INF Umod 2.5 not working

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Hello I have a problem. I am a Mac user, I have the Umod Installer from Westlake and I have gotten this Mod to work before. I just had to reinstalle my system soft. because of other problems and now I can't get it to work. When I drop the mod on the Installer it quits because of a type error. Does anybody know WHY??? Unreal is up to date (224b7). UMOD 2.6 Stand alone crashes my machine when I try to go to INF on the game setup menu. It's killing me not being able to play! (weeep, weeep, weep). PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!


I think this should solve your problem. Follow these steps exactly:
-> Step 1: Pick up your macintrash and toss it off the roof of your house or apartment or another very high building.

-> Step 2: Go to your local computer store and buy a PC and Unreal/UT for PC

-> Step 3: Now you can relax and sit back and enjoy Unreal the way it was meant to be.

Ok, ok... I know, that was a bit harsh... /infopop/emoticons\icon_redface.gif)

I'm not retreating, I'm just advancing in another direction!


That's Very funny Mr. bites!!!! When it comes to games I would agree with you but, I am a Graphic Artist and in that area MAC'S KICK BUTT OVER PC'S!!!! So I will not be climbing my house today...


hmm, I might be of help if not for his former reply...

oh well, try anyway

1) rebuild desktop file
2) see if you can download the Umod from somewhere else
3) zap PRAM
4) make sure you have the correct version of everything (isnt there a new UMOD installer for UT? Maybe you downloaded that?)

this is all stuff I did to fix UT when infiltration beta didnt work on it.

good luck, have no idea what to tell you since I'm not using nor have I ever used the original unreal!

oh yeah, macs rock, I don't care what you say


Thanks Thornz but I figured it out last night I was useing an old zipit program so I tried Stuffit 5.5 and it works now. You should really try Unreal. Its really cheap right now and if you go over to nalicity there are about 200 maps. You should give it a try. Thank again for your help.


I take it your zip program treated the file as a text file and converted all the PC newlines to Mac newlines?

Which reminds me. I should get StuffIt 5.5.

By the way, what kind of graphics do you do?


I do proposal graphics for a living and do 3D art and animation on the side. If you wold like to see some work of mine check out the intro design of this web site was done by me. I wish the Unreal editer would come out for Mac because I would love to design maps. Owell maybe someday???


hmm, thats interesting. I use zipit because supposedly it doesnt do that, while stuffit expander has a tough time recognizing PC text files from other PC files. I would have never thought of that...

anyway, yeah, I'm probably going to get unreal. I just pre-ordered UT today, but I want a fix now! I don't want to mail order it either, and the place where I shop only has it bundled with (ick) civilization, or something, for 30$ when I would rather have unreal alone for 20$.


Try Comp USA if you have it around you I have seen it there as a stand alone for $20 but I'm in DC area so who knows. Also has free shipping if thats way you don't want to mail order.