Anyone tried Killzone?

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Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
I haven't been following console games lately, so I was surprised to hear the the "PS2 halo killer" was allready out. I wasn't buying into the hype, and I rarely expect much from console FPS's anyway, but I was curious to see how this one would turn out.

IGN gave it a 7.5, said the AI was really bad and the graphics were full of polygonal seems, bugs, and framerate loss. They did admit it would have been a good game otherwise, a "good game with problems". The funny thing is, most of the reader reviews disagree with IGN and give it 9's and 10's.

I was just curious if anyone here had tried it and what they thought. Again, I tend to not expect a lot out of console FPS's, but this game seemed to have a creative sensibility lacking in a lot of console FPS's, and even a lot of PC FPS's, so I thought there was a small chance it could be good. All in all, even if the bugs weren't that bad, I still don't think I would like it that much simply because the multiplayer is online only. The whole point and sole advantage to console FPS's over PC FPS's is the ability to play at home with your friends on split-screen or system link.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Advantage of console FPS's over pc FPS's:
- Use of controller, you can play while lieing down, jumping up and down, running side to the left. Plus point when in mutliplayer you can use one hand to aim the other to slap your oponent. Also, the trigger is so damned awesome. It is fun to fire weapons with semi auto just because you actually sqeeze something instead of clicking.
- Multiplayer, like mentioned
- Fewer bugs and glitches

But to answer your question, no Dutch FPS can posibly be good. It won't be a halo killer, all people who claim that are idiots. IIRC there are ALOT of demo discs of the game out there so keep your eye out for it. Check out whatever gamespy and gamefaqs have to say.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Rostam, not to turn this into a console vs PC debate but I have to disagree with you on the point about the controller. IMO, the controllers are one of the leading reasons why console FPS's don't work, there's just no where near enough precision compaired to a mouse. Most games have to either rely on auto-aim or slow game speeds to compensate for the lack of mouse control, which really diminishes the quality of the action. For an extreme example, if you look at games like Quake 3 Revolution and Unreal Championship, there is just no where near the amount of depth as their PC counter parts because players simply cannot execute the advanced manuevers integral to the games' combat or perform even general aiming at half the speed. Control sticks may be just good enough for realism/tactical games like Socom where ambushing from a hidden location or sniping is more prevalent than intricate split-second combat manuevering, but any game that is more action based automatically has it's potential for gameplay depth limited to a fraction from the get-go.

Furthermore, the limited buttons of controlers almost always cause atleast one or two complications and prevent the use of any commands that stray outside the bare-bones necessities of running, aiming, shooting, switching weapons, and opening doors. Perfect example- in Halo things like doing melee attacks, throwing grenades, and jumping cannot be done while controling your view or aiming because you have to take your thumb off the stick and use the face buttons.

Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference, but I really don't like the sacrifices to control and resultingly gameplay loss that come from using controllers, and I'm only willing to forgoe the problems of the controller if the game is particularly good or more commonly, when I just want to blow up my friends for a cheap thrill and don't really care about skill (which doesn't happen all that often.) For me, trying to play an FPS with a controller is like trying to player Street Fighter with a 2-button NES controller (or for that matter a keyboard) instead of a 6 button pad or fighter stick.
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PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Meh your first paragraph is true. But that is why I like it, you actually need to outsmart your enemy since neither can go for the instant headshot in a split second situation while bunny hopping or something. You actually need to plan ahead, aim where you think the enemy will pop up to get that aiming advantage. The reason why I prefer a controller is the way it feels more like you are actually aiming, with a mouse I just don't feel it.
Oh and just a note, in halo there are 6 things you cannot do while looking around: Melee attack, switching grenades, turning lights on, jumping, reloading / using, switching weapons. And except for the melee attack I really don't see how you would want to do any of the other commands while aiming :p

Anyway I gave my 2 cents now so don't worry about a thread hijack any further than this.


Dec 23, 1999
Visit site
I've played a demo of it. The weapon designs, and animations are really good. ( i liked them more than Halo's). Although the weapons are all fictional, it looks like the devs spent a few weeks field striping real weapons to get their ideas. Game play is pretty fun, though it usally breaks down into the typical enter room kill bad guys, rinse and repeat (at least in the demo) but there was some street fighting, with drop ships providing you with lots of badguys to fight.

