1.2 Comments/criticisms/issues/errors

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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
After all the clamoring for us to use the INF Mod Team forums for discussing 1.2, my thread seems to be getting pretty much no attention.



Jan 18, 2005
Errr, no thanks. It is getting attention, it is just that we have addressed all of your listed issues in 3 or more different threads. Take a look around. Another thread won't make this any easier and will infact decrease the attention we can provide to each topic.


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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Arethusa said:
After all the clamoring for us to use the INF Mod Team forums for discussing 1.2, my thread seems to be getting pretty much no attention.


WTF? do you guys actually think we all just set at our computers all day and wait on tippy toes for you to start a thread and all jump on the chance to reply?
I work a 50+ hour week at a real job, i have a steady relationship and a kid, and i take care of an invalid mother, and your p*ssy hurts because we dont reply FAST ENOUGH FOR YOU? Seriously, BUF people, get a grip, it aint about you sometimes....

Now honestly, we appreciate your posting in our forums, but jackassing threads started here after UNpatiently waiting for us to reply implies ill intent, at least to me, for future reference, if we dont reply OMG IN 5 SECONDS from the time of your post, starting a duplicate thread HERE wont do you any good either, or lend an aire of credibility to your suggestions/gripes/wants. I try not to post here anymore, it serves no purpose other than to discourage, but when i see something like this thread started, however poorly disguised as a jaded attack at our team for being unresponsive, is going to illicit EXACTLY the opposite kind of replies you were seeking to begin with.

I'll be happy to reply to anything else boggling you in our forums, there are enough pseudo-intellectual mental meanderings here for 65 forums.

BW out!


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Look, you can scream at me all you like. It really doesn't change the fact that while it was not an attack, thinly veiled or otherwise, it is somewhat frustrating for said comments to be ignored while other threads are not. However, I did post this thread mostly because, as far as I can tell, either no one reading the mod team forums cared or no one was reading them at all. In either case, seemed more like it would get some actual response here. I don't think I did or said anything that remotely deserves that kind of reaction, which I find both obnoxious and rather insulting.


Jan 18, 2005
If you read other posts and other threads on the forums, all your comments would have answers. Frankly, the INF mod team has a lot of time on the ofrums, so we have read it all, and thus do not feel a need to comment again, mcuhless on two different forums.

1) The AKM Sounds: We have gottn comments from manty people saying they are great.

shan said:
oh my god, the sound. Sometimes I just sit there and fire it to hear it go off
keihas said:
Omg AKM rocks, I love the firing sound, the skin looks great, animations are nice...

Both those were in your same thread.

2) Thank you for the nice comment in the FA. We appreciate it.

3) Yes. It has been stated many times that the AKM should be listed as the AKM on the scoreboard. Many... many... many times...

If you keep looking around, you will find comments to every comment/critism/issue you posted. I hope this clears things up a bit. Don't think we just ignored it, we just hoped you would see the many other comments to the same issues.

Note: In the case of some people, we does, infact, mean I. This is just for the people who hate me :nag:


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
I have not seen answers to everything I said. I haven't seen all of those comments posted elsewhere, and I have read the other 1.2 threads. That's why I bothered to post mine.

Also, I did read shan and keihas' comments. To be blunt, either they're insane or they simply haven't heard good sounds ingame. Given the rather abysmal quality of most sounds in Infiltration as it is, I'm guessing it's the latter.
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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
So, unlike Bushwack, you're saying you did read them.

Let me get this straight. You explicitly request people post comments on the mod team boards. You then ignore said comments and do not reply. And you then have the audacity to insult someone when he wonders why said comments were ignored?

I don't think you're an idiot. I think you're being unreasonable and bizarrely passive aggressive, to say the least.


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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Arethusa said:
So, unlike Bushwack, you're saying you did read them.

Let me get this straight. You explicitly request people post comments on the mod team boards. You then ignore said comments and do not reply. And you then have the audacity to insult someone when he wonders why said comments were ignored?

I don't think you're an idiot. I think you're being unreasonable and bizarrely passive aggressive, to say the least.

Hmm, you posted in our forums at PRECISELY 3:21 AM {forum time}the next reply was @ 5:05 AM{forum time}, by an IMT member no less, plus a lot of other replies the latter of which was @ 5:15 AM today/night.

So now I'm curious, how in any reasonable semblance of reality was your post ignored? I think your bizarrely unreasonable and altogether too high maintenence a poster obviously. Apparently in the Arethusa household there is no common courtesy for other peoples time schedule {real life, jobs etc}

Also, how assumptive of you to think I didnt read your post in our forums, I did, I read every word, what irritates me is the timeframe you THINK {read totally off the wall to assume we are to cater to answering anything you posted at YOUR CONVENIENCE NOT OURS}, so you, make ANOTHER , entirely redundant thread, here.

