??GreenWithEnvy?? Continuation: Seeking Rockets Other Then Players?

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New Member
Mar 4, 2002
Not worth seeing
Will this work? If I have a seeking projectile, and I want to set a condition for the projectile to meet in order for it to seek its enemy. I used the find inventoy for jd cause I know the player will have this item in their inventory. This is what I have so fare... the part in question will be the area located between the equal signs labeled HELP.

Example: HELP

//GreenWithEnvy Projectile

class GreenWithEnvy expands HRAntiSLV config (SLV6);

var() config float GreenWithEnvy;
var Actor Seeking;
var vector InitialDir;

// Relationships.

reliable if( Role==ROLE_Authority )
Seeking, InitialDir;

simulated function PostBeginPlay() {

speed = GreenWithEnvy;
Seeking = None;
Velocity = Speed * vector(Rotation);
SetTimer(0.5,true); //How fare it will travel before it breaks up into severial projectiles
simulated function timer() {
local vector x,y,z;
local float bestDist, bestAim, Dist;
local vector SeekingDir;
local float MagnitudeVel;
local Pawn Player;
local vector start;
local actor other;
local Inventory jb;


jb = Pawn(owner)enemy.findInventoryType(class'UT_JumpBoots');
if (jb == none) {
else if (jb != none) {
seeking = true;


If (Seeking==None) {

bestAim = 0.85;//0.93
seeking = instigator.PickTarget(bestAim, bestDist, Normal(Velocity), Location);

If (Seeking != None && Seeking != Instigator) {
SeekingDir = Normal(Seeking.Location - Location);
MagnitudeVel = VSize(Velocity);
Velocity = MagnitudeVel * Normal(SeekingDir * 1.5 * MagnitudeVel + Velocity);

x.x+=0.15*(0.5-frand()); // x.y+=0.7*(0.5-frand());
x.y+=0.15*(0.5-frand()); // x.z+=0.7*(0.5-frand());
Velocity = Speed * vector(Rotation);



singular function TakeDamage( int NDamage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation,
vector momentum, name damageType )

if ( NDamage > 5 )
spawn(class'Botpack.BlastMark', self);
HurtRadius(Damage,80.0, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, HitLocation );
// PlaySound(Sound'Botpack.PulseExp',,0.5+FRand()); //6.0);
RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy;

if ( NDamage <= 5 )
PlaySound(Sound'Botpack.PulseExp',,0.5+FRand()); //6.0);
// spawn(class'SLV6.DscarV3', self);
RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy;


auto state Flying
simulated function ZoneChange( Zoneinfo NewZone )
local waterring w;

if ( NewZone.bWaterZone != Region.Zone.bWaterZone )
w = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0));
w.DrawScale = 0.5;
w.RemoteRole = ROLE_None;
function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, vector HitLocation)
If ( (Other!=Instigator) && (Other.CollisionRadius > 0))

function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal)
local vector start;
if ( Role < ROLE_Authority )

HurtRadius(Damage,193.0, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, HitLocation );
start = Location + 5 * HitNormal; //5
Spawn(class'SpriteGreenE',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*4,rotator(HitNormal));

Spawn(class'PuffSmokeGrnV3',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*4,rotator(HitNormal));
PlaySound(Sound'Botpack.PulseExp',,0.50+FRand()); //6.0);
RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy;

function BeginState()
local vector InitialDir;
initialDir = vector(Rotation);
if ( Role == ROLE_Authority )
Velocity = speed*initialDir;
Acceleration = initialDir*50;
// the end

Can somebody show me the light? If this would work, then how would I set the condition that a player most have jd (ut_jumpboots) for the projectile to seek. If the player does not have the jd (ut_jumpboots) then the return should stop the projectile from seeking or reading the restof the script????
Is this correct?

Thank you for your time

AkA FrAgEd


k last title kinda gay :p
well, i only looked at the help area but you can't assign a 'True' value to an actor reference variable (seeking). if you want the projectile to seek only an enemy who has jump boots you can do that (oh and shouldn't there be a dot before Enemy?):

jb = Pawn(owner).enemy.findInventoryType(class'UT_JumpBoots');
if (jb == none) {
seeking = none;
else if (jb != none) {
seeking = pawn(owner).enemy;

this should work if i got your question right.