Building A New Computer For UT2007!

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New Member
May 30, 2005
Are you going to buy a new computer for UT2007? Or are you going to build your own computer for UT2007?

Has anyone got any tips for building a new PC?
Does anyone know any sites that gives you tutorials on how to build your own PC?
Many of you here, have built your own PC (Renegade Retard etc), have you got any tips?



The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
My tip is wait another year or so.
Building a pc for the next gen games now is way too early and way too expensive.

ANother tip is find a good site with a good barebones system you can piece together yourself. It may cost a few bucks more, but most of those places put together the main componenets for you (mainboard, cpu/heatsink w/thermal paste, etc.) as well as doing a test on your components and a burn-in period. Nothing is more frustrating than building a new pc, flipping that power switch, and nothing happens cuz' you happened to get a faulty piece of hardware.

I got my last barebones at Monarch COmputer Systems as well as two of my buddies. They may not be the cheapest compared to newegg or someplace like that, but you at least know what you are gettting is going to work, as well as excellent customer support in the future.

ALso another big tip is dont skimp on your power supply. It's easy to get a new tower and see that it comes with a 500wt power supply and think you're good. FIND OUT what kind of power supply it actually comes with and look it up online for reviews, comments, etc. I fried a power regulator chip on my mobo and had to RMA it due to a crappy generic power supply that came with my tower. It conked out on me and just before it stopped it must have surged or something, frying my mobo's chip in an instant. THAT was a good smell let me tell you.
Anyways... a Power Supply in my opinion is the most overlooked piece hardware in any system. People are too interested in what vid card, cpu, and whatnot that they tend to skimp on the PS and don't realize how important it really is nor how much damage it can do to your system if it's crappy.
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Jun 24, 2004
Vault said:
answer no. Im getting it for PS3

If you have nothing to add then why bother replying? In other words ease up on the posts, you don't have to reply to everything... (no offence, but you're basically spamming)


New Member
May 29, 2005
"Are you going to buy a new computer for UT2007?"

i answered the question Majik

what did you add by saying that?


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
The thread name is BUILDING A NEW COMPUTER and his post asks for answers relating to BUILDING A NEW COMPUTER, not wether you are buying a Ps3 or about going to Best Buy to buy an overpriced fully built system.

Now before this thread gets way too off topic....

Memory, you can also go to which is pretty much the standard site for anyone to go see what things cost these days. You can also easily check out hardware comments/reviews/merchant reviews there as well.


Jun 24, 2004
Sigh, use some common sense, Vault... I'm not really interested in flaming you, but your way of posting is annoying (seriously, you have 46 posts in less than one day, in other words...spamming).

Sorry, Memory, for the off-topicness. Didn't think I would need two posts to get my point across, I'm finished here.

Anyway, as BB already said, it would be best to wait till next year before you really look into what kind of hardware you want. We can only speculate in what the prices will be by the time the game comes out.


New Member
May 29, 2005
its not spamming, its boredom, i have nothing to do :(

obviously, Memory doesnt care.. he hasnt said anything to me.. and im glad your finished here. Sigh on your own time


New Member
Apr 14, 2005
Devastator said:
Yes, I'll build a new puter for UT2007. But i'm waiting 'till 1 month before the game comes out.

hmm...wrong way i think..(if there is a wrong way generally)
1. wait until UT2007 is out(or teh demo)
2. run it on ur crappy old computer(and laugh ur ass off;) )
3. buy an Athlon dualcore and a GeForce 7800GTX or the successor of this generation of gfx-card
4. buy an Ageia Physics-cart if it is cheap enough when ut2k7 comes out (Asus is in negotiations with Ageia)
5. play teh game...

i will go that way ;)
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Engulfed In Flames
Mar 19, 2005
Offline playing with bots :/
I agree with BooGiTyBoY in that you should build your own PC, it's less propriatary so if you ever need to swap out a part you won't have to worry about possible problems with certain parts (Such as Dell with their custom Motherboards and Power Supplies). There pretty easy to assemble and they come with pretty thorough documentation so you should haveno troubles as long as you read the docs thoroughly. I also agree that you should wait at least until more about the game is known about the engine and it's requirements and also waiting till around it's release ain't a bad idea, buying a new PC now it may not be up to par then.

I also agree with MuLuNGuS in that you should try the game out before you go out and buy a new PC for it, i mean that's just common sense, unless you really need a new PC regardless. I'd also go AMD because Intel is gonna be adding DRM to both their new Dual-Core CPU's and Chipsets that lockout certain types of stuff users can do normally (It's mainly to prevent piracy, but it could negatively affect other stuff as well)


May 10, 2005
I'll be waiting for official recommended specs or the demo.

I always shop locally though. Find the best (preferably cheapest) stores near you and get all the bits separately.
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Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
Jul 13, 2003
in a bag....duh
Visit site
I just ordered a system that I'll be putting together when it arrives. I put a big emphasis on upgradability, so I'll just have to upgrade a few components to get ut2007 running instead of getting a whole new system.


Would you like a second opinion?
Aug 20, 2005
I dont need to buy new pc because i got good graphics card and a fast pc too:cake:


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
I have a geforce 6600 256mb card, and as far as I know that is the only thing I will need to really upgrade. From what i've read from interviews with epic you'll need a geforce 7800 just to be able to play ut2k7 at the high quality settings, and even that will be pushing it.


Bast's Pet
Aug 4, 2005
I will be building a new PC as well, but as others have said, wait till they at least give a release date and some specs to start. I want to try and build my pc myself. I've been told it’s cheaper, and I think its fun as hell. I've put a few upgrades on my current PC, and loved every minute of it :).