3DBuzz/Epic Radio Event

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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Break out your Winamp and tune in. This is sure to be an event that is not to be missed!

"Live Radio Show - This Saturday, July 12th at 11am CST

We will be airing an all-new 3D Buzz Live Radio Show! This show is going to
be extra special: Our TWO guests will be none other than Epic Games Vice
President Mark Rein, and Epic Games Lead Designer Cliff Bleszinski! They
will be on to discuss the $1,000,000 NVIDIA Make Something Unreal Contest,
and their latest project, Unreal Tournament 2004! And like all 3D Buzz Live
Radio Shows we will open the phone lines so that you can call in and ask
our guests your questions, or just give them your kudos! Now, keep in mind,
UT2K4 has not launched yet, and Mark and Cliff may not be able to answer
every question you may have!

Also, we will have two TOP SECRET surprises for all of you members. These
will both launch at some point during the show. I can't really tell you too
much more than that, suffice to say this: These are going to be HUGE! I
found out that Zak was planning to sneak onto IRC and tell everybody what
the surprises were. Let's just say. he's been dealt with.

We welcome everyone to listen in on this, as it's sure to be a tremendous
event for all gamers and 3D enthusiasts. Also, please join us during the
show in the 3D Buzz IRC Channel, and keep up with the live chat with fellow
listeners! I'm really excited about this show, and I can't wait to unveil
these new surprises! Be sure to tune in!

IRC Server Address: irc.3dbuzz.com Port: 6667

To tune into the Radio Show, follow these steps:
Step 1: Get Winamp (http://classic.winamp.com)
Step 2: Hit CTRL + L which will open an "Open Location" dialog
Step 3: Type in: http://irc.3dbuzz.com:8000
Step 4: Join in and enjoy!