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Malibu Barbie

Action Figure
Jan 21, 2005
I had to reformat my system, and I'm in the process of re-installing unwheel. Is there any place where I can download all of the new maps and cars in one batch rather than one at a time in the downloads page, and then having to look around the forums for the cars and such?

Malibu Barbie

Action Figure
Jan 21, 2005

For anyone who wants it, I've created a single zip file (101 megs) with all of the vehicles and maps plus all of their textures and stuff, and everything in their right folders.



Evil Genius in a Nutshell
Sep 2, 2004
please post it where it's accessable.....
I'm getting ready to reformat my drive too.
I running my master with 60% windoze-40% Linux. I'm going to change it to 80% (Ubuntu) Linux-20% windoze. It would be nice to get evrything in 1 zip package instead of a million zip/rar downloads.....

I'm finding that with this version of Linux, I can do 99% of everything on Linux that I can do on windoze....And it's all free :D
The only place Ubuntu is lacking is in gamming, and it's not the fault of Linux, but the lack of support from game makers.
I saw a stat some where the other day that said Linix is still only about 10%-15% of the market world wide. I think once it hits 15%-20% software/game developers will take another look at scripting for Linux.
Heck, even microsoft uses Linux for their XBox :lol: :lol: :lol: That says enough on it's own :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Nov 23, 2002
You would also have to remember that out of that 10 to 15 percent most of them are servers. Windows is the worst OS out there its only thier awesome marketing that they are on like 70% of the computers out there.

Also I dont think that Microsoft uses Linux on the Xbox I do know that you can install and run Linux on the Xbox but i am pretty sure they use a version of there operating system, I have even heard that you can get a blus screen of death on the Xbox.

I cant wait for the day that Microsoft has less than 50% of the market we then might get a decent OS system and not one that is ganateed to have thousands of security holes.


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
You see .. I use both Windows and Linux for different purposes. I also need to say I dont think Linux is any better than windows. As a matter of fact, both are better than each other in thier own respect. Linux is great for hosting and uses memory very well, windows has great game and multimedia support and is very easy to use compaired to linux. Some will aurgue linux is more secure and has less viruses, this is only true because the majority of people are not using linux. You watch, as more people are using it, there will be a ton more viruses for it. Hell, its open source, technically its less secure than windows, its just people don't take the time to learn it and create viruses for it because not alot of people are using it yet. I don't hate windows, I don't hate linux. I like them both for different uses... linux = hosting .. windows = gaming! :)
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How jerdaygo?
Jan 10, 2004
$n][pErMan said:
You see .. I use both Windows and Linux for different purposes. I also need to say I dont think Linux is any better than windows. As a matter of fact, both are better than each other in thier own respect. Linux is great for hosting and uses memory very well, windows has great game and multimedia support and is very easy to use compaired to linux. Some will aurgue linux is more secure and has less viruses, this is only true because the majority of people are not using linux. You watch, as more people are using it, there will be a ton more viruses for it. Hell, its open source, technically its less secure than windows, its just people don't take the time to learn it and create viruses for it because not alot of people are using it yet. I don't hate windows, I don't hate linux. I like them both for different uses... linux = hosting .. windows = gaming! :)

:2thumb: AMEN :2thumb:


Nicholas 'ProjectX' Udell - UnWheel Maps
Jan 9, 2004
Right behind you.
I just use XP, I've never had any security problems, it's never crashed, nor has it ever caused something else to crash. I'd probably have more problems if I tried using Linux (the foremost being: Which one would I choose) than if kept with windows.


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
ProjectX said:
I just use XP, I've never had any security problems, it's never crashed, nor has it ever caused something else to crash. I'd probably have more problems if I tried using Linux (the foremost being: Which one would I choose) than if kept with windows.
Ya .. I think most the problems with windows are user error. I have been using XP Pro on this system for the longest time... hell .. I have even upgraded a bunch of parts with no issues at all :) We use Windows 2003 Server where I work... I have never had any problems with it crashing on me and it runs solid with everything I have done with it.
The Linux desktop is nice... expecially with 4 screens (more if you know how). I think windows vista (what a gay name) will have that feature as well (I hope anyway). They do need to make Linux simpler though if they want more people to use it. I use Linux for hosting (and occasional game testing) and thats it because installing something on linux takes so much more time and is a pain in the ass. Windows has far better driver support and runs smooth as butter (I dont get how so many people have trouble with it).
ALSO!! --> Proof linux is not as secure..... 2 times a virus has gotten into my linux box and downloaded other viruses and/or starting piinging random IP's. I fixed the problem with a virus scanner. However.... note... I have never had a virus do anything (knocks on wood) with my Windows box. Just food for thought :) Long live both OS's ;)
Best OS solution for most people --> Duel boot system with Windows and Linux and use what you want when you need it :)
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'JeeP' addict
Sep 18, 2002
Visit site
wow, from maps n cars, to a which is better OS ....... lol come to think of it, my win98se hasnt crashed in a real long time...... lol i guess i got good drivers ;)


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
JamesBong said:
wow, from maps n cars, to a which is better OS ....... lol come to think of it, my win98se hasnt crashed in a real long time...... lol i guess i got good drivers ;)
haha ... 98se was a solid OS. I used 98se for 3 years and never formatted the drive it was on once. :D


