UT voices in Infiltration

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Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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It has become "cool" to use the old UT voices in Infiltration again. Especially the taunts. I find it just annoying. When I'm annoyed I get grumpy.

The voice commands in Infiltration are there for a reason. They are there to communicate with your team mates to inspire teamwork and to help prevent your team mates from getting killed due to lack of communication. Some people haven't quite grasped this concept yet. Instead of using voice commands to help their teammates, they use the old UT voices to taunt, spam and do the exact opposite of what the voice commands are there for. If the voice commands doesn't help me not getting killed, they are useless. When they are useless, they are just spam. Spam makes me grumpy.

I'm very selective in what games I play. For me, gaming is just as much about the "feeling" of the game as anything else. Infiltration is, with only a very few exceptions, the only game I've stuck to for for than a few months. And I've been playing computer games since the early 80's so I guess you could say Infiltration is one of my all-time favorites. When some people decide it's fun to mess up my gaming experience with something like this, I get grumpy.

When people just flip you the finger with a "LOLOLOL YOO CAN'T MAKE ME LOLOLZ!!!111" when they are asked to stop spamming the UT voices online, I get grumpy. I would imagine I'm not alone.

Anyways, I just needed to vent a bit. I'll go and be grumpy somewhere else. Thank god for IRC.

Edit : Oops, posted in wrong forum. Mods, please move it if neccesary.
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Jan 11, 2001
I tend to agree. When i hear a new taunt voice, i find it funny for the first 30 min. After that it quickly gets boring, especially when you realize the person who used this voice is always using it. The problem is that a lot of people who use these voices are rather popular in the community, so asking them to stop might go against you. I'm not against trying funny things, but when it's not funny anymore i prefer realism.


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Jun 12, 2001
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Well, it's a bit more widespread than just a few "popular" guys in the community. But I honestly don't care who's doing it. It's just as annoying as if a total newbie was doing it. And they do. And you are right, Ant. There's a limit to how long it's funny. For me personally, it stopped being funny in the early weeks of the 2.86 release.

What I also find equally annoying is the attitude of some of these guys. We are a small community and I have always gotten the impression that there is a mutual respect for other people's opinion on the servers. When I'm asked to stop doing something that someone finds irritating or annoying, I stop. Plain and simple. We have always resolved things like gentlemen on the servers. This is not the case anymore, obviously. I wouldn't be posting here if it were. Now it's " YOU CAN'T MAKE ME STOP! HAHAHA!". Literally. If this is the future for Infiltration online, I won't be seen on the servers for much longer.

Yes, I might be oldfashioned, but I expect to be treated with the same respect I treat others with. I don't think that's too much to ask. Most people who know me can attest to the fact that I do my best to comply with other people's needs and wishes on the servers, both as a server admin and as a player. When I, for once, ask a favor of another, I'm met with the crap described above. And that is, in a nutshell, what annoys me the most.


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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I dont like them either, hard to get where the enemy is, or bearings etc, when they dont have them, use RD and the GD voices please.
I'm with Almost on the irritation factor, sorry DbD people, it kinda ruins my fun, but im a stickler for realism, but hey, its your server, ill just play there and deal with it.

My 2 cents.....

BW out!


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Jun 12, 2001
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I don't want this to turn into a flame thread. There is no need for that. And I'm not going after any clan, but the individuals that use it just to annoy people. I'm not even talking about any specific servers, as I've encountered this on several servers. I have asked people nicely to stop using the old UT voices when playing online and only gotten a big "Screw you" in return. So, I'll just treat them with the same respect I'm treated with. It's sad really. We have a great community with only a few exceptions. It's the exceptions that mess my fun on the servers.


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
You suck Mr. Grumpy!
Die Bitch!
SCNR *megaevilgrin*

I think nearly the same, I don't have a problem if those sounds are used a few times but if they are the only sounds they are using it is starting to annoy me, and it's going to annoy me even more if their written text is as informative as their "spoken". I don't mind if someone is talking rubbish (because I do quite often :D ), but something like "I ruuuuul" or "zzzzzzzzzz" after a few minutes is just not what I like to have while playing.
To tell you the truth the custom voice packs are also anyoing some times. I appreciate the work, really NT and you all, but if someone is spaming spanish (spammed once on a fool train as well ... but not on custom) or french ... ;)

And I do not count **** if some people think that I am an idiot only of asking them to stop something, maybe there are people that think I am an idiot allready but I do not know them and vice versa ... so **** you all! :D
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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I guess your referring to the HAHA LO MATE bind in spanish. yes it can get annoying if abused. It should really only be used if the computer assigns that as the tango down for a specific kill. Then its not that bad. But if someone is using it for every kill it gets bad. Any voice, including the defaults are the same.


