Help with server query script

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New Member
Dec 13, 2003
Hi, I own the game Land of the Dead Road to Fiddlers Green.. and actually run the main site for it anyways I am using a php script to query servers and show there info on my page, so far the ut2004 protocol or the u2xmp one work well, except when it comes to showing the players.

The string is there, player names and all but I have no idea how to parse the string to correctly show the values, this is my first attempt at a server query to begin with.

Is there anyone out there who would be able to help me?

heres my query page

I know its pretty sloppy the site is only 2 weeks old

all it can show is the basic info. If theres anyone out there who could help me it would be appreciated, I really want to make a stat tracker but I need to know how to parse the information first.

Thanks in advanced


New Member
Dec 13, 2003
Ive read that thing soo many times. Problem is LOTD doesnt do it that way. Oh well though if anyone buys this game and decides to do something like this let me know.


New Member
Dec 13, 2003
Ok I decided to go with the gamespy protocl, now im having a problem to where the player stats show very rarely. im using //players// to show them. But if I use \\player_property\\playername it works perfectly showing all players names. If I try the same thing with score, ping m deaths it doesnt work just returns null values for each player.

anyone have a clue about this one??