SPAM SPAM SPAM I can't stand it anymore

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Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline

SHUT UP! Good god, I am so sick of seeing people bitch about spam.

(Ha, you though I was going to complain about spam, didn't you?).

Name a weapon that cannot be spammy.....

The LG.
That's it. Period. EVERY other weapon in UT can be spammy. Shock, spammy. Just fire secondary's down a hall.
Pulse, of course. Flak, of course.
Mini, of course. Rockets, duh.
Even the damn assault rifle can be spammy. Load up some nades, and PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK PLUNK.

But the thing that really annoys me. When you get, say a flak kill, a good flak kill. Wide open space, point blank shot and you hear SPAMMER. :rolleyes:
Y'know...just because it's a spammy weapon doesn't mean every kill with it is pure luck.

/continue rant/flak specific

I actually LIKE the Flak Cannon. It's my second favorite. (Mini being first, don't get me started on people wanking about LOCK DOWN. Lock down SHOULD BE THERE)....and no it's not because I suck with the LG. I don't suck with the LG.

I have actually been learning how to 'spam' BETTER lately....aka learning how to use the flak (more) effectively
Fighting someone the other day. He's doing a great job of avoiding my flak. He xlocs behind me. I turn and notice, "Hey, what a great angle". I fire at the wall to his left. It richochets INTO HIS BACK and kills him. Planned. Using the weapon as it was meant to be used.

Also, when someone is above you on a ledge. They back up a bit so you can't combo them. HIT THE CIELING ABOVE THIER HEAD. Richochet down and kill them. Spam? No. Nice shot? Hell yes.

Then there's the guy that calls you a spammer just because you killed him with flak. I spawned the other day. Right next to a Flak cannon. Here comes someone (a clan player, no less, who shall remain nameless). He goes dwn quick. He says "SPAMMER". I got pissed. What? I'm supposed to drop the flak and use the assault rifle?? Hello?!?!? Sometimes the flak may be the only weapon you have!! OY!

Don't like 'spam'?? Play INSTA or LG-ARENA and quit your damn bitching, or play a different game.

...and of course, lately, if you call me a spammer, I will make sure to always have the flak and I will hunt you down like a dog. That's a promise.
Stick that in your Lightning Gun and smoke it. :D

Yours Truly:
The Elite 'SPAMMER' :rolleyes:
The Flak Monkey
The Mini Whore
The guy absolutely capable of killing you with an LG



Please tell me I'm not the only one tired of it....


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
First I'd like to point out that many claim the LG is spammy.

Next I'd like to know what your reasoning behind the comment that lockdown should be in the game.

Third: play CTF with 100% friendly fire. The real spam disappears because it hurts your teammates.


VFX Extraordinaire
Apr 8, 2003
Visit site
AMEN!!! :tup: I am sick of complainers, whiners and @ssholes. I totally hear ya Peregrine. OMG LAME BS SPAM LAG NOOB

I have no idea why some people insist on saying that every time they get killed. I have just stopped playing with people like that. I also have a bind that says "Stop complaining or stop playing." Plain and simple, but it usually shuts people up.

All I can say is find some people that play what you like and take over the pubs. I play DM A LOT, and usually try find servers w/ people I know that are cool.


Retired from UT2004
Apr 19, 2000
In position
I agree with you, Pere.
What UT2003 has done to the community is to create a lot of whiners.

But I don't listen to whiners anymore. People who whines have problems and should do something else with their life.
Life is to short & fun for sitting on a server and complain about other.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Yah the Minigun SHOULD have Lockdown but should also do less than 1/8th of the damage it does right now.

Until it is more useful for keeping you on the ground than r4ping your life away, Lockdown should NOT be there.


Minty Fresh!
Jan 3, 2003
For that, young padowan (SP?) Peregrine, you shall have not one, but two thumbs up

:tup: :tup:

And a smiley as well since I'm feeling generous


Agree totally, we get enough spam in our email inbox every day without it appearing in our games as well.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
That's an ok idea brizz. Maybe you could change the two fire modes so one does damage but no lockdown and the other does lockdown but not very much damage just screws the player up and maybe even pushes them.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2001
Here is my theory on why people whine about spam, and why the game is dead and why there is no community anymore:

Pub scene sucks cause for the most part because it rewards spam. Lets take CTF for an example, most pub CTF games revolve around the following theme. 5v5 or 6v6, at least one if not both teams usually have 5 guys playing def, usually all with flak or mini, with some exceptions. They build up adrenaline...and then voila, one of teh defenders makes a speed run, sometimes successful, sometimes not. Meanwhile, those chasing down their flag get into the enemy base and are greeted by the rest of the massive def spamming flak and mini at whoever goes thru teh entrance. This is exchanged back and forth, usually one team dominating the other. So, most people who like a good competitive game think this blows, and leaves, only to find it on the only other 2 normal weapon servers out there. They then maybe try another game type of just say screw it and leave and play another game. But hey, the new guys to the game are having a blast can they can sit in the back of tehir base with 4 or 5 others and just spam some flak, mini, or rockets in some random entrance along with everyone else and odds are good they'll get some frags.