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
Almost said:
I don't want this to turn into a flame thread.

I do, and i will even hijack it, if i may. I see where you're coming from, but that's not all the problems on the server. I see one hypocrite here, NTKB, complaining, but no less than 5 minutes ago, he joined a DTAS server and started yelling in all caps "FUCKING STUPID FLAG PLACER OMG".

That is equally unpleasant and makes my inf experience NOT FUN.

Then yesterday, it was KW bragging about how he killed most of our team, then i tell him to have a cookie and he goes all "WTF you UMC assoles".

I'll tell you, custom UT voices are not the problem. They're part of a bigger picture, and that part is common courtesy. If you perform well be happy, don't rub it in the face of the other team. If someone places a flag wrong, tell them they did so, don't yell at them in all caps. Right now, INF is not a enjoyable experience because of thesepeople who think they own the servers. Itrieda come back, but i can't. I'll have to limit myself (again) to ILCR. Right now, ILCR is the pinnacle of INF play, and coming from me that means something.

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
No I do not. You are insane. Ask any DBD or Shan. I rarely if ever talk in caps and if I do whats the big DEAL? Its JUST LARGE LETTERS OMG WHAT A BIG DEAL :rolleyes:


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Jun 12, 2001
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Where I come from, typing in caps is considered yelling and / or screaming. Some people might find that rude and impolite. People don't usually scream at eachother when they are having a normal conversation. That doesn't really bother me though, at least not to the same degree as the UT voices, which I consider to be nothing but spam.

Edit : As for yelling and screaming at people for not doing it the way you want them to, that doesn't solve or change anything, does it? Tell them in a polite way what could be done differently. Screaming at someone on the servers only breeds more screaming and yelling.
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Just wanted to jump in to say that I agree with Almost on this... I find the use of the old UT voice totally stupid and irritating. The hell! I even wonder how's that possible (don't tell... i DONT want to know). If i were a server admin, I'd make everything to be sure this was not possible.

To my big suprise (note the sarcasm please) I mostly experienced this on tDM server. Again, notice that I deliberatly put the "t" in small caps... because obviously when we start hearing these taunts, the "t" gets much less attention to the "DM".

The whole attitude around this makes me regret the first days of 2.9 when people still played EAS. In EAS, you can't just run around the map and kill ppl to win (except if you're called Duke :D *wink*) and wave your virtual finger around while you praise your l33t skillz...

Taunts are not what INF is meant to be IMHO. It's not needed. It's not the point.


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
It's about respect, and the loss of it with this community.

Why does no one respect each other anymore? Hell if I know. Not everyone has lost respect, and I recognize that. There seem, however, to be many people who just don't care, thinking this is 'one more gaming community'. The problem is, this isn't just one more community. This is one of the longest running Unreal communities, and one of the first realism communities around. There is a long history here, older than even Counterstrike. For that reason, every single time I get on a server, I try to act with the utmost respect for my fellow teammates and opponents. It only makes sense; these are the people I have to play with. Infiltration does not have a big community. The game only appeals to a small number of realism fanatics. We are small, secular, and spread out across the globe, and are lucky if we fill one, maybe two servers a day per geographical location. This means when you play, you are playing with the same people each and every time you play. We're the online equivalent of the rural town of 500 people: everyone knows everyone. When we go to the servers, it's the same servers every time, same people every time. We're thrown together, and there's nothing we can do about it, in particular.

So why does no one respect each other? Let's state it differently: why don't you respect your fellow teammates? Don't be shocked; just answer the question. The other day, I did the stupidest thing; while waiting for a member of my team to switch to the other side, I got this bright idea to go and TK him to help him along. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!? I apologized then, and I'll apologize again, now. It was stupid and immature. I don't know why I even considered it being a possible course of action; I never did before. I couldn't even fathom intentionally TKing a teammate. Sure...I've had my share of accidentals, hell, probably my share and a half, but I always apologized immediately afterwards, even if it meant death for me. Always. That's one way I showed respect for my fellow teammates. Then, I expected that same exact treatment back to me, period. If someone TKs me, I expect an immediate "sorry", "sry", "OH SHIT!! Crap, sorry man", or something along those lines. This is not an unrealistic expectation. So, let's take this a step further.

