Detonator drivers

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Taking over the world.
Nov 10, 1999
Hiya, wonder if I could pick your brains for a mo /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

When using detonator vers 2.08, Unreal runs well in D3D mode. However, in UT I get some awful texture glitches.

I've tried upgrading to Detonator vers 353, which fixes UT quite nicely. Unfortunaltely, altho Unreal runs slightly faster on the castle flyby, after a map change my fps halves. ie 1st map played is great, but after that my fps drops to 15 or so.

Anyone got any ideas?

My system is
Athlon 600
128mb RAM
Diamond V770 ultra (TNT2 Ultra)
Directx 7


Dog Welder

New Member
Nov 11, 1999
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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I am running the ULTRA and I went back to the 2.08 drivers. I simply receive better performance with 2.08 over the Detenator drivers. This is mainly due to the dets being optimized for GeForce and not TNT2.

There are some trade offs though, as the dets, do aid in some texture issues. For me though, these issues have been minimal, thus 208 or 2.40 are the drivers of my choice.