UT2kX UT2k4 custom junk by Fud

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I have balls of Depleted Uranium
Mar 15, 2005
Waco, Texas
I make this to goad myself to get back into mapping. I have around 36 maps on my comp that I started, slightly less then half are completed.

A multi level arena/tower style map designed to take sadistic advantage of the Vortex weapon by creating a giant blender most specificlly for the INV gametype. It features custom emitters, structural meshes, pickup meshes, shaders, and hand painted textures I made for this and a series of maps I had planned. Artistic Style is a mix of factory grunge and steampunk. The beta of this map was by far my most popular.
[SCREENSHOT]http://morbiditydesigns.com/screen/cop3/Shot00000.jpg[/SCREENSHOT] [SCREENSHOT]http://morbiditydesigns.com/screen/cop3/Shot00001.jpg[/SCREENSHOT] [SCREENSHOT]http://morbiditydesigns.com/screen/cop3/Shot00004.jpg[/SCREENSHOT] [SCREENSHOT]http://morbiditydesigns.com/screen/cop3/Shot00008.jpg[/SCREENSHOT] [SCREENSHOT]http://morbiditydesigns.com/screen/cop3/Shot00009.jpg[/SCREENSHOT]

A map I made to make your computer cry when the nvidia 5000 series was the best on the market. It has allot of transparency/shaders, some secret areas, a few booby-traps and some entire walls that are climable. The screenshot sux because at the time I was using a geforce4

A conversion (with Epic's permission) of the ONS map for INV/DM. It looks mostly the same. I removed the vehicles and nodes added weapons and made some areas that were unaccessable into useful map space. It also features healing water. Any water in the map will heal you. Through an odd glitch the deeper the water the faster it heals you in some cases.

DM-Campgrounds2004(remix by fud)final-beta
This is not a straight up recreation there is more playable world in my expanded version along with booby traps and secrets galore. Note: some people got huffy about it's textures (though id didn't care I asked) so to placate those whiny little ... it now uses many of the textures made for my Circle of Pain map. The orrigonal map geometry was done by sum1 else and is credited as such.

RPG Extra's addon for mysterials rpg.
This mutator was a collaberation between my brother (a programmer) and I and was spawned when I wanted mysterials rpg to do things it didn't. Until I opened my fat mouth it was all UT2k3 relics and RPG which wouldn't even work together at the time. This was never completed as my brother was never a highly motivated modder. But at least some of my ideas were done either by people who just ripped em off or those that thought up the same thing. He did however make a webpage for it with some general info which I host on my site. Use the DL below as the other doesn't work. So unless some1 wants to step foreward and say 'hey I'll help develope that' then this is a final build. As it's been years since it was worked on, most likely is.

This stuff is for UT2k4 I hope to also finish some of my projects for UT3. I finish anything good I will add it here.