So yeah, I think that when a player gets shredded for the 20th time by yet another flak/mini/rocket user from the enemy team, he/she probably gets frustrated and annoyed with it.

Now, I'm not saying that those weapons require no skill or are just pure spam. When dueling with another person they can all be used tactically and with purpose. Props to those that will set you up with say an expected combo in one direction then alt flak yeah when you switch directions. But when you go into a flag room and see 3-4 guys sitting there with all spam weapons, it becomes a question of whats the point. Sure, some will say you need to bring more offense, so you have most of your team leave your base, and duke it out with the def, but guess what, they all respawn right by there and while you are killing they are coming back fresh with flak cannons and other such weapons.

Regardless if my opinion is right or not, the numbers don't lie. The pub scene is horrid, hardly any servers and rarely do people hang around for an entire game. So new people checking out the game experience teh above, have about as much fun as watching their cats shed, and then go play ET or some other such game. Thus the game is dead. And probably also why no one really seems to care about 2k4 coming out soon. I remember all the hype and discussions going on in all the various ut forums about 2k3. Look around now about 2k4, you're lucky if you see a couple active threads, if even that, on unreal forums.

So yeah, there are a lot of whiners, probably cause people are frustrated that the game they enjoy playing just isn't fun online anymore and so they get vocal about it.


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
TWD: Lockdown. Physics. You are getting hit with many small bullets. I feel there should be SOME detrimental effect to that besides just being wounded. Do I hate being locked down myself? Of course, but I accept it and try to counter it.
Electric Fields would suck bigtime without lockdown. It would be way to easy to just jump down to the flag dish.
Great feeling hitting a guy with the mini as he makes the jump, then he falls short.

Omi, what pubs are you playing on? Good god brother, almost every Pub CTF server I play on has a SEVERE lack of defense. One defender MAYBE if you're lucky. That's usually why I wind up playing defense....because noone else does. They are all GLORYHOUNDS and want to CAP CAP CAP. I would probably cream myself if I joined a server and there was more than one defender. Talk about a rarity.

IMO, UT2003 is dying because of:
-crazy jumping moves that n00bs have an incredibly hard time trying to figure out. Hell, I'm just now getting pretty good at leaping into walls and dodging off of them.
-fast-weapon switching that n00bs also have a hard time with. People better than them ROCKET, switch, LG, switch, XLOC over his head, switch, ROCKET, switch to LG. Noob has ZERO chance with someone that is really good at that. I mean ZERO.
It certainly isn't SPAM or too much D on a pub.


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Well, some of that could be from the RESPAWN effect. That's another thing that annoys me.
"OMIGOD the entire blue team is playing defense!!". you are just killing us so fast, we respawn a lot. Are we suppose to just run out as the enemy is pouring in and leave our base empty??

Da RicK

Stubid newpie
Apr 26, 2001
Next to Santa
**Flak monkey*

I'm so sorry that some maps are really well suited for the flak cannon and thus, i own you puny whiners
it wasnt on purpose
i was born this way


Registered User
Oct 19, 2001
Just want to clarify that I myself am not complaining about spam, and I rarely say anything at all, good or bad, in pub games. I'm just saying the game is dead, and based on my experience in pubs, people are more frustrated about this game for a variety of reasons and thus tend to whine more about various issues, whether it is spam, those "crazy" jump tricks, or those "cheating" fast weapon switchers, or even the "aimbot" hitscanners. Cause guess what, no matter what your playing style, people will bitch about it if they can't handle it.

Altho I do find it ironic that a thread stating how tired of whining some people are is just filled with people whining about being called spammers. I've never been called a spammer, but it sounds like a lot of you get called that on a regular basis. So obviously your playing style annoys the hell out of some people. Take satisfaction in that your technique causes some people problems in game instead of complaining just like they do.


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
LOL! Nice Omi.
I don't get called Spammer A LOT.
I just had to rant. That clan guy that called me spammer when I had no other weapon just royally pi**ed me off!! SPAMMER!!!!

Also, I wasn't cmplaining about fast weapon switching. Just stating that, IMO, that is one of the MAIN reasons n00bs get SO turned off by this game.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
mini blows hands down.

It's completely retarded how you can die in a matter if 1-10 seconds when they are standing near you. No other weapon can kill you like that.