UED BugList

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Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
As I'm pretty sure that the Epic UED development team is visiting this forum now and then (developers, please step forward...) I thought it would be nice to have them a good collection of all sorts of bugs we have found in this program.
Besides fun, this list IS USEFUL for them.


Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
The reach-spec count grows mystically

When You do a complete rebuild (not separete builds but a complete rebuild) the reachspec count grows even if there are no new items added to the map. The count does not grow if You don't have any path-generating items present, including player starts. If You leave the excessive reachspecs on the map, You find Your gun secondary firing at the start of the game (started as game server).

You can get rid of the excessive reachspec count by reordering the items or part of them and then doing a complete rebuild (garbage collection?).


Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
Vertex editing in textured mode ƒucks up textures

When You vertex edit in textured mode (shift klick to get the vertexes and then drag them around), the UED replaces the affected texture with the texture that You chose the last time. If You do this just after starting up the UED, You will get the bubble texture in there. The texture alignment in the ENTIRE brush is lost as well.


Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
Pasting (copy-paste) pathnodes causes duplicate actor names

If You paste path nodes into the level and You have a gap in the numbering, You will get duplicate actor names from the gap on. This seems to be a bug in the actor naming system not checking for existing actor names after it has found the gap. There is no problem if the numbering is contiguous.

The duplicate named pathnodes (or any actors with duplicate names as well) will freeze UED in the "Clean up" phase of rebuild.


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
When you right click on the minimized UEd icon to close it, the viewports dissapear next time you open the program. Most of us now know how to fix it, but eh :)


Demon Like
Jul 31, 2000
everytime i exit Ued2, and if i want to play UT, UT would appear with the "Unreal Tournament has not been shut down correctley" options menu..

also, the surface properties tabs are kinda wierd.. to use.. you click on one tab, and it wont change to that one..

those are the minor problems i have found.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
lol@the surface properties window. I've got so used to clicking each tab twice that I'd forgotten about that bug completly lol


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
Visit site
if you click on one of the tabs and it dosen't change, but then click where the buttons are supposed to be, they show up one at a time. i just switch back and forth until they show up.


Oct 27, 2001
My room
There's so many errors with the editor that if I listed all of them it would turn into a novel!
I had one rebuilding error where I had to rebuild an older map before I could rebuild a newer one
Of course some of the errors just magically disappear


Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
Why write these errors down here and not spread them all over the forum ?

Yes, there are many errors.
And Yes, it becomes a novel.


Do You want these errors to appear in the future releases of UED as well ?

What this thread is about is to give the UED development team a helping hand. They want to make a good product and they want to make the thing as error-free as possible. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can replace 500 different users as a test crew.

And, it is NOT too late to report errors on UED. As the UED is developed, the developers will not rebuild it from scratch every time they make a new version. That would not be wise. Instead, they reuse the old code and unfortunately the old bugs as well.


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
the one that might have caused the levelinfo to be deleted is. (according to Varpu that it is located at axis 0,0,0 in the middle of the map) is when i selected a large portion of the map with a big red box and deleted all visible brushes and actors. somehow the invisible levelinfo actor (which was inside the red box) must have been selected to delete upon me hitting the delete key.


New Member
Jan 27, 2002
Visit site
I have come across a bug where upon the lighting only lights up brushes and all actors are untouched by the light. Each time I add a new light it works correctly until i rebuild lighting and it stops reacting with the actors again.

aswell as this is if I try and alter or copy any of the lights with coronas....the coronas dissappear =/ very strange.

update: I am going to have to reinstall the editor because every map I do the lighting has this problem fs.

Off the topic of that bug, If you copy and paste anything from one identical version of a map to another the coordinates of the brush or actor (whatever u have copied) change slightly, it would be a good time saver if they remained the same not just similar.
Last edited:


<img src="http://forums.beyondunreal.com/images/sm
Jan 29, 2002
Originally posted by Muttley
I have come across a bug where upon the lighting only lights up brushes and all actors are untouched by the light. Each time I add a new light it works correctly until i rebuild lighting and it stops reacting with the actors again.

Hmm... light filtering through transparent brushes acts this way. Brushes are lit, actors not. Highly annoying.


Chimpus Maximus
Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by StoneViper
the one that might have caused the levelinfo to be deleted is. (according to Varpu that it is located at axis 0,0,0 in the middle of the map) is when i selected a large portion of the map with a big red box and deleted all visible brushes and actors. somehow the invisible levelinfo actor (which was inside the red box) must have been selected to delete upon me hitting the delete key.

Not to dig up old bones, but I found a copy of UT Package Tool a week or so after my last post in that troubleshooting thread. I hadn't deleted your map yet, so I said "what the heck" and tried it - it opened your map, and it did find a levelinfo. There was a problem, no doubt, and maybe there was something wrong with the levelinfo, but it looked ok in UTPT.

A rather odd bug that I've only run across once is brushes that won't delete. A mapper on my team started having them, and finally figured out that the ones that wouldn't delete were ones that he had duplicated. A look in the search for actors browser showed that each of the problem brushes was listed twice. I exported the level to T3D and opened it in wordpad to have a look - the affected brushes were all listed twice. The delete flag was getting set when you tried to delete the brush, but apparently on the cleanup pass it was finding the brush that hadn't been marked for deletion and moving on to the next actor.

Duplicated brushes also sometimes develop errors - vertices become "unjoined" or duplicated, or new edges pop into existence.


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by JTRipper

Not to dig up old bones, but I found a copy of UT Package Tool a week or so after my last post in that troubleshooting thread. I hadn't deleted your map yet, so I said "what the heck" and tried it - it opened your map, and it did find a levelinfo. There was a problem, no doubt, and maybe there was something wrong with the levelinfo, but it looked ok in UTPT.

A rather odd bug that I've only run across once is brushes that won't delete. A mapper on my team started having them, and finally figured out that the ones that wouldn't delete were ones that he had duplicated. A look in the search for actors browser showed that each of the problem brushes was listed twice. I exported the level to T3D and opened it in wordpad to have a look - the affected brushes were all listed twice. The delete flag was getting set when you tried to delete the brush, but apparently on the cleanup pass it was finding the brush that hadn't been marked for deletion and moving on to the next actor.

Duplicated brushes also sometimes develop errors - vertices become "unjoined" or duplicated, or new edges pop into existence.
WOW so what are you saying, is there still hope¿ How do i fix these dupicated things¿ when i could still open the map, i never had to deal with duplicated brushes or other things.


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Originally posted by StoneViper

WOW so what are you saying, is there still hope¿ How do i fix these dupicated things¿ when i could still open the map, i never had to deal with duplicated brushes or other things.

Different thread plz.

Oh, uh, i find that sometimes the Cntrl button gets stuck when I'm moving stuff, and then i go to look around, and I'm still in moving mode. If tha'ts clear.


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by Chrysaor

Different thread plz.

Oh, uh, i find that sometimes the Cntrl button gets stuck when I'm moving stuff, and then i go to look around, and I'm still in moving mode. If tha'ts clear.
im not sure you said it right, but i know what you mean. It happens to me too. ued acts as if you ctrl button is still depressed, even though you released your finger from it.