Since we are one, small community, we have no choice but to get along. Period. The only way that anyone will enjoy their time on the servers is with respect. Respect for the game, respect for the unwritten rules (like not cheating, bugging, or using exploits), and respect for each other. When someone asks you to stop doing something, it's not for any simple, immature reason, usually. It's because you're disrespecting a fellow community member. Someone you have to live with and deal with every day. Imagine, if we all lived in one dorm. We ate at the same place, used the same toilet facilities, and had the same recreation facilities. In such an environment, you are bound to run into each other, meet the same people over and over, so you try to get along. Overall, if there is mutual respect between everyone living together, even tough problems can be worked out with a minimum of difficulty. If people don't respect each other, you get unorganized chaos. Right now, our community is leaning towards chaos...and this isn't right.

All it takes is a few ripples to change the surface of this pond. As individuals, even a little bit of common courtesy will improve the attitudes on the server. For example, if someone takes you out in a spectacular, funny, or impressive way, make sure to give them a nod. Likewise, if someone gives you a nod, make sure to return at least a "thanks". If one side is unbalanced, offer to switch before the round is over, even at the cost of you sitting out for a few minutes. I played a series of games the other day, where our side was routinely down two to three people. This should be considered completely unacceptable, always, to let the teams stay unbalanced. The worst part about that, is we kept winning with strategy, communication, and arranged tactics. What did the superior numbers of our opponents do? They said, "This is stupid" and left. They left because they were being defeated by a smaller number of people using text tactics. If you are being defeated by a smaller group of people, by almost 2:1 in numbers you have some serious teamwork issues…but that’s best left to another rant. The point is each individual makes the game fun and interesting, or it can make it the worst experience you’ve ever had. Each person should try their hardest to make it a rewarding experience.

Are the problems fixable? Possibly. The only way that there's a chance in hell of it getting better is if we, as individuals, do not tolerate disrespect. It should be just as large of a social taboo to, say, use UT voices as it is to TK someone. It should be considered just as bad to badmouth your opponents and teammates as it is to use map exploits. The best way I see this happening is if the clan leaders of all the clans enforce this among their members. Either respect your fellow player, or sanctions will be taken against you in the clan. When the tagged people start behaving better, and when those same people enforce and propagate that behavior on the servers, the culture of our servers will change as well. I may be extremely pessimistic about the possibility of this happening, but it's a shot. We should go for it.


Retired but wearing the tag with pride!
Aug 18, 2003
Yep...all those things do annoy me, but not as much as the usual flame-war that normally results from asking the offenders to "cease and desist" ;)

Unless it's done with the intention to annoy though, it don't bother me too much but like we have said when they are asked to stop it normally just get's silly and then everyone's game get's ruined! :(

The different language voices in INf can bug me slightly on public's too, I can see how important they can be particularly in clan-matches, but it seems to me that whenever I am on a packed server these days, I am listening to frech, spanish and god know's what else :D, and I'm a crap UK type monoglot, so I normally don't know whether a team mate has just said "Tango..Down!", "Contact" or " A Bird just shat on your helmet" ;)

For the most part, (and by that I mean 98%) the Infiltration community is made up of good people, people play the game to enjoy it, and treat other players with respect, we have a few "nutters" like any wide cross-section would, but they are by far the minority and for the most part are easily ignorable (at least by me), the odd newbie has come along and a done the usual, asked silly questions, done some silly things but they all learn after some time!
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just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
One of the main problems I had last times while playing (not considering the actual topic ;) ) is really the issue of playing against a team that has two or more guys more than your team has. That way it is no fun, especially if you aren't able to beat them. If you ask people to switch the often regret because they won't be able to play in the next "few" minutes, they will be "dead". That's why I am not switching that often as I do on TDM maps, it is just frustrating if you jump in switch after a few minutes and then have to wait more than 10 minutes only of being nice. Then I normaly get frustrated as well, because if I play INF I want to have fun and that ain't fun.

Another problem I see is that some people are taking it too serious, hell INF is a game. You play it, you have fun. I want it that way, so do most I think. I played on an european server with two other guys, we talked a bit (over say) while playing, suddenly a member of the clan whose server it was asked them to leave and threatened to kick them.
As you pointed it out we are a small community and an even smaller part does not frequent the forums so why not talk with them a bit while having fun?

On a sidenote: If you ask someone to switch it would be a good thing to know if he can play afterwards or not, because if he can't he could also switch the server instead of switching. Another thing I like is that most of you don't have a problem with vote reset round, that way people will switch. :)