Apparently instead of making a well thought out and thoroughly analyzed reply to your posts, we should all one at a time add our responses in a timely manner....like in less than a 3 hour period?

I'd also like to point out the fact that MAYBE, the entire IMT should read your post BEFORE we reply, sound like a good idea?

Apparently not....

You'd rather one person answers for everyone on the team as to why things are the way they are, go off 'half-cocked' so to speak? Kinda like starting another thread in another forum that probably WILL NOT be read by the entire team since most of them have stopped reading/posting here altogether?

Now that you mention it, this all seems strangely familiar with the whole concept of a 'timeframe', 'ignoring', OMG THEY DONT REPLY IN .0005seconds....etc

oh, there you are Crac.. instaposted, right on SCHEDULE.

Yeah, im the guy overreacting here :rolleyes:, but your being unreasonable thinking we all have nothing to do but lurk our own forums. Do you remotely understand how FORUMS work?
Its something like this:

You Post.....

Some time passes......<important clue here

We read the post......

We discuss, IN PRIVATE, amongst ourselves, the merits of your suggestions/complaints, deciding on the best course of action.......<another important clue

Someone, preferably not me since im unreasonable and entirely passive agressive, replies to your concerns/post....

Then you receive an email saying someone replied to your thread.....

You open your email.....read it......then either reply or F*CK off.....

Pardon us, the members of the IMT for thinking RL is more important than replying instantly to your post in our forums.

Unreasonable.......don't be such a self important ****, k?

Now we will reply in such a manner befitting your post in the IMT forums in the IMT forums, fair enough?
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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
That's right. I'm the one being unreasonable, aggressive, and inconsiderate here.

Look, I don't know if it ever occurred to you, but this didn't blow up until you ran in and started screaming at me for things I never said, did, nor even implied. Not everyone knows your schedule. Not everyone knows the schedule of your team. Hell, not everyone knows you guys don't read these forums. In fact, it's completely incredible that it never occurred to you that instead of screaming and insulting someone who thought his comments were being ignored, it might be better to simply tell him that you have or will read it and respond later.

For f.uck's sake, is there some reason no one here has any capacity for basic civility?


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
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Bushwack said:
...You'd rather one person answers for everyone on the team as to why things are the way they are...

Yes. That's how it works, in the proverbial, real world of 'game design' (or rather - any type of task where a group of people get together).

Instead of having to wait for everybody to reply - you have one guy that has a general knowledge of everything the team is working - commonly called the 'PR guy'. This saves you, not only time (allowing you to continue working), but from a 'stressful / emotional debate'.

Now, if you'd care to answer things 'once and for all' (as Beppo sometimes does for SS - even though he is the coder - not the PR guy), then that's a different story.

But from what I understand from your post - you're suggesting that everybody gets together and talks about the posts, then, collectively decides what to post?

This is confusing, when really, it shouldn't be at all.

Advice: Get PR guy to be your 'answer to all questions' man. He'll take care of the forums / concerns / suggestions so that you guys can keep working on content.

That's how it works. Please take a deep breath and have a complimentary soft pretzel.


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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no this is BUF, we left that at the doorstep...

yes, you were being inconsiderate accusing our entire team, of ignoring your post, when it was NOT ignored, we just havent replied in kind to it yet, why dont you reread the first reply. I quoted your message, yes, I at no time DIRECTLY referred to you in the first person. So your taking it as a personal insult is also silly, when i talk to you Arethusa, i'll use your name, or the traditonal "@ yourname here"...

As far as not everyone knowing my or any of the teams schedule, how do you derive innocence or ignorance, when to see if someone replied, YOU CHECK BACK AT THE ORIGINAL POST? im not being the jackass here, you are, it astounds me how you cannot see how ludicrous it is for ANYONE, using a PUBLIC FORUM would think there is a TIME ALOTTED for a reply?

I think you ignored our replies now since it took you 1 hour and 15 minutes from your second to last post until your last one, see my point?

@ Crac

I think noone would want, nor would i wish upon them the position of "PR GUY".

