That little pic of your UT map: How?

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New Member
Dec 24, 1999
Silverdale, Lancashire, England
Ok. A little background hist first:

My first map (DM-Tylexia) was corrupted last time i attempted to import a little screenshot. You know the one: when you click practice session, you see a little picture of you map on the right hand side.

I need help. How do i get it right this time with my second map(DM-Deep)? Can someone give a step by step guide on how to do it? I am entering it into a compo, that PCG UK are running, to win £1000. IN england, that is a hell of a lot of money. Especially for a 14 year old! So PLEASE don't let me f**k up my new map, it has taken me a month to do. If you tell me, you will be on the credits list! Go on, you know you want to! PLease?


New Member
Mar 21, 2000
Here's how to do it right...

Start up the Unreal Tournament. Once you've done that go to Player Setup and choose play as spectator. Once you've got that settled start a practice session and choose either 1 or 0 bots. Now start the game and fly around until you find a good spot for a picture. Once there press the F9 key. Now close Unreal Tournament and start up UnrealED. Also start up an image program you have such as Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, etc, (NOT MsPaint!). Now, in your image program create a new image that's 256x256 and 72 resolution. Now open up the most recent screenshot you've taken in your UnrealTournament/System directory (Files are named "Shot0001.bmp" for example). Choose the one with the highest number because that's your most recent one. Open that file and copy it to your new file. Now it's going to be larger than 256x256 so either scale it down or resize it in MsPaint. Once you've done that save it as "screenshot.bmp" (or "screenshot.pcx")<--(Without the quotes). Save it in your UnrealTournament/Textures directory. I prefer saving it as a bmp file because it looks better on my computer. Now go to UnrealED and click on the import button on the bottom right side of the screen. Open up your file in the textures directory. Now in the name box put "screenshot" (without the quotes), in the group put "None" (without the quotes), in the package box put "MyLevel" (without the quotes) and uncheck Generate Mipmaps in the Properties section. Then press Ok. Now in the texture viewbar you should see a smaller version of your screenshot. Good. Now press the F6 button to bring up the level properties dialog. Go into LevelInfo, then select your screenshot on the right and then where it says Screenshot as one of the LevelInfo properties, select it. Then press use and it should say something like this: Texture'MyLevel.Screenshot' . If it does then save your map and test it out in the pracitice session dialog in the game to see if it's there.

Hope it helps