For each mission you get to pick 1 of 3 characters to play as. Standard soldier, SAW gunner, or special forces. and the missions play out slightly different depending on who you chose. For example the SF in the demo had thermo/night vision, and (being a small woman) could fit into airshafts, so you could sneak around and silently take out the emeny rather than go in big.

The atmosphere, and visual/audio was very good.. Very grity and dirty war torn feel to the demo level. Pretty much the opposite of Halo's super pretty sparkling clean depiction of blow out cities.

Bottom line --- Is its a "halo killer?" no. But it's a darned fun FPS for the ps2, so if you've got the system it's worth checking out. I'd suggest renting it first, cause i have a feeling that it may be a short game because the production values seemed "above par" so the devs may have spent time making a few levels that were really good, rather than alot of ho-hum levels.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Rostam- I wouldn't say games like Unreal and Quake don't require outsmarting your opponent. It's just that outsmarting your opponent also requires split second actions. Also, on Halo, I would say being able to jump directly after turning to change your direction is pretty important. And forcing players to choose between aiming melee attacks and aiming grenades is an unnessecary sacrifice.

Defcon- thanks for the report. I think I may look for a demo, or if I get curious enough, just buy it and see if it's any good. I barely buy any console games these days anyway and I've got some cash to spare.


Dec 23, 1999
Visit site
I believe the demo i got was from OPM if that helps you any. I forget what other demos were on the disc, but i know it had the usual obligatory useless vids on gran turismo 4. Honestly i really think their going to screw that game up now. I mean they spent like 4 months to get 'photo mode' in the game, because (whatshisname-the creator) thought that people liked watching replays sooo much that you could just chose a car and let the cpu drive around so your hands would be free to didle yourself as you watched the race.. ok.. they droped multiplayer and instead gave us "whack off" mode? am i the only person thinking "WTF".


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
LOL, they dropped MP in Gran Turismo!? Christ, that's like dropping VS. mode in Soul Calibur. I really wonder how the **** developers come up with these ridiculous gimicks. BTW, what does OPM stand for?


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
I get the feeling a lot of the "9/10" people were insane overzealous fanboys who had been sitting around twiddling their bits since it was first announced... mostly because of the politics involved in it being a "Halo killer".

The PS2 is really getting on now and I can well believe Killzone has a lot of problems caused by hardware limitations (which is what the criticisms I've read of it sound like).

Also, Shellshock 67 from the same people just wasn't that good.
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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
It's made by a Dutch company that's only a few bits better than Davilex ...
If that isn't enough of a warning then I don't know what is.

// Gnam :
AFAIK they dropped the on-line multiplayer-version because somehow they couldn't get it done before the Christmas-deadline ...
Rostam said:
Meh your first paragraph is true. But that is why I like it, you actually need to outsmart your enemy since neither can go for the instant headshot in a split second situation while bunny hopping or something. You actually need to plan ahead, aim where you think the enemy will pop up to get that aiming advantage. The reason why I prefer a controller is the way it feels more like you are actually aiming, with a mouse I just don't feel it.
Oh and just a note, in halo there are 6 things you cannot do while looking around: Melee attack, switching grenades, turning lights on, jumping, reloading / using, switching weapons. And except for the melee attack I really don't see how you would want to do any of the other commands while aiming :p

Anyway I gave my 2 cents now so don't worry about a thread hijack any further than this.

Not to continue a hijacking, but you do know you can use your other fingers for these things, yes? :)


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I can't imagine pressing one of the 6 buttons (A, B, X, Y, Black, White) with a finger instead of my right thumb would make things better. But I am not bothered to be honest, I have only missed a melee attack once because of it and all the other commands all work perfectly in this system.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Ok, I bought it, cause I got bored. Overall, it's not a bad game, it's just not that great either. It has some nice features in some cases, and then a lot of points that are just weak.