Evil Genius in a Nutshell
Sep 2, 2004
$n][pErMan said:
You see .. I use both Windows and Linux for different purposes. I also need to say I dont think Linux is any better than windows. As a matter of fact, both are better than each other in thier own respect. Linux is great for hosting and uses memory very well, windows has great game and multimedia support and is very easy to use compaired to linux. Some will aurgue linux is more secure and has less viruses, this is only true because the majority of people are not using linux. You watch, as more people are using it, there will be a ton more viruses for it. Hell, its open source, technically its less secure than windows, its just people don't take the time to learn it and create viruses for it because not alot of people are using it yet. I don't hate windows, I don't hate linux. I like them both for different uses... linux = hosting .. windows = gaming! :)
Not exactly true....What makes windose so easy to use is also it's weakness, .exe....
There is no compairable extention for Linux that I'm aware of. Anyone can install anything on any windows system nomatter what permissions they have.
What makes Linux safe is what's holding it back. If you want to install something, you need to know how to install it. Sure, you can unzip all kinds of stuff, but that doesn't install anything on Linux. After unzipping, you have to know what to do with the files.
Even if you did install a virus on Linux, it's only going to install to the /home/"user"/ not the whole system. Unless you're dumb enough to install it as "su" or /root/. In that case, you get what you asked for :lol:
Having said that, Linux can carry/spread a virus without actualy being infected via forwarding infected email atatchments and such. Spyware dosen't affect Linux either for the same reasons.
But as I said, "it's what's holding Linux back". Most people can't/won't learn something new. It's easier to stick with the same ole'-same ole' problems, keep spending money on the same thing over and over, buy the same flawed OS every other year, spend more on antivirus software, spyware tools, firewalls, security patches, no source codes, etc, etc...
I'll take my free, secure, open source, virus safe, spyware free Linux over MS any day. The gamming community is adding more and more game for Linux every day. Heck, most newer games are Linux compatable anyhow. Gamming is the only place Linux falls short to MS, and that's closeing fast. Outside of that, I'll bet there's not one thing you can do on MS that I can't do on Linux.

whew....having said that....I do still have win2000 pro installed, but use it less and less. been about 1-2 weeks sence I booted into MS.
I wonder why MS doesn't restart their Linux system....Beleive it or not, they were working on one when Linux first came out, but droped it for unknown reasons.
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UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
Not exactly true....What makes windose so easy to use is also it's weakness, .exe....
There is no compairable extention for Linux that I'm aware of.
to name one ... the ".rpm" At least on the core im using you can install most of them simply by double-clicking and linux does the rest. To be honest, I have nothing against linux or windows. I use both for different things and dont hate either of them. Hell... the price of games anymore... dropping money for windows is nothing ... its like buying 3 or 4 games but it lasts you 2 or 3 years. The one thing holding linux back to is also the best part of it.... the constant updates to the kernel. Most people will never take the time to update it and are also overwhelmed by all the cores out and dont even know where to start. I must say... I never would have learned linux if it was not for someone helping me by giving me that push years ago toward a specific core and learning that before I divided out to other cores. However, as much as I also like linux.. as its popularity grows... it will also be hated because viruses will eventually be made for it... it will have bugs .. and it will be ridiculed just the same as windows is today. But to be honest... in the next 10 years I dont see Windows losing any major ground what-so-ever to Linux or the Mac-OS. Im not saying that because I like windows any more than linux (I like both the same).. im saying that because most of the business world is built on windows and so is most of the entertainment industry at the moment. Plus, a vast majority of people are pretty stupid and will never take the time to try something new if it means they have to work at it ;)
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Evil Genius in a Nutshell
Sep 2, 2004
Fadora is i686 isn't it? Ububntu is i386.
what kernel are you useing now? I'm on 2.6.12-9.23 Seems pretty stable so far.:)
Useing Mandrake, .RPM was always wanting me to show dependecies before it would run, and I never cared much for RedHat's GUI's. But that's just me. Ubuntu uses .DEB but it's not quite the same as a .exe file. I tend to use the "apt-get" command to install stuff, or the update manager. That way I know what I'm getting, and how I f*cked up my system:lol:

I think if "Open Office" would advertize, you'ld see a big drop off in MS sales....Open Office does everything MS office does and then some.
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Jul 18, 2004
New Zealand said:

Sony will make a hard drive available for the PlayStation 3, but it will be a separate add-on. It will be a 2.5" removable drive, allowing you to transport large files and swap it out for other drives for more space. Additionally, the drive will come with a version of Linux pre-installed, thereby making the PlayStation 3 a full-fledged PC as soon as the HD is installed.

This should increase the popularity of linux abit.


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
JACK SH!T said:
Fadora is i686 isn't it? Ububntu is i386.
what kernel are you useing now? I'm on 2.6.12-9.23 Seems pretty stable so far.:)
Useing Mandrake, .RPM was always wanting me to show dependecies before it would run, and I never cared much for RedHat's GUI's. But that's just me. Ubuntu uses .DEB but it's not quite the same as a .exe file. I tend to use the "apt-get" command to install stuff, or the update manager. That way I know what I'm getting, and how I f*cked up my system:lol:

I think if "Open Office" would advertize, you'ld see a big drop off in MS sales....Open Office does everything MS office does and then some.
Ya.. I use Open Office .. it rocks :D I think the kernel im using is 2.6.9?? I cant recall... I have not updated it for awhile because I have not had the time. Then again I am really only using linux to host my gaming servers so its not a huge issue for me ATM. Hopefully I will have time soon thought to upgrade my kernel and/or core :)

ignacio garcia

Igna! From spain! un wheel adict!!
Oct 17, 2005
(madrid) spain
Hi! My computer was broken! and I couldn´t put me in order!! can you tell me the news!! whens going to be ready the new version¿? and Why the oldest threads has been raised? please i wanna to be "actualiced!!