Inspiration Nuke to my head (BOOOOM.. ouch..)

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I will rule the world!
Nov 3, 2003
South-south-west england
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I was wondering... if there would be a StarCraft mod for UT2k4...

so when I learn to code or model or code AND model, I'll help whosoever is doing it.

Basically, it will be split between 3 teams, the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. The Protoss have four units to choose from, the Zealot, which uses Psi blades and the only unit that can man vehicles, a Dragoon, significantly slower and more powerful, can't man vehicles, the High Templar, no weapons unless they pick up the magic left behind by a dead fellow High Templar, can't man vehicles, but gets Psi Assault when picks up magic, and the Dark Templar, cloaked, but can be detected by Turrets.

The Terran can also choose from four units, the Marine, only one that can man vehicles, the Firebat which can also man vehicles, the Ghost, most powerful unit but slightly slower, and can cloak, but again detectable by photon cannons (replace energy turrets), and Medic, no attack but can cast three spells, one of them which is heal.

All magic units, exept the Dark Templar have an energy level of 200 unless they kill a certain amount of units, which they then gain an extra 50 energy.

The Zerg can select 6 units, the Zergling, fastest unit, Hydralisk, slower, but more powerful, Overlord, defenceless but can transport and detect cloaked units, Scourge, suicidal unit which suicides do not affect score level, though crashing into a tree deliberatly does, the Lurker, subterranian unit, quite slow and burrows, hence cloaked, and finally the Ultrlisk, extra slow but most powerful.


Raptor to Scout

Primary fire : Fires out a timed machine gun, can only attack ground, fires every two seconds.

Secondary fire : Fires out two missiles, which leave a blue trails and only attacks air, fires every half second.
Damage : 13 A. Damage : 22 Health : 100s, 500hp (600 max) Armour : 3 (Damage reduced by 3, armour is upgradable) Sheild : 0 (Upgradable)

Raptor to Wraith

Primary fire : Fires two lasers, can only attack ground.

Secondary fire : Fires two missiles, (Gemini Missiles), air attack only.

Damage : 9 A. Damage : 20 Health : 550 (550 max) Armour : 3 (Blocks 3 damage, upgradable)

Manta to Templar Clone - Upgrade for High Templar

Upgrades High Templar to Archon

Manta to Vulture

Primary fire : Fires out a fragmentation grenade. Fires every three quarters of a second.

Damage : 18 Health : 575 (575 max) Armour : 2 (Blocks 2 damage, upgradable)

Goliath to Reaver

Primary fire : Fires a devastating scarab missile, with quite alot of splash damage.

Damage : 65, splash damage 32 Health : 650h, 150s (800 max) Incredibly slow, Armour : 4 (Blocks 4 damage, but gains +2 metal armour bonus)

Goliath to Siege Tank

Primary fire : Fires the cannon, fires every 2 seconds.

Seconday fire : Deploys the tank.

Arclite Primary : Fires the arclite cannon, alot of splash.

Arclite Secondary : Undeploys the cannon.

Damage : 30 Arclite Damage : 65, splash 28 Health : 700 (700 max) Armour : 3 (Blocks 3 damage, but gains a +1 metal armour bonus)

Leviathan to Carrier - up to 5 people can man (1 pilot, and 4 interceptor pilots)

Pilot Primary : Set Target for interceptor pilots. Must be aiming at a person/core/node/objective.

Pilot Secondary : Force launch all interceptors to target. If there is to target, interceptor pilots are allowed to attack at will.

Pilot Extra Secondary : Force-recall to ship.

Intercept Pilot Primary : Fires the chain plasma cannon.

Intercept Pilot Secondary : Launches interceptor, if the Carrier pilot has not set a target, you can launch at will.

Intercept Pilot Extra Secondary : Auto-recall to ship.

Leviathan to Battlecruiser - up to 5 can man the Battlecruiser (1 pilot, 1 yamoto pilot, and 3 onboard-gunners)

Pilot Primary : Fire the ATS laser.

Pilot Secondary : Fire the ATA laser.

