Check for status of actor

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New Member
Oct 13, 2003
hi, i asked at wiki help desk ;-
If i have already got a valid ref to an actor is there a standard/simple way of checking if that actor is a live or has been destroyed?

i was advised that this could be done by simply checking the variable holding the ref

if(refActor == None)
//Do this stuff if the actor has been destroyed (or the actor wasn't referenced succesfully
//Do this stuff if the actor is alive and referenced properly
so i tried a small test ;-
class touchActor extends trigger

function touch(actor other)
if (other.IsA'vehicle')

function timer()
log ("Vecref = "$vecref);

but the variable VecRef dosent change when the vehicle is destroyed. Which is how i would have expected it to behave in the first place.
Have i missunderstood the reply at all?