Not to incite anything, but as far as the IMT being a "REAL LIFE GAME DESIGN" type of thing, that would imply we had some sort of hierarchy, which we dont, we are basically just a bunch of like-minded people wanting to improve or favorite game, Sentry is more like the RL Devs than we are, this is a misunderstood thing. You can no more compare our team to a real Dev team{or even Sentry for that matter} than you can compare an amateur photographer to one whom shoots National Geographic spreads, or Playboy, or SI, apples and oranges my friend. If thats what you guys think we are, your mistaken, but if thats what you are expecting from us, we can only try to live up to it. Both parties should be prepared for failure and letdowns though, its unrealistic to pressuppose that kind of commitment from people, who do not have as thier sole purpose in life, the intention of living and breathing only game creation.
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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
What are you talking about? That thread went an entire day with pretty much no response. Odie explain the AKMSU thing and that was it. After a day, it seemed that either my comments were being ignored or no one was reading the forums anyway, and I decided to link it here, as these boards seem to get far more consistent attention. Where you divine some personal insult or insult towards the mod team is beyond me. I didn't come here to insult anyone or to get in a flame war; I do not understand why everyone associated with the mod teams seems so aggressively interested in pursuing one.
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Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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Arethusa said:
What are you talking about? That thread went an entire day with pretty much no response. Odie explain the AKMSU thing and that was it. After a day, it seemed that either my comments were being ignored or no one was reading the forums anyway, and I decided to link it here, as these boards seem to get far more conistent attention. Where you divine some personal insult or insult towards the mod team is beyond me. I didn't come here to insult anyone or to get in a flame war; I do not understand why everyone associated with the mod teams seems so aggressively interested in pursuing one.

HOLY SH?T and ENTIRE 24 hour period that the entire team hasnt replied to your post......thats my point.
its the same thing as the 'what about WP 1.3" that started near the next day to the release of WP 1.2, if you fail to see how irritating and demanding it seems, then you need to go GOOGLE internet ettiquette, as well as reread the first post, I can only speak for what MY schedule is like and i think i can pretty much speak for the entire team when I say that thier schedules and outside of INF time is no less hectic and consuming than mine, thats the point you are missing, entirely.

if you would like to further discuss my response, I would be more than happy to discuss it via PM on the IMT boards.

@ Crac

having someone know what everyone is doing etc like this mythical PR guy is fine and dandy, but nighe impossible for our team, considering we have people scattered across the globe and time zones, language barriers, real lives etc.
Its a good idea in theory for us, but impractal in its real application ;)

instead we use a program for bug tracking called MANTIS, hes our PR guy, only he doesnt talk to anyone but us. MANTIS only being as good as the beta testing team though. Some things might/will/could slip through even now. we are trying to get everything better for a better 'product' it just takes time, we do listen, as long as it should be taken seriously.
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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I'm getting flashbacks.

Bushwack, as a developer, there are a few things we expect of you. We expect you to make the hobby a full time job and live off breadcrums that people feed to the pigeons in the park and thereby have time for everything that everyone in the community wants/needs. That is what we expect of you and damn you to hell if you don't do what we expect of you.

On a more serious note, allthough the initial post here might not seem like much, it's when you see people demand things of you on a daily basis that will aggrivate you. People tend to forget, or ignore, that everything is being done in whatever time developers have left after work, family, friends and other hobbies. And then it's handed over, for free, to a community that there's no way to please, so the community will continue to make more demands to fix whatever they feel is wrong with what was released, in addition to the demands they are already making for new things.

Being a developer sucks. Being a developer that gives people improvements for free is hell. The only thing that makes developers hang in there, is in many cases the development process itself. In this case, all Bushwack have to do is say 'fuck it, I'm not going to do this anymore" and it's over. We're not going to get anything at all. I might be time for us to realize that that we're in no position to make demands.

I'm not saying the initial post in this thread is terrible in that manner, because it's not. What I'm saying is that it's the little things you get on a daily basis that eats you away. Which, by the way, is one the major reasons why people divorce ;)


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Believe it or not, the members of the mod team are human. As well as having lives external to Infiltration, we've (especially Duke and the beta team) been working extremely hard over the last couple of weeks to iron out as many bugs as possible from the weapons so we can release them. After all that we would like some time to relax, take it easy, and maybe actually use these weapons on the servers. So if we're not addressing the issues you bring up instantly, it doesn't mean we're purposefully ignoring you. The whole point of you posting such issues in our forums is so we can keep track of things and address them when we have a chance, not so we can answer you as quickly as possible. Deeds not words, as they say.

Bush is quite right in saying that we're not the normal mod development team. The whole idea of the IMT is to bring together all the skills needed to create add-ons for Infiltration, and provide tools and references to help them develop them. That's it - it's not to create weapons for the community or even ourselves, that's for the developers to decide. Most of us do want accurate representations of real-life weapons, but for most that isn't their primary reason for doing this. So maybe you ought to change your expectations of us.

If you have any particular issues, don't bother the individual team members about it. As the more-active-co-leader, please direct general questions and such to myself.

EDIT: Wow, 19-minute instapost.
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