weapon restrictions...

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New Member
Oct 19, 2000
this may be premature, but its an idea.

I'm a little concerned about the lethality of some weapons. The Robar is obviously a pretty mean bastard that could make Extreme Prejudice and such open maps hell for us non-sniper people. I'm also concerned on the effect the HK69 and M203 might have on gameplay- they're also one-shot one kill weapons, but you don't even have to be blessed with good accuracy skills in order to take somebody out with them.

So, here's the point: I'd like to see an option to disable some weapons when you start a game. So we can have a no-sniper match or an all-pistols match or an all CQB match or a NO GRENADE LAUNCHER match, etc. There'd have to be a prompt if your active loadout had an illegal weapon in it, and you could select one of your valid ones or make one up on the fly. Just so we can have good ol in your face up close and personal gun carnage.

People whose playing style neccesitates them to carry a Robar or grenade launcher can join a game that allows them- wich I'm sure there'll be plenty of. And they can have fun out-sniping their fellow snipers or out-exploding their fellow explosive happy INF players.

you like?


Anti-Grenade Launchers/Shotguns
Dec 1, 2000

Soldiers in combat do not have the luxury of selecting their opponents weapons loudout. Niether should we.

Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepards its certainty.
I agree with StalkingViper.
most Tactical Mods and Games dont' give you the ablity to choose if snipers are allowed or not.
it's just another Situation you as a VR soldier have to be ready to face guns ready or in pine box :)




New Member
Dec 13, 1999
If the weapons where truly unbalanced, then in real life the only weapons armies would use are sniper rifles and grenade launchers.

The point of Infiltration is as pure a MilSim experience as you can get, so you'll have to adjust your tactics to suit the game.

One of the balancing factors of the weapons you mentioned are their slow cyclical rates. I've been capped by the bots many times while stuffing a fresh grenade in either of the grenade launchers and I can't tell you how many times I've died while yanking back the bolt on the Robar.

I find the INF weapons to be much more balanced then the default UT weapons (how many times have you seen someone armed with only an enforcer go against someone with a rocket launcher and win, but put someone with an M9 vs someone with an HK69 and you have a pretty fair fight)



New Member
Oct 19, 2000

I'm afraid I disagree with you on the weapons being balanced. I think my suggestion could be a nice feature (I'd imagine most servers would allow all weapons, this is just for special folk like me who don't like the prospect of being sniped or blown up)

but anyways, lets get that online code, and we shall see, won't we?

I'd much rather have the HK69 in that 9mm vs GRL scenario :)

"Soldiers in combat do not have the luxury of selecting their opponents weapons loudout. Niether should we."

That may be true, but how often do soldiers in combat get to choose the weapons THEY carry? ...er.. never. I'm suggesting this for gameplay purposes. And it wouldn't dictate the enemies loadout, only narrow it. Most squads of guys will NOT have sniper rifles and will probably only have 1 GRL.

I'm sorry, I just have horrible nightmares of Robar campers.

Maybe also what I'm gunning for is a restriction to make it more "realistic" like only 1 sniper loadout on each side and only 1 MG and GRL per side.

[This message was edited by Farrell on Jan 08, 2001 at 11:28.]


Back in black
Nov 2, 2000
If the demand is high enough somebody is bound to make a mutator, remember the no grenades mutator?

I for one wouldn't mind having a little all pistol-movie action every now and then to relax from the uber range frags of the scoped guns.

Crosshairs are for wimps :)

Killing stupid people is not just a hobby, it's a way of life.