The AI is basically just SLOW. They'll run for cover, but then they'll just kind of stand there for a while not doing anything. Then don't react very quickly, so much of the time, you don't even have to take cover, you can just stand out in the open and gun everyone down. Of course, eventually, they throw so many guys at you at once that atlreast a few guys will be shooting at you at all times, but it's just a matter of using cover the block the guys that are shooting at you while you kill the guys that are asleep. Overall, they throw enough guys at you that it's not too bad, but it's still not really hard in the slightest.

The weapons are mostly unremarkable. The basic assault rifle that you start with is pretty good, because it has first shot accuracy and recoil, but almost all the other weapons just have static conefire spread that doesn't change at all. Annoyingly, they don't give you a lot of ammo for your assault rifle, so you have to use the enemy assault rifle a lot, which doesn't have any first shot accuracy, so you have to resort to spraying and praying, and occasionally using the buckshot alternate fire.

Multiplayer actually DOES work offline with bots and split screen, so I played with my sister a little. Unfortunately, the bots have a ridiculous amount of health in multiplayer. In single player most of them have the same amount of health as you do, and will go down with 2-3 headshots or 4-6 bodyshots, but in multiplayer the bots seem to take entire magazines point-blank without dieing. At one point I was up on a sniper tower shooting at guys with my assault rifle, they were just standing around in the open easy targets getting shot, and I was shooting with accurate single shots, but I used my entire 300 rounds of magazines and only made 3 or 4 kills. This makes bot play extremely boring, because the bots take forever to find you/for you to find because they are so dumb, and then it takes forever to kill them.

Health for players is fine though, so if you had enough people for a good split screen match it would probably be OK. So far I have only tried team deathmatch and domination. Team Deathmatch has random spawn points, which doesn't make a lot of sense for a tactical realism-oriented game. You don't have a radar or arrows either to find your team mates, so even playing split screen you spend most of your time with all your team mates scattered randomly around the map; it's very difficult to co-ordinate. In domination, I haven't even figured out where the control points are yet. They aren't marked with large colorfull icons like in UT, so unless you have played before, you have no idea where to go or what to do.

On the plus side, the maps seem to be pretty cool. Unfortunately, the non-linear, random nature of play kind of brings them down, but there are a several outdoor, very realistic, but moody and stylized outdoor maps. With good gametypes, they would be fun to play around in. There are also some indoor maps I haven't tried, and several other game types.

Anyway, overally it's one of those games that's frustrating because there's parts that are cool and show a lot of potential, but then other parts that are just incomplete or half-assed. I think the direction that the developers TRIED to take the game in is a very solid concept. It's a combination of sci-fi and realism, and of futuristic technology with archaic dirt and grime. A lot of the weapon designs are pretty cool, conceptually and visually, it's just their implementation in game isn't quite right. For example, the enemy "Helgast" assault rifle has a bull-pup design with a 50 round helical magazine, an infra-red scope, and an attached shotgun under the barrel. Unforunately, it has ****ty static accuracy, making it a complete bore to fire, the shotgun only holds one shell, and doesn't seem to pack the real punch of a 40mm buckshot round, so it's not really as cool as it could be. The developers spent a lot of time on making things like reload animations look really realistic, but then they make the oversight of having the player pull the charging handle every time he pulls out the weapon, even though it should allready be ready.

Anyway, it's one of those games that makes you really WANT to like it, but then it just doesn't deliver in enough places so you can't really like it that much. Overall, it's not a bad game and it still probably one of the best FPSs on PS2, but unfortunately that's not saying a lot coming from PC games. It really seems like the game just wasn't finished when they shipped it and they just rushed it out to meet sony's demands. Maybe they will make a sequel that improves on all the undeveloped areas of the first game.


Ok, I figured out Domination and tried Assault. They are much better because the spawns are fixed; each team spawns at a specific point on opposite sides of the map. Also, the objectives make for more concentrated action. The weapon balance is rather quirky though. The basic ISA ("good guy") assault rifle is one of the only 3 weapons in the game with real first shot accuracy, but all the other weapons overpower it with sheer firepower. Why take the time to aim and make carefull accurate shots when you can just spray your heavy machinegun at the enemy's general direction from 200 meters and make the kill 3x faster? On the other hand, the hellghast ("badguy") assault rifle is completely dominant at the 1 or 2 CQB maps in the game because of the undermounted shotgun. The ISA can get a shotgun if they look all over the map for it, but the helghast spawn with it, so i CQB situations they can just insta-kill any enemies (which is very overpowered because most other weapons take atleast 5-6 rounds to kill average).

Overall though, with the exception of the 1 or 2 CQB maps, Domination is pretty fun. The weapons become less of an issue as you can just kill the enemy with more or less anything you have reasonably fast if you get the drop on him or use team work. It's still a little frustrating that you can just anhilate everybody from any range with a super-powered high ROF heavy machinegun with RPG alternate fire, but it's not so bad. It's more about the course you take around the map and how you work with your team than what weapons you use. So multiplayer in Killzone may be pretty fun if you can find a bunch of people to play with you (I don't really feel like getting a broadband adapter or signig up with sony, so right now for me it's just splitscreen).
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Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Ok, I just beat Killzone last night. My feelings about the game have changed a fair amount:

On multiplayer:

I've come to like domination a lot. The maps work pretty well with it. Most of the them are nice and open, with fields, hills, sand bags, towers, MG nests, trenches etc and have good layouts. If I didn't say it before, in all the modes besides Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, you spawn with your team on a specific side of the map, so that really helps with gameplay.

The weapons are not as bad as I thought. Even the Helghast assault rifle is accurate if you crouch and fire in 1-2 shot bursts (yes, Killzone has posture based accuracy, or atleast, crouching increases it). Most of the weapons, even the heavy machinegun, have some first shot accuracy or muzzle climb and are more accurate fired in bursts. The light machinegun in particular is pretty effective over long range if handled well. While other weapons have more firepower, you can kill faster with the assault rifles than almost any weapon, eve the HMG, from almost any range, if your accuracy is good. I don't think the explosives are too overpowered because the grenades are very hard to arc and the rockets are very slow. Unfortunately, the bots are cheap with them because they have perfect accuracy at arcing and leading the 'nades, but with humans I think they're pretty balanced (although a minimum arming distance like real life 40mms would be nice). Once you learn the weapons, they are actually pretty good, and even though they all seem the same at first, almost all of them do have a specific role or use.

some of the missions gets better toward the late middle of the game. There is one set of jungle missions in particular which actually worked out well. You end up in a larger variety of situations, the enemies actually end up pinning you down sometimes, and in general it's a bit harder and takes a bit of thinking to make it through (although later on most of the challenge comes from the fact that so many enemies have grenade launchers). Toward the end the game lames out though, as they start just throwing lots of "elite" guys at you that are just as dumb as the grunts, but take tons of bullets to kill, and it starts to get very redundant, like playing Halo on legendary.

Overall, I have come to like the game. The single player was not great, but it was pretty fun. I like the muliplayer a lot. The maps are cool, the low first-hit-decisiveness, high value of shot placement, and slow movement speeds, make for fairly tactical gameplay. The weapons are realistic enough in the right areas (accuracy and recoil) while at the same time, they are different enough from real life to be more creative and interesting than a simple sim/realism game. Overall it's similar to Halo in terms being a slow paced sci-fi tactical shooter, but it has more realistic and dynamic weapons and maps. Killzone's assault rifles are what Halo 1 and 2's assault rifles should have been.


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
Don't buy it. It doesn't totally suck, but it is very mediocre in every area except it has nice looking graphics.

Annoying things:
The AI constantly yelling things that make no sense. Or hearing them perfectly if they are no where near you
Every weapon gets cocked everytime you pull it out.
The assault rifle has mags taped together!.... the only mags the soldier has apparently. Everytime you reload he just flips one for the other.
Enemy rifle isn't fun to use. Crappy conefire and useless "shotgun" mode.
Gameplay is very monotonous. Only one way to go and you fight the same enemy foot soldiers that all look identical over and over...
Wannabe slinter cell SF role is a joke, they expect you to knife all the Helghast like a ninja?