New Weapon?

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I've got this interting idea for a new weapon in Infiltration: A .22 light, bolt action, with 200X zoom sniper rifle.
This would let players, in version 3 with the weight restriction and credit value, have a med / short range sniper rifle. The damage withe this rifle would be low so head shots will be needed


Wait, that did not make to much sense.
What I ment was that the rifle will have a low weight and credit value makeing it fairly cheap. so you can grab an 'ok' rifle for short/medium range instead of the other more powerful, and expencive rifles. This would be useful for those extra credits.

P.S. Infiltration really kicks!


Why not put in the most recognized firearm in all of history? The 1928 Thompson submachine gun? .45cal, 100 round drum capacity, the thing would be GREAT in infiltration! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Especially 3.0, since it's weight is very high, and price is ludicrously expensive (even in real life!)

/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Hey, I can dream, can't I?

BTW, I like the idea of a .22 rifle. those things are LETHAL with headshots. they go in, rattle around and turn your brains to jelly because they lack the punch to go out the other side. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I wanna be an elven ranger, I want a life that's full of danger,