 bots, can you stay ahead of loque?
:D (evil laughter?)
TO make it extra challenging, add 3-4 loque like bots.
Prepare for humiliation.

Btw beating loque in ONE map proves NOTHING.
This can be your favourite map for all I know.
Take on loque for ONE hour, no camping no running away on instagib. GOdlike loque. :D

Darkmatch instagib versus loque, tamerlane and xan. NO camping allowed. No spawnsniping.

Hmm.. loque seems to be fighting less harder in flak arena...
strange right?

He got owned by a lesser bot :D


Sup Big Perm, I mean Worm
Mar 23, 2001
NEONITE you were the one who posted the can you beat loque. You said you can use any strategy we wanted and thats what i did. I completed your goal now your saying "Oh thats nothing now try this" Ya know what Ill try it and if i do complete it you just gonna say "yeah right" and up the antee some more. But ill try :)


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell

If I'm playing instagib, with godlike bots, I wanna be on even ground with them, and I'd use a funbot. I don't even like instagib. You have a point though NeoNite. Any godlike bot 1v1 would be easier then multiple godlike bots in DM. I recently started the campeign on godlike for the first time, and well, one of my biggest probs so far is the bots fraggin each other too fast.

As far as Xan vs Xaero goes, on each of their own home maps, Xaero owns, 'cause he has a rail gun. No sniper on Hyperblast. Also, Xan has to deal with the asmd, which AI never fully adjusts to. To easy to combo Xan around corners, whereas Xaero could only be damaged like that by splash from rockets, or BFG, and if you can get the BFG against Xaero on Nightmare, and hold it for more then a couple frags, you are console cheating, or a better man then I.

Sometimes, even if I console cheat he knocks me off the side, and I never bother to fly. Boy was that embarassing.

I love it when Xaero knocks you off the side with something, then rails you before you hit the wrong place... It's all about Xaero's arsenal.


Hooker with a penis
Nov 1, 2000
i just played loque on godlike in sniper arena.
loque like any other bot runs in a straight line untill he sees you. if he sees you, just hide. then sneak up on him again and :sniper:


Sup Big Perm, I mean Worm
Mar 23, 2001
Thanks SamD for telling these brats my secret :)
To beat a bot with perfect aim just shoot em b4 they see you. Thats what i did and these ignorant GooNs are like "yeah right loque on god like is impossible" Well actually its very possible and easier then your think. BTW TooL OwNs.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Ok, so how about this jjax?
I have a masterful botlist, for instagib fun :D around 6-7 perfect-aim bots. Other bots have a near perfect or almost-near perfect aim and there's one llama running around :D
NO WAY i am gonna fight them, cause that'd be a waste of time and useless, one of those bots once made 18 frags under 10 seconds.. no way i can beat that.
I've seen them reach the 500 frags in 15 minutes or faster.. incredible.
instagib that is :)
So yes, you can hide and shoot the bot in the back, and you can win. ...

But eh.. do you have the guts NOT to hide and face the bot?
:)? And i'm talking about loque here or whatever.. any bot on godlike with a perfect aim, and instagib.
I know i don't. So yep, the only way to beat them, is to hide and be damn quick.
1v1 is challenging ok, but no human alive can keep up with 5 perfect aim godlike bots in instagib, without hiding...

Btw spectate a bot in type the following in the console: