Curved Hallways...mirroring effect

  • Thread starter [FiS]Prophetus|PUF
  • Start date
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Ok, I created a curved hallway...large in fact. Applied a standard UTTech (grey color) texture. In the UnrealEd, the textures are blended and looks like one continuous wall texture. But, when I played the map...there are vertical textures from the floor to the ceiling (something like a sea shell). Not bad looking really, but if you stand close and face the wall, everything looks like a hall of mirrors. What is wrong.

How do you blend textures together in a curved hallway? I don't want to see vertical textures or obvious seperations of each texture. Please help.


New Member
Jul 7, 2000
A line on the inside of the shape when it was in the 2d shape editor was touching the outside.

You aligned by floor (sloped wall?).

The wall is simply too complex.

As for the textures, only way to do this is to align by hand. I use the panning tool for this since I find it faster then messing around in the Surface Properties.