modelors needed

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New Member
Jun 18, 2001
Allright, this isn't exactly about Unreal or UT, but please bear with me.

I from a System Shock 2 mod (yes, SS2) called The Shock Project. I'm sure some of you 60000 on these forums have played SS2 and know that is truly a great FPS/RPG/Action game. I have played a great deal of UT mods and i know that some of the model i've seen in these mods are some of the best i've seen in any game.

Basically, what i'm looking for is a talented modelor who can model weapons and various other objects for TSP. If you choose to participate, you need not even worry about working with DromEd (the SS2 editor), we have plenty of people to get the model into the game.

Right now we only have 1 modelor and i would like to relieve the strain.

Follow the link in my signiture if you would like to know more (and if that doesn't work) go to and there are plenty of emails to be contacted.