Pilot Extra Primary : Force-deploy the Yamoto

Pilot Extra Secondary : Take control of the yamoto, and the previous Yamoto pilot becomes pilot.

Yamoto Pilot Primary : Charges the yamoto. Yamoto cannon takes 7 seconds to charge before force-fire. Cannot fire if it is not deployed or not charged over halfway.

Yamoto Pilot Secondary : Deploys the yamoto.

Yamoto Pilot Cannon Primary : Undeploys the yamoto.

Well, Thats all I can think of, and type for that matter. Unit stats will come later, I promise!


I will rule the world!
Nov 3, 2003
South-south-west england
Visit site
I've planned out the unit stats, and figured out what a scorpian could be ;) .


Zealot - Only unit that can man vehicles - melee, fastest ground unit.

Primary Fire : Psi blades, two hits per click, can only attack ground (duhh).

Attack : 12x2 (12 per blade - 24 damage) Health : 100s, 150h (250 max) Armour : 2

Dragoon - Slowest unit - can attack ground and air, can't man vehicles.

Primary fire : Fires out a blue sphere which fires every two seconds.

Attack : 18 A. Attack : 18 Health : 175s, 125h (300 max) Armour : 3 (gains +1 metal armour bonus (4))

High Templar

Primary fire - Only available if templar has Psi Magic.
Primary fires an instant hit psi blast.

Spell Primary (Storm) : Creates a lightning storm in the area, lightning bolts (LG projectiles) fall out of the sky.

Spell Secondary (Hallucination) : Duplicates the target, therefor making a temporary distraction bot.

Merge - Requires Templar Clone

Attack : 25 Health : 75h, 300s (375 max) Armour : 2 Archon Health : 550h, 150s (700 max) Archon Damage : 32 (Splash : 16) Archon Armour : 4 (gains +1 Archon Grid Armour bonus(5))

Dark Templar

Primary fire : Psi Blade - hacks some sorry victim every 2.5 seconds.

Dark Merge - Requires Dark Templar Clone (Scorpian replacement)

Attack : 35 Health : 250s, 200h (550 max) Armour : 3 Dark Archon Health : 400s, 250h (650 max) Dark Archon Armour : 4 (gains +1 Archon Grid Armour bonus(5))


Primary fire : Fires a Psi Blast. Fires every second.

Stats stated above

Marine - One of the two units that can man vehicles - quick on foot.

Primary fire : Fires the Marine's gauss.

Secondary fire : Stim, takes 10 life.

Attack : 6 A. Attack : 6 Health : 125 Armour : 1

Firebat - Second unit that can man vehicles, quite quick on foot.

Primary fire : Burns the thigng infront of you every two seconds.

Secondary fire : Stim, takes 10 life and makes you fire up to 3 times faster.

Attack : 12 (7 splash) Health : 225 Armour : 2

More stats coming soon... meh.. my fingers hurt.


New Member
Feb 8, 2004

Me likes muy mucho...

BTW, don't forget, the Dark Templar is perm cloaked. So maybe you can make him slower or make him be visible when he attacks so it balences it out.

BTW2, I've been looking forward to this kind of mod for sometime. I used to be a VERY hardcore SC modder. I used to help design and test out some of the proggys people use to mod SC today. IE: MemGraft, MPQDraft, and a little bit of StarGraft. Anyway, I don't think anyone remembers, but there was a team for this exact purpose in the original UT. I think it was called UTCraft. (How original...) Long story short: Blizzard (the makers of SC) shut them down saying if they continued, they would sue. So maybe you can make the units the same, but with diff names so there is no conflicts.

BTW3,(whew) I'm Guardian945, just with a diff name.


Minty Fresh!
Jan 3, 2003
Unfortunately, Starcraft isn't possible, since the creators have already stamped on a couple of mod teams for using their intellectual property. A mod based vaguely on it would probably work, but it would still be risky.


New Member
Feb 8, 2004
Unfortunately, Starcraft isn't possible, since the creators have already stamped on a couple of mod teams for using their intellectual property. A mod based vaguely on it would probably work, but it would still be risky.

